Sunday, December 31, 2017

men choose women from the physical

WOMEN do not have a specific benchmark for the selection of what men are considered attractive. This certainly benefits men, especially those who are aware that they are not looking cool. This causes competition among sexy women to be more stringent.

Friday, December 29, 2017

13 types of sexual relationships that you might try.

13 types of sexual relationships that you might try.

Sexual experimentation is the key to maintaining a fresh, enjoyable, and satisfying long-term relationship. Delivering what your expectations and needs will make your relationship and your partner closer. "Experimenting each other requires a willingness to accept (the desire of the couple), which will increase intimacy,".

Tips on using Beauty Tips with Vivix

Beauty tips are much sought after by people on, it means many women who want to be beautiful. Even for the sake of getting beauty many people often want to know what a beautiful person does so that person also wants to do it so that beauty can look the same or more less. In Malaysia for example, the beauty of the artist is not a new thing anymore, almost everyone wants to look beautiful like him.

Relationship of Ear, Nose, and Throat

Relationship of Ear, Nose, and Throat
The location and function of the ear, nose, and throat are closely related. Abnormalities in these organs are diagnosed and treated by a specialist called otolaryngologist.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Tips to Eliminate Moles Naturally

Tips to Eliminate Moles Naturally
Quick Tips Eliminate Moles - Moles are a sign for someone, some make the person more beautiful and some that make it look not beautiful. That's why some people want their face clean of moles. Many people who do not hesitate to remove the mole on his face in any way. For those of you who want to remove a mole, you can use some natural way below.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Various kinds of diseases in the ear

Causes of esophageal cancer
The ears are sensitive and susceptible to disease. However, you have to heal quickly, because the ear is very useful for our daily activities, just like other organs. Many conditions cause the disturbance in the human ear. However, not necessarily everyone knows about the kinds of ear diseases in humans. We will share some pretty solid information related to this, happy reading.Ear woundThere is an ear disorder caused by an injury to the outer part of the ear, where it is otitis or infected, and secretes pus. This disease is permanent if the infection is really severe. How to cure diseases caused by these ear lesions by doing this examination to the doctor, and given antibiotics.

Tips to cure cough disease

Tips to cure diseases Coughing - What is Cough? Who is not familiar with this disease? The diseases most often found wherever you are (both small and large environments) are among the most common diseases in adults or children. Many think that this cough is a disease, but it is wrong! Cough is a body defense mechanism in the respiratory tract and is a symptom of other diseases due to activity or irritation to dust, mucus, food, smoke (especially cigarette smoke), and others.  Coughing will occur due to certain receptors, such as smoke that attacks the respiratory tract that will cause the nose (respiratory tract) to be disturbed and eventually from the respiratory tract to signal to the brain and muscles will try to pull out the incoming dirt by throwing it through Cough .

Tips to cure diseases Coughing - What is Cough? Who is not familiar with this disease? The diseases most often found wherever you are (both small and large environments) are among the most common diseases in adults or children. Many think that this cough is a disease, but it is wrong! A cough is a body defense mechanism in the respiratory tract and is a symptom of other diseases due to activity or irritation to dust, mucus, food, smoke (especially cigarette smoke), and others.

Coughing will occur due to certain receptors, such as smoke that attacks the respiratory tract that will cause the nose (respiratory tract) to be disturbed and eventually from the respiratory tract to signal to the brain and muscles will try to pull out the incoming dirt by throwing it through Cough.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Causes of esophageal cancer

Causes of esophageal cancer

The exact cause of esophageal cancer is unknown. However, some risk factors increase the likelihood of obtaining esophageal cancer.

5 Potent Herbal Remedies Reduce Flu

Flu usually occurs in the rainy season. The temperature of the cold and down air suddenly allows the flu virus to spread quickly.

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People who have a weak immune system easily become victims of this flu virus infection. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the flu kills around 250,000 to 500,000 people worldwide each year.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Nose (sense of smell)

Kunjungi dulu Produk baru dan distributor obat herbal (Mohammad Taufiq Karangjati Ngawi) Akan Segera Launching Produk Baru Minuman Herbal"Nurul Hikmah" Harga Sangat terjangkau,lulus uji Depkes,Lulus Uji fungsi/kasiat. Telah terbukti dengan izin Allah Sakit Paru paru sembuh Berkah Minum Herbal "Nurul Hikmah" Syarat Menjadi Distributor /agen/reseller sangat mudah.Anda minat menjadi member,distributor,agen,reseller??? Hubungi dan perkenalkan sejak dini Hub:082323944137 Harga untuk Distributor minimal 1000 botol harga perbotol 10.000 Agen minimal 100 botol harga perbotol 15.000 Reseller minimal 25 botol harga perbotol 20.000 Harga Eceran 25.000 Minuman Herbal"Nurul Hikmah" Sedia kusus ramuan untuk mengatasi berbagai macam penyakit. Obat herbal / jamu tradisional alami . Minuman herbal "Nurul Hikmah" Menjkadi saran dan Solusi alternatif untuk mengatasi berbagai macam penyakit akut dan kronis. Minuman herbal nurul hikmah sedia kusus ramuan untuk mengatasi berbagai macam penyakit. Seperti penyakit paru paru,jantung lemah,maag kronis,asam urat,asam lambung,stroke,kencing manis/diabetes,darah rendah,darah tinggi,kurang nafsu makan,pegal pegal,linu linu,encok, reumatik dll. Semoga membawa hikmah dan berkah Aamiin _________________________________________________________________________

Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) :
Kunjungi dulu Produk baru dan distributor obat herbal (Mohammad Taufiq Karangjati Ngawi) Akan Segera Launching Produk Baru Minuman Herbal"Nurul Hikmah" Harga Sangat terjangkau,lulus uji Depkes,Lulus Uji fungsi/kasiat. Telah terbukti dengan izin Allah Sakit Paru paru sembuh Berkah Minum Herbal "Nurul Hikmah" Syarat Menjadi Distributor /agen/reseller sangat mudah.Anda minat menjadi member,distributor,agen,reseller??? Hubungi dan perkenalkan sejak dini Hub:082323944137 Harga untuk Distributor minimal 1000 botol harga perbotol 10.000 Agen minimal 100 botol harga perbotol 15.000 Reseller minimal 25 botol harga perbotol 20.000 Harga Eceran 25.000 Minuman Herbal"Nurul Hikmah" Sedia kusus ramuan untuk mengatasi berbagai macam penyakit. Obat herbal / jamu tradisional alami . Minuman herbal "Nurul Hikmah" Menjkadi saran dan Solusi alternatif untuk mengatasi berbagai macam penyakit akut dan kronis. Minuman herbal nurul hikmah sedia kusus ramuan untuk mengatasi berbagai macam penyakit. Seperti penyakit paru paru,jantung lemah,maag kronis,asam urat,asam lambung,stroke,kencing manis/diabetes,darah rendah,darah tinggi,kurang nafsu makan,pegal pegal,linu linu,encok, reumatik dll. Semoga membawa hikmah dan berkah Aamiin _________________________________________________________________________

Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money (One Click) :
Nose (sense of smell)
Morphology and Nose Anatomy
We can smell well using the senses of the nose. Try to feel when you catch the cold disease. When the disease is cold, our nose is a bit hard to smell the smells.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Some Signs Of Dangers In Pregnancy

Some Signs Of Dangers In Pregnancy
How are you? hopefully, you are healthy always, this time we will share some information that might be useful for you, especially for the woman who is pregnant, here are some signs to watch out for pregnant women.

Breastmilk Tips Protect Baby from Allergies

Breastmilk Tips Protect Baby from Allergies
Breastfeeding from breastfeeding mothers who consume common foods as allergens, such as milk, eggs, nuts, soy sauce, wheat, fish, and shellfish during pregnancy can actually help protect babies. Newborns can be protected from the formation of food allergies, according to a recent study.

This study shows that pregnant women exposed to food proteins will create a combination of their antibodies, which will move to the baby through breastfeeding. The combination will then become acquainted with the baby's immune system, which will trigger the production of baby's immune cells that suppress allergic reactions.

These protective cells will continue to stay in the body for a long period of time. Even if the Child has not received antibodies from his mother

These findings support the latest allergy prevention approach. The previous mother advised avoiding eating allergens during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Food during pregnancy

This controlled study shows that mothers should feel free to eat healthy foods and diets during pregnancy and breastfeeding, "said James R. Baker, a professor at the University of Michigan, quoting the Times of India on Thursday (14/12/2017).

"Eating nutritious foods when pregnant and breastfeeding will not cause food allergies during infancy, and may even protect them from food allergies," Baker said.

Skin Care Tips for Women 

The study, led by the University of Michigan is published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine.  

Monday, December 18, 2017

10 Foods Rich in Potassium Besides Bananas

Compared to sports drinks, bananas are considered a natural energy producer in the world of fitness. A research study supports this notion, where cyclone endurance is more abundant when it consumes bananas rather than drinking sports drinks.
10 Foods Rich in Potassium Besides Bananas
10 Foods Rich in Potassium Besides Banana

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Tips Kick Caution To Remember Always Wedding Anniversary

Tips Kick Caution To Remember Always Wedding Anniversary

Getting married is a sign that your level of life has gone up in class. Who is not happy to have a legitimate partner of religion and state. Especially in the next year, you are blessed with a cute and adorable baby. Another wonderful thing that can not be forgotten is remembering the moment of the birthday of the wedding.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Benefits When performing prostration in prayer

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When performing prostration, there are 5 limbs that rest on the floor (earth), namely: forehead, nose, palms, knees and both ends of the toes.Prostration is the concept of humbling ourselves, praising God and asking all kinds of requests to Allah. At once, erode the nature of arrogant, Riya ', takabur, dll.


The human body consists of organs of the body which each have a certain function. In order for the organs of the body to work together properly, coordination is required. In humans and most animals, coordination is done by the nervous system, the sensory system, and the hormonal system. In this chapter will only be discussed two of them, namely the nervous system and the sensory system.


The nervous system plays a role in the irritability of the body. Do you know what is irritability? Irritability allows living things to adapt and respond to changes in their environment. Thus, irritability is the ability to respond to stimuli.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Diabetes is a lifelong disease, but it can be managed with diet control and physical activity

Diabetes is a lifelong disease, but it can be managed with diet control and physical activity
Diabetes is a lifelong disease, but it can be managed with diet control and physical activity.
According to dr. Tri Juli Edi Tarigan, Sp.PD-KEMD, FINASIM, an internist and endocrine consultant from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, the right physical activity for people with diabetes is moderate intensity aerobics such as brisk walking, cycling, jogging, and swimming.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

vegetables and fruits are good for the growth of the child's brain

Growth and development have a very important factor that must be considered by parents. Both from the pattern of activities in play, eating, drinking, bathing, educational intake or food intakes such as vegetables and fruits. In the previous article, we have already discussed the problem of healthy foods for children. Well here will be discussed in more detail about the types of vegetables and fruits that specifically promote growth in the brain of children or other limbs.

1. Types of vegetables
According to health experts and parents' knowledge first, the kind of vegetables that are good for the child is vegetables that are not eaten raw. So the mother has to cook it with a spice mixture that adds pleasure to her vegetables.

vegetables and fruits are good for the growth of the child's brain

The relationship of disease that occurs in children with child growth

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Diseases that often occur in children is usually very difficult to guess the cause and consequences. Many children are stunted because of the pain in the suffering did not kunjunng recovered. Diseases that occur in children always occur regularly either every day, week or monthly.

1. The late child in speaking, this is caused because the child has a problem with his hearing, the maturity of the body's organs to talk and lack of stimulation from within him and his parent's genetic so that children cannot be productive in interacting in the community environment.

To overcome this:
  • then give the child a storybook that contains the images with the most interesting, because children will gradually recognize the image in front of him.
  • When communicating with children, use a simple language and always correct the speech to be heard by the child. Because the child will recall what we say both good and bad words.
  • Give a reward to the child if the communication and speech are very good.
2. children are stunted at walking ability at 8 months - 18 months. 
At this age children can still be anti anticipated and find ways to overcome it because the child is not unable to walk but his muscle cells are not ready. Many causes that make the child's condition is not healthy on his legs, one of which is the shape of the child's legs and body weight grow slowly, hereditary factors and less learning to walk on his small time. As for how to overcome them are:
  • cultivate a sense of patience as the child slowly grows, give high spirits to the child so that he does not down and give up.
  • Seek help such as a plastic chair or small table for help. this will make the child explore by itself.
  • Encourage continuously and give the child a very full joy.
3. The child has an attitude of Autism
Autism is a disturbing feature of very complex brain functions. Usually occurs in children aged three years. This is because children lack socialism and imagination that is not in use, there are a strong descent factor and children affected by dangerous abnormal diseases. In this abnormal time, the child is not interested in anything like the other child. The way to overcome them are:

  • Ask for help from professionals, to be given a special approach to master the character and skills that belong to it. 
  • Provide a facility, to support the child to learn harder, such as visual media, time to exercise or full time to play sambal learn.

Characteristics of healthy children

Health for every human being is very important to note especially the early childhood, unstable conditions on his body resistance to support the emergence of types of diseases that can not be predicted earlier. So we must know the characteristics of healthy and the opposite, it is aimed so that we can anticipate in maintaining the health of the body in children and their parents.
Characteristics of healthy children

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Trivial But Make Nipple Breasts Feeling Itchy

Things like this do not mind and make an anxiety if one part of the body feels itchy. Moreover, attacking in areas that are very sensitive, like the nipple. Want to be scratched, embarrassed. Not scratched, but it's very annoying.

Trivial But Make Nipple Breasts Feeling Itchy

what is it after the breast nipple carded, then solve the problem? Of course it's only temporary and the itchiness will reappear.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The difference between calcification of joints (osteoarthritis) with bone loss

Differences of calcification with bone loss, In the community, is quite popular terms of joints, although some of them have a misconception because they think the disease occurs due to lack of lime. Joint disease that the medical term is osteoarthritis, is also often confused with bone loss or osteoporosis, where these two diseases have very different symptoms and treatments. By ordinary people, the condition of calcification of joints is often considered the same as the bone loss, because the two diseases have similarities, namely the two diseases that often attack the elderly. Yet these two diseases are very different.
The difference between calcification of joints (osteoarthritis) with bone loss

Intelligence that occurs in early childhood

Intelligence is a thinking ability that occurs in one's right and left brain. And in help with instinct or strong inspiration given by the creator. Early childhood has a very extraordinary intelligence in the appeal of adults because the memory is in his possession is still a little so when adults give the teaching or education of children at an early age will produce a perfect hsil and intelligence of children will be more than the adult.

Intelligence that occurs in early childhood

Monday, December 11, 2017

Tips Recover from Chickenpox Invisible Wound

Tips Recover from Chickenpox Invisible WoundThe process of healing the chicken pox scar requires a high level of patience and a short time. If within a few days the complaint does not improve, you are encouraged to check with your dermatologist immediately for proper treatment.

Chicken pox (varicella) is a contagious disease. This condition is caused by varicella zoster virus and can attack anyone.

Tips Recover from Chickenpox Invisible Wound

The benefits of telling a story with a child

storytelling is what is most loved for new children who can talk with lots of vocabulary they just understand let alone 3 years old children they always want to tell when what has been in its nature.

The benefits of telling a story with a child

Mothers let Get used chat with children. Build a strong bond of heart. Fertilize the child's faith in God. However, a child whose heart is tied to his mother also includes God in his steps Insha Allah will be more awake.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Growth of Children At age 2 years

at the age of 2 years children begin to imitate what is done by adults not a few parents overwhelmed in raising their children because of growing children at the age of 2 years of the parents should be extra attention to both the diet and behavior of children for the sake of survival growth is expected.
Growth of Children At age 2 years

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Reflection for mothers

For all parents

Reflection for mothers
Reflection Extraordinary dr Mas Agus Purwanto, DSc``. (ITS physics lecturer author of Ayatt Semesta and Nalar Ayatt Semesta, ... The initiator of Trensains → Sragen, → Jombang - Ireng- and Iruna → Yogja as well as its copyright owner)

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Early childhood development

Characteristics are a prominent attitude in children. Characteristics of development are the characteristics that occur in the physical and skis children.

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Monday, December 4, 2017

Tips to cope with children when fever

The child is the very heart of the heart in the future later okeh every new family starts it.
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Maternal & baby health is very important because the health of both mother and child is very influential for the growth of children.