Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Best Food For Your Pain Of Cancer

Meal planning is probably the last thing on your mind when you’re facing a serious illness such as breast cancer. Yet eating healthy is actually an important part of your treatment plan, says Erin Rossi, RD, who works with cancer patients at the Cleveland Clinic.

“Eating well has physical, mental, and emotional benefits,” she explains. “The foods you consume can give you the energy you need to get through treatment with as few side effects as possible while helping you maintain a sense of well-being and control.” Eating is pleasurable too, and when you aren’t feeling at the top of your game, you’ll do well to treat yourself to delicious and nutritious eats.

How to Eliminate Keloid Medically and Natural

Maybe you're confused how to remove keloid on the surface of the skin. But before crawling further to discuss the essence of this discussion, it would be nice to know in brief about keloid.
How to Eliminate Keloid Medically and Natural
What is Keloid?

Peppermint Oil Side Effects (Menthol)

Peppermint Oil Side Effects (Menthol)

Monday, October 30, 2017

Know the Type of Blood Fat

Cholesterol is a type of fat contained in the bloodstream. In addition to cholesterol, there is also a lipid (blood fat) called triglycerides. What are the differences and how does it contribute to cardiovascular disease?
Know the Type of Blood Fat
Low density lipoprotein Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) is the largest cholesterol carrier in the blood. LDL transports cholesterol to places all over the body for both dumping and for repairing cell membranes.

However, just as water can produce a crust that sticks to a water pipe, so does LDL cholesterol that can cause the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries that supply food to the brain and heart. Therefore cholesterol is often referred to as bad cholesterol.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Kind of Good Fat and Bad Fats In Food

Here I will tell you about the kinds of fat that we often hear and we feel in our body just right ...
Kind of Good Fat and Bad Fats In Food
Good Fats and Bad fats What's in Food ..

Saturday, October 28, 2017

2 kinds of fat (Saturated Fat and Trans Fat)

all foods containing fat are bad for health. Not how much fat we eat is important, but what is the type of fat we eat. There are types of bad fats, which can increase cholesterol (LDL) and can pose a risk of many diseases. There is also good fat, which is fat that can help protect the heart and provide many benefits for our body. Knowing the type of food with good fats or bad fats can help us to determine which foods should be added to the daily diet and which ones to avoid. Here between the types of fat, as well as bad for health
2 kinds of fat (Saturated Fat and Trans Fat)

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Cholesterol and Fat, Is It Meaning?


Cholesterol and Fat, Is It Meaning?
The first thing that comes to mind when looking at someone with a fat state, certainly the first imagined is fat and cholesterol. The connotation of obesity and fat for most people is definitely synonymous with high cholesterol. Vice versa, those who have high cholesterol levels must be identified with fat and obesity. No one if the connotation of cholesterol is always identified with fat and obesity because cholesterol is a type of fat, but the question is cholesterol and fat, what does it mean?

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

sore eyes

Speaking of eyebrow pain medication, there are actually a variety of natural remedies in the environment around us that can be utilized. Perhaps chemical drugs have been chosen for the most time since it may be considered more practical and quick to react. However, it can not be denied also that natural medicine is also quite effective for treating the eyes Belek. 
sore eyes

Notes on Cooking Oil

Cooking oil is one of the most widely used foods for daily life. The use of this cooking oil as a frying medium that aims to make savory and crunchy foods, improve taste, texture improvement and flavor carriers.
 Notes on Cooking OilIn an article written by Nurma Subangkit, a few days ago, entitled How Much Times Of Cooking Oil Should Be Used? has been described the characteristics of used cooking oil that has been damaged and unfit for use, and the limit of how many times the cooking oil should be used for frying. Cooking oil whose color has turned brown to blackish

High Cholesterol Leaf Traditional Medicinal Leaves

Cholesterol is one cause of the emergence of various kinds of dangerous diseases. Some of the diseases caused by high cholesterol are a stroke, heart disease, high blood etc.

Because of the many phenomena, we often see drug ads to lower cholesterol.

In addition to the price is very expensive, these chemical drugs generally have bad side effects for the kidneys and liver organ. Therefore, as a proper step, you can replace these chemical medicines with more traditional natural high cholesterol drugs.

High Cholesterol Drugs

 High Cholesterol Leaf Traditional Medicinal Leaves

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Fruit and Plants for Traditional High Cholesterol Drugs

Fruit and Plants for Traditional High Cholesterol DrugsHigh cholesterol is a very common health problem today. Unhealthy eating patterns, such as junk food or fast-food, have contributed to this problem. Traditional high cholesterol drugs are becoming a trusted solution that is safer than conventional methods medically, because of the risk of side effects if taken continuously. There are so many choices of plants that have been trusted for generations can help lower cholesterol in the body and reduce triglycerides in the blood.High Cholesterol Traditional Medicine

Herbal remedies are easy to get so that anyone will not have problems getting them. Fruits and herbs are a natural remedy as a way of lowering cholesterol safely, even though many pharmacologic medicines are said to help overcome cholesterol quickly.

Benefits of Bear Chocolate

Bear Chocolate
Chocolate Papa Bear * Papa Bear * Belgian Chocolate * Papa Ber * Belgian Chocolate * Papa Bear Center * Chocolate Drink a la cafe * Online Bisons Center * Papa Bear Beverage * Papa business center berarang

Polycythemia Vera Health Info

Polycythemia Vera Health Info
Polycythemia Vera is a disorder of blood precursor cells, which causes red blood cells to be present in excessive amounts.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Medicinal Herbs For Disease Polycythaemia

Medicinal Herbs For Disease Polycythaemia
The drug Polycythaemia present in this article is another alternative for people with 'red blood cell excess'. One alternative treatment can be done by eating herbs, vegetables, or fruits with the content of substances that can overcome the symptoms caused by polycythemia so it can work properly medical drugs with a little risk and a smaller cost. Let's explore some of the ingredients in the following plants!

Identify early symptoms of erectile dysfunction

Identify early symptoms of erectile dysfunction
As a man who is aware of the power of men, must read this article, because it could be you have this symptom, but have not realized it, what the problem is, yes .. what else if not a problem of erection. Erection is normal for every man but it will be a problem if what you experience is erectile dysfunction or commonly called the term impotence, let us discuss durable strong drugs

Medicinal Plants For Treating Sipilis Disease

Sipilis is a disease caused by a bacterium called Treponema pallidum. The urinary tract bacteria can enter the body through wounds during vaginal sex, anal (through the anus - usually in the male homosexual group), orally (by mouth), or use the same sex toy with the person already infected with this disease. Pregnant women who have been infected with this disease can also transmit to the baby who is still in the womb. Infected fetuses of this disease may suffer from congenital abnormalities or defects or may also die at birth.
Medicinal Plants For Treating Sipilis Disease

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Tricks Caring for Beauty with Olive Oil

don't in caring for the beauty of his skin. The trick is simply to clarify a few spoons of olive oil into the water you use to bathe. Then bathe with the water or soak in it.
Tricks Caring for Beauty with Olive Oil

Peel Out Diabetes Disease and the threat of complications

Peel Out Diabetes Disease and the threat of complications

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Complete Info about Diabetes

The most complete info on how to prevent, characterize or sign and ill complications if exposed to diabetes or often called Diabetes, is a chronic disease in which the pancreas is not able to produce insulin properly (insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels) or it could be when the body unable to use insulin effectively (insulin resistance). Diabetes is divided into 2 types
Complete Info about Diabetes

How To Become A Beautiful Acne Free Face

he beautiful face is a face that is free from spotty and looks healthy and clean. Skin diseases such as pan, acne that adorn the face is a sign that you are not implementing a healthy life, can from the outside or from the inside. From the outside as less attention to skin hygiene, while from the inside is to consume food without regard to healthy eating patterns. Beautiful and healthy faces are the result of maintaining health outside and inside.

Acne free tips pretty face this time is emphasized on facial cleansing and do some tips and techniques on the face so that your face smooth and healthy and clean. For women who want to get a beautiful face naturally, it is appropriate to follow the steps that we mentioned below.

How To Become A Beautiful Acne Free Face

How To Eliminate Hair Mites Naturally

Ticks are parasitic animals that interfere with other creatures, the presence of head lice is very troublesome and can cause hair damage. Hair lice can live very easily, even in clean hair. A study says that hair lice prefer to live on clean hair rather than dirty ones. So be careful with fleas.

Eliminating hair lice is a viable alternative, be aware that a single tick can spawn up to 100 eggs and some will hatch and become new lice. The rest will be rotten and not hatch. The proliferation of lice is very fast even if the food is just blood on the scalp. Usually hatching lice eggs are it is close to the scalp because they are safe there
How To Eliminate Hair Mites Naturally

Friday, October 20, 2017

Easy tips to grow hair naturally

Hair is a very important part of the body to look beautiful and fascinating. The existence of hair as a crown is very true, especially for women. Because without a healthy hair of a person will be seen not perfect or ugly from the appearance. So very many women who try in various ways to have bushy hair and lots.
Easy tips to grow hair naturally

Tips to Treat Natural Hair Loss

Hair loss in a person's natural condition may result from external factors and may be caused by internal factors. So treating hair loss should be done through these two ways also from inside and from outside

Hair loss often occurs in women compared with men. A source mentions that the comparison is 30% of women and 16% for men. Many things that encourage the occurrence of problems as we have described above are external factors such as hair coloring, often using chemicals, dandruff, oily hair. Can also be caused by factors in such as less protein, genetic, and other physical factors. Tips to treat hair loss naturally this will provide direction and how to care for your hair loss and change your hair from hair loss to healthy hair and strong free hair loss.
Tips to Treat Natural Hair Loss

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Seven Food Calories High

Seven Food Calories High
1. Instant Noodle Eggs Mixed Rice
The point is you eat instant noodles mixed with eggs and eaten with rice too. You need to know, although eggs have a very complex nutrient content when eaten with instant noodles then the resulting calorie was quite high, which is about 600-650 Kcal.

Abstinence For Patients with Rheumatic Disease

Abstinence For Patients with Rheumatic Disease

Peace to all of us, may Allah SWT. always provide health and blessing in it, amen. The following is a serving of food abstention for rheumatic diseases. Check out more info below.
Abstinence For Patients with Rheumatic Disease
Abstinence For Patients with Rheumatic Disease

Rheumatic diseases usually attack the elderly. However, it does not rule out that rheumatic diseases can also attack those who are young. Rheumatic diseases can arise due to unhealthy lifestyles and diets. Bathing at night is one of the things that can moisturize this rheumatic disease.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Benefits of Soursop Leaf

Benefits of Soursop Leaf. Soursop is a fruit that has many health benefits. Soursop fruit commonly found in South America, Africa, and southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia. Any part of the soursop tree can be used as a medicine. Recent studies have shown that soursop contains anti-cancer cells. Besides as an anti-cancer soursop fruit also has other benefits that are useful for the health of body, skin, and hair.
Benefits of Soursop LeafSoursop leaves are the parts that have the greatest benefits. Soursop leaf contains Acetogenin compound that is built in, maximising and squamosin. Acetogenin acts as an anti-feeding. So often used to eradicate pests and insects. Scientific research conducted by The National Cancer Institute successfully proved that soursop leaves effective to attack and destroy cancer cells. In addition to cancer, soursop leaves can also be used to cure other diseases.
Soursop Leaf Benefits For Health:

Soursop leaf is rich in vitamins and minerals, including protein, calcium, fructose, fat, vitamin A and vitamin B and so on. Thus, soursop leaves are excellent for use as an ingredient in the manufacture of herbal remedies.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

13 Tips to Maintain Healthy Hair

13 Tips to Maintain Healthy Hair 

We all, both men and women, would want healthy hair. Healthy hair can support our appearance to look more attractive. We do not want to just have a hair dirty, dull, limp, and smell.

Benefits of Green Tea For Health

Benefits of Green Tea has been felt by many people from different parts of the world. Because the health benefits, green tea has been consumed by the nations of the world for centuries.

Benefits of Green Tea For Health 
Tea is the most consumed in addition to water. Still, more black tea is consumed by the world population compared to green tea.

Identify Kidney Disease and Symptoms

Identify Kidney Disease and Symptoms
What's Kidney Disease?

Kidneys are the organs located on either side of the spine in the middle of the back, just above the waist. The kidneys play a role in human survival: the kidneys clean the blood by removing toxins/impurities and excess fluid, maintaining the balance of salts and minerals in the blood and helps regulate blood pressure.

When the kidney is damaged, toxins, dirt, and liquid will accumulate in the body, causing swelling in the ankles, vomiting, body becomes weak, lack of sleep, and shortness of breath. If not treated immediately, the kidneys may stop functioning as usual. Loss of kidney function is a serious problem for the body potentially fatal.
Healthy kidneys handle certain functions. That is:

Maintain water balance and concentration of minerals, such as sodium, potassium, and phosphorus in the blood

Recognize Diabetes: Types, Symptoms and Treatment

Recognize Diabetes: Types, Symptoms and Treatment

Recognize Diabetes

Diabetes, the most common disorders of the endocrine system (hormones), occurs when blood sugar levels in the body consistently stay above normal.

Breast Cancer: Lower Risk and Go Causes

Breast anatomy

Before discussing breast cancer, it helps us learn the anatomy of the breast first. Normal breast consists of glands that produce milk that is connected to the surface of the skin of the nipple. Glands and ducts are supported by connective tissue made up of fat and fiber. Blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic channels to the lymph nodes is mostly forming breast tissue. Breast anatomy is contained under the skin and on top of the chest muscles.

Breast Cancer: Lower Risk and Go Causes

Recognize Breast Cancer
As in all forms of cancer, abnormal tissue that form of breast cancer is our own cells that have been duplicated many times until uncontrollably. Such cells can also relocates to parts of the body does not actually need these cells, which means the cancer including metastasis.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

8 Signs of Pregnancy

Do you ever wonder if you are pregnant or not? You may feel some signs of pregnancy such as fatigue, nausea, frequent urination, and breast tenderness. Here are some signs of pregnancy:

1. fatigue
Fatigue is probably the most common sign of early pregnancy, "says Gil Gross, MD, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

"Do not consume excessive caffeine if you are likely to become pregnant." Instead, "Try to relax, relax, and rest," says Donnica Moore, MD, female health expert in Far Hills, NJ

signs of maternal pregnancy

signs of maternal pregnancy
Have you ever wondered if you are pregnant or not? You may feel some signs of pregnancy such as fatigue, nausea, frequent urination, and breast tenderness. Here are some signs of pregnancy:

1. fatigueFatigue is probably the most common sign of early pregnancy, "said Gil Gross, MD, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis."Do not consume excessive caffeine if there is a possibility you are pregnant." Instead, "Try to relax, calm down and rest," said Donnica Moore, MD, women's health expert in Far Hills, NJ

There are 12 Characteristics and Signs Kidney Disease

Many people are not aware that kidney disease could have killed us without us knowing. Sometimes kidney disease does not show any symptoms until the condition is really bad. It is important for us to know the signs of kidney disease so that we can anticipate. Here are 12 traits and signs of kidney disease that we must address:

How to Maintain Health

With the right lifestyle is enough to keep your body healthy and away from diseases. But there are still many of us who ignore it. Here we present how to maintain health so that you stay fit:

How to Maintain Health

Healthy Eating

Friday, October 13, 2017

How to Maintain Health

With the right lifestyle is enough to keep the body healthy and keep away from the disease. But still many of us who ignore it. Here we present ways to keep your health in order to stay fit:


13 Day Diet Menu Down 5-8kg

The advantage of this diet is that if followed completely (do not deviate from the rules), then your weight can go down up to 5-8kg. Has proved that after 13 days of this diet state of the chemical present in the body for the better and are less likely to get fat again, with a record start entering day 14 we eat normally or not excessive.13 Day Diet MenuBesides diet 13 today is done only once a year. The thing to note is, if we deviate from the rules and eat something banned from this diet, the diet program of 13 days should be repeated from the first day, because of the possibility of weight initially succeeded in going back down to 5-8kg fat, in contrast to the previous week diet could I discuss. Keep in mind that the 13-day diet program is only for fat removal only.
13 Day Diet Menu Down 5-8kg

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Preventing Kidney Disease

Kidneys are very important in supporting our health, so we need to know how to keep the kidneys continue to function properly. There are various ways to prevent kidney disease, so we teach kidneys healthy and functioning as it should
Preventing Kidney Disease

Drink plenty of water, do not let the body is dehydrated
Routine health checks to the doctor, especially if you are diabetic or have high blood pressure Avoid smoking, smoking can make kidney disease more severe in quick time

Preventing Kidney Disease

10 Healthy Diet Tips for You

Everyone knows the key to losing weight: Eat less and exercise more. It sounds simple, but it is quite difficult to do.

Therefore this time the Health Blog will share tips on a healthy diet that is best for you

10 Healthy Diet Tips for You

Healthy Diet Tip No. 1: Drink plenty of water and avoid high-calorie drinks

Solution To Overcome Hair Loss

Nowadays hair loss is not just a problem for older people, but also a problem for teenagers who are still in their teens the too early 20s. If the ancient time's hair loss is usually caused by age increasingly aging, not anymore. So many reasons that cause hair loss.

Here we will discuss some simple ways to cope with hair loss. If not too severe you can do the treatment at home. However, if your hair loss problem is very severe it would not hurt to consult a doctor.

Before we go into the solution for hair loss, let's discuss what are the causes of hair loss.

How to Lose Weight Naturally Without Exercise

Sport is one of the keys to losing weight, because exercise helps burn calories, and the more calories are wasted, the more our body weight is reduced. However, What if we are lazy or hate to exercise ?? Though olehraga can help to stay healthy. Do not worry, because now the Health Blog will explain how to lose weight naturally without exercise.

Following ways:

Lose weight by making love
How to Lose Weight Naturally Without Exercise
It is special for you who are married and have a legitimate partner.
Having sexual intercourse with a partner is a healthy way to lose weight. If you had sexual intercourse in about thirty minutes, it will burn about 150-200 calories. Sexual intercourse will naturally increase the heart rate, which in turn increases blood circulation and burn calories and fat. Try to do some variations in the sex positions you do. Besides natural and healthy is also very enjoyable activity, then immediately make love. For those who do not have a spouse to marry immediately.

How to Eliminate Body Odor

Have you ever smell the odor coming from your own body? Body odor can make a person lacking confidence and make people uncomfortable around him.

Then how to remove the body odor ?? Do not worry, because the Health Blog will share her tips for you . How to Eliminate Body Odor
How to Eliminate Body Odor

How Knowing Ovulation Women

When a couple wants a baby, they tried to have sex on days 11-14 of a 28-day menstrual cycle of women, as is currently believed to be the woman's fertile period, ie when ovulation occurs. However, it is often difficult to know exactly when ovulation will occur. Doctors recommend that couples trying to have a baby sex between days 7 and 20 of the female menstrual cycle.

masa subur wanita

What is the Cause Kidney Stone and Kidney Stones

What's Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are usually composed of a compound called calcium oxalate. Calcium oxalate is the result of the accumulation of minerals dissolved in the inner lining of the kidney. Stacking of these minerals can grow as large as a golf ball.

What is the Cause Kidney Stone and Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are small can come out with the urine without us knowing, but kidney stones can also cause tremendous pain when we urinate.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

the benefits of broccoli for health

the benefits of broccoli for health
The vegetables were not only contained antioxidants including vitamin C, broccoli is also a natural source of folic acid-folate.Asupan acid helps prevent heart disease.

Garlic's health benefits

Garlic's health benefits 

Garlic is known to benefit from the guard endurance up to youthful drug.What about the benefits of leeks? Turns leek also has many benefits. Plants were grown in China since 5000 years ago this combination of benefits of onions and vegetables. Leek is a source of vitamins A, K and vitamin C.

It's no secret, leek usually added in a variety of dishes for the more beautify and delicious taste of the food. In the world culinary, leeks often found together toast or spices. In addition to making food appear to look more beautiful, leek rich in vitamins and minerals that help cure various diseases.

Tips On How To Prevent cavities

Cavities are one of the teething problems are quite disturbing. Problems with teeth can affect our digestive process, as it causes the food is not chewed so that optimal performance of the stomach becomes more severe. If you have severe tooth could be we must be willing removed. Before that happens it's good we take precautions to keep teeth healthy, and cavities away from us.

Here we summarize some of the ways to prevent cavities.
Reduce sticky and sugary foods such as chocolates, sweets etc.

Diligent brushing teeth. Do toothbrush after every meal or at least 2 times a day ie morning and evening when going to sleep. If you do not brush your teeth, then the rest of the food for 24 hours will turn into acid. This acid is the ideal medium for the growth of germs. So from now on do not be lazy to brush teeth yes.

Benefits of almonds for healthy plants

If you like snacking, it helps you save almonds. Snacks that this one can be chewed apart so that the mouth is not idle is also merit in maintaining a healthy body. The beans were first cultivated by the Greeks can help lower cholesterol, reduce high blood pressure and maintain heart health.

Almonds are one of the most nutrient-rich beans. Compared with other types of nuts, the same weight of almonds contains protein, heart and minerals vitamins and livers

Symptoms of kidney stones

Symptoms of kidney stonesSomeone who has a kidney stone usually no symptoms until the kidney stone moves into the ureter. When it feels then the patient will experience symptoms such as the following:

    Severe pain at the base and/or sides of your thighs
    Blood in the urine
    Vomiting and nausea
    White blood cells or pus in the urine
    Decreasing the amount of urine is passed
    A burning sensation during urination
    A strong urge to urinate
Fever and chills if there is an infection