Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body

The function of vitamins for the body

There are many types of vitamins that are very good for the body. Various kinds of vitamins and functions for our bodies are of course diverse. Each vitamin has different functions in our body. These vitamins are one of the health factors in the body. Vitamins themselves are very important nutrients for the body. Unfortunately, vitamins are not the same as minerals that are not easily damaged. Vitamins, although important for the body, but including substances that are quickly damaged when confronted with acid.
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body

Each vitamin has its own function in the body. The function also has a different role and certainly useful for the body. What are some of these vitamins? And what are its functions for the body?

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Benefits of Food Sources Rich in Potassium for body health

Potassium has a very important role in the health of the body, as we all know that this potassium is an election that has role enough to perform the function of the human body every day. Potassium is alkaline and 5% potassium is derived from the total mineral content in our body. Potassium is easily absorbed, but almost 90% of it will be removed through the kidneys, so it is also very important to remove waste or toxins from the body. and when potassium works with sodium, Potassium will regulate water and acid-base balance in the cells of the body
Benefits of Food Sources Rich in Potassium for body health
In a healthy body, the body will naturally balance the potassium levels. However, diseases affecting the kidneys and liver can deplete the body's potassium levels through excessive urination and because of the excessive sweat. Excessive fluid loss, such as diarrhea or vomiting and also when we practice so often, can also deplete potassium levels in the body. That's why we must consume a lot of foods that contain potassium especially for athletes because these athletes are always doing draining activities such as athletes cyclists and runners this is one of the sports that release a lot of body fluids that sweat if we are too much to get out of sweat and not offset by intake of foods containing potassium our body will experience fatigue and fatigue.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Ouch Why Often urinate / Urinate?

Frequent urination can be caused by conditions that affect the urinary tract at any level. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, the tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder (ureter), the bladder, and the tube through which the urine flows from the bladder (urethra).

Ouch Why Often urinate / Urinate?

There are several factors causing frequent urination, such as:

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Being old is certainly not an option, but as time goes by, aging will be experienced by every human being. If women have to worry about the coming of age-old diseases such as breast cancer and osteoporosis, so do the men. Disorders of the prostate that affects men Both Prostate Enlargement and Prostate Cancer are often found in the age that goes beyond half a century.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Dangers of Prevention of Urinating

Dangers of Prevention of Urinating

Dangers of Prevention of Urinating

In the midst of busyness, we often resist not to urinate on the grounds of 'responsibility' or holding back because the toilet is dirty. Should not get used to hold urine because it can cause infection.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Tips on How to Whiten Face

Want your face look more beautiful and white, do not miss the info. You can make your face look more beautiful than baisa that is by using tips to whiten skin face quickly and naturally. You do not need to use a variety of modern materials that are expensive and not necessarily satisfactory results

Trying natural ingredients that come directly from nature is safer and better in caring for beauty. How to whiten facial skin by using natural ingredients satisfy the results, only that is required is your patience and persistence in applying it.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Practical Ways to Take Care of Oily and Acne Faces

Practical Ways to Take Care of Oily and Acne Faces
Facial problems are always a scourge for teenagers, those who are still in the puberty phase often experience uncomfortable things on their body parts, including their faces.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Benefits of Green Beans for Hair Beauty

Benefits of Green Beans for Hair Beauty
Who is not familiar with green beans. Healthy and nutritious food that is always served for children in posyandu place. Green beans are great for the health of all ages because in green beans contain many nutrients and vitamins, proteins, minerals, and phosphorus. However, the benefits of green beans not only for health alone but also many benefits for beauty, such as hair beauty.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Bladder stones cause kidney stones and symptoms

Urinary stones are a common term commonly used by Indonesians for urinary tract stones and this disease is a chronic disease and the cause is not known with certainty.

Bladder stones cause kidney stones and symptoms
Bladder stones cause kidney stones and symptoms

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Do this trick to get the climax together

between husband and wife when having intercourse and reaching the climax sometimes have different ways to achieve orgasm, but how to reach climax simultaneously, but in need of its own technique in order to achieve orgasm together. In essence how you and your husband can maintain a balance between strong durable techniques, time and quality of good intimate relationships and how to find a sex position that supports the achievement of orgasm at the same time.
There are at least five tricks and tips to achieve climax or orgasm together, and here's the explanation:

Do not rush, just relax.
In this case, the husband must be able to survive because the male libido more easily aroused when compared with the wife, so help your wife to the top of orgasm while preparing to balance it. Perform tensile techniques while continuing to stimulate the wife's libido to rise until the waiting time comes orgasm at the same time. durable strong drug

Longtime flirting or foreplay.
In this way the husband will also be trained to get used to pamper wife's libido to quickly reach climax, with a soft touch will make your wife easy to achieve orgasm, as a supporter of your wife's climax, can be helped by listening to classical music for faster stimulated and maintained the libido passion to continue climbing up.

Determine the right sex positions.
Sex/sex relationship that you recommended position above or sideways, the position is believed to be very helpful to achieve the same climax together. With this position, the wife will freely adjust the speed and clitoris your wife will quickly arouse. So when the wife will reach the climax and you have not, hold on for a while with penetration at the slow so that your libido will go up and preparation to reach climax together.
Preceded by stimulating the clitoris.
A little focus on your wife's clitoris area in order to further accelerate the orgasm of your wife, do a little oral by using your finger on the clitoris of your wife. strong durable

Exciting oral techniques.
The six-nine style sex position, effective enough to apply this technique, because there will be feelings of mutual enjoyment each other, feel the sensation of taste but still focus on one goal that is the satisfaction of climax in unison.
Herbs overcome impotence
That's five ways to get an orgasm together with your wife or husband, quite easily instead, the important thing is to give your focus with your partner to give the best climactic satisfaction for your partner.

Hopefully benefits

Slimming Stomach Slimming Tips

Slimming Stomach Slimming Tips
Of course, have a fat belly because a lot of fat makes you uncomfortable and less confident especially a woman. But I think everyone seems to want to have a slim and sexy stomach, including you instead? But the question and most people are confused is, "where do I start doing? What to do?"

On occasion, I give you some tips on how to start and how to make a slim stomach quickly.

The first time, start with a very simple course, how to do a basic diet but a realistic abdominal diet. What I mean by realistic is a diet that has minimal variations for your usual diet

Slimming Stomach Slimming Tips
You vary the type of food you eat every day. Actually, if your body is given the same amount of calories every day (by taking the same type of food), your body will not burn calories but store them as fat.

So by doing that, in a smart way, you will still be able to enjoy your favorite foods (including those containing fats as well) but still keep your stomach slim.Secondly, do not count calories! For a very simple reason,1. Calculating calories makes the diet time consuming and complicated2. Using a daily food calorie chart can also cause an obsession
dangerous with food.

You vary the type of food you eat every day. Actually, if your body is given the same amount of calories every day (by taking the same type of food), your body will not burn calories but store them as fat.     So by doing that, in a smart way, you will still be able to enjoy your favorite foods (including those containing fats as well) but still keep your stomach slim.     Secondly, do not count calories! For a very simple reason,  1. Calculating calories makes the diet time consuming and complicated  2. Using a daily food calorie chart can also cause an obsession      dangerous with food.  So do not count calories, then this eliminates belly fat so much easier.   Do not leave exercise yes, exercise is a good way to your health problems, including for slimming the stomach. do light exercise in accordance with your abilities such as sit ups, push ups etc.  Okay I think enough first, hopefully useful yes
So do not count calories, then this eliminates belly fat so much easier. 

Do not leave exercise yes, exercise is a good way to your health problems, including for slimming the stomach. do light exercise in accordance with your abilities such as sit ups, push ups etc.
 Okay I think enough first, hopefully, useful yes

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Various Types of Acid and Base Foods

Types of Foods that are Acids and Bases

Various Types of Acid and Base Foods

There are many ways to classify foods. One is based on the nature of the acidity and alkalinity contained by food. Our food is digested in two parts of the gastrointestinal tract. First, the food goes into the stomach where hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the stomach channel does the main job if the food is mainly acidic. From there the food then goes to the duodenum (gut 12 fingers).