Sunday, March 5, 2017

BPJS & amp; The rule in Indonesia

Before we proceed to cover any gout drug problem, sometimes we're updating the pertinent info such as information about health BPJS and rules. Health BPJS presence is a step forward because it provides health insurance to the whole society.

To be able to take advantage of this guarantee facility, people need to understand the procedures and provisions BPJS well, it will become much easier for you to obtain these health facilities.

Key to utilize this health insurance is a good understanding of the procedures and conditions. Due to understand it, participants can follow the appropriate rules and regulations. In addition, for the time being many different processes in BPJS. So that participants need to know well.
There are some important things that need to be understood by the participants about the rules BPJS among others, please observe the following:
1. Citizen Compulsory Becoming Party BPJS
Pursuant to Act - Act, all citizens shall be a participant BPJS. Although concerned already have other health insurance. Referring to Presidential Decree No. 111 of 2013 on Amendment of Presidential Regulation No. 12 Year 2013 on Health Insurance, employers such as state-owned enterprises, large enterprises, medium and small enterprises to register no later than January 1, 2015.

At the latest by 2019 the entire population of Indonesia have become participants BPJS done gradually. For participants who can not afford, the government provides tuition assistance. Help dues are dues paid by the Government for the poor and people can not afford as a participant Social Security program.
2. Tiered Referral System
Tiered referral system regulated by the government, which in the Minister of Health No. 1 Year 2012 on Health Services Referral System, in Article 5, paragraph 1 provides that the Referral System mandatory for patients who are participants in health insurance or social health insurance and health care providers.

Chronology of health care participants BPJS started in faskes first-level health that if based on medical indications participants require treatment or follow-up examination in the hospital participants will be referred to the Hospital of the collaboration, except in medical emergencies participants can go directly to the hospital through the emergency room simply by show BPJS health card.

If you think Faskes I need to go to the hospital, new participants can do this by getting a referral from Faskes I. In other words, the Faskes I which determine whether participants could go to the hospital and which hospital. Read also:

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3. Participant Registration Process

Here is the process stages as follows:
  • Participants register either in person at the Office of Health BPJS (Branch / Klok), through the Website or the Bank in cooperation
  • BPJS Health issued a Virtual Account (VA) and participants can save the VA.
  • Participants experience the fastest payment 14 (fourteen) days after the VA published
  • Participants bring proof of payment to the Office of Health BPJS participants to gain cards. 
  • Participants may use or obtain health insurance in accordance with the procedures and medical indications.
4. Only Be Used in RS Cooperation
BPJS card can only be used at the hospital that the cooperation with BPJS. Not all hospitals receiving patients BPJS. There are private hospitals that have not received BPJS patients.
5. No Age Restrictions
Unlike health insurance, BPJS do not set an age limit. Everyone can become a participant BPJS. One of the limitations of health insurance is the age limit. Usually, the maximum age who received health insurance is 70 years. Above that age had not received the insurance.

In fact, today BPJS already made a new provision that an unborn child is already able to be registered by their parents. Conditions BPJS about the child's progress because the new insurance can receive the most young age of the participants in the six months.

Benefits of health insurance program organized BPJS was very large and comprehensive services ranging from promotive, preventive, curative to rehabilitative.

Services and benefits from us regarding BPJS & The rule is expected to help the community in terms of improving the quality of health services.


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