Friday, September 15, 2017

Secret Prophet Choosing Loss Drug Cupping With High Uric Acid Fast

Disease Gout (Pirai) or in the general public is usually called the disease "Gout" is a disease in which a buildup of uric acid in the body excessively, due to both increased production, disposal through the kidneys decreased, or due to increased intake of foods rich in substances purines. Gout occurs when body fluids are very saturated with uric acid due to high levels.

Secret Prophet Choosing Loss Drug Cupping With High Uric Acid Fast
Signs of high uric acid is the emergence of pain in the body especially in the legs and fingers. If uric acid is very high (Hyperuricemia) the emergence of a bump on Mother toes, hands and other joints area as symptoms of uric acid. Normal uric acid levels in men ranged from 3.5 to 7 mg / dl and in women from 2.6 to 6 mg / dl.

Secret Prophet Choosing Loss Drug Cupping With High Uric Acid Fast
From Ibnu 'Umar RA, Rasulullah SAW said:
Ø¥ِÙ†َّ Ø®َÙŠْرُ ماَتَدَاوَÙŠْتُÙ…ْ بِÙ‡ِ الْØ­ِجَامَØ©ِ Ùˆَالكِسْتُ ÙˆَالشُّÙˆْÙ†ِÙŠْزُ.
"Truly the best of the means by which you used for treatment is cupping, al Kist, and syuniz (black cumin)" *

Rosulullah Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam said : "Surely the most ideal method of treatment that you used is hijamah (bruise)". HR. Muttafaq ‘alaihi, Shahih Bukhari (no. 2280) end Shahih Muslim (no. 2214).

Hijamah Therapy (Cupping) is a very precise method of treatment and Insha Allah can give results that are very beneficial for patients with uric acid.

Since early 2000 Cupping Therapy began to popularize in Indonesia. In perjalanaan 10 this year, almost all walks of life either in the city or in the countryside already know Cupping. All of this can not be separated from science infaq Bp. H. Ismail bin Ahmad, the founder of HPA Malaysia, (hopefully .. to his good deeds are not consumed by waktu..amin).

Cupping or letterhead in medicine known as venous suction. Therapy is beneficial to eject directly dirty blood or who tend to stop at the surface veins (Vena). Thus, the healthy blood could walk normally again without being disturbed dirty blood clots or blood that tends to stop.

Clean blood that has completed the task of feeding the cells of an organ, will take all the dirt metabolic waste, toxins or disease (pathogens), to be discharged through sweat and urine. So if sewage is directly discharged to the cupping technique will greatly help accelerate detoxification (toxic waste) that exist in the local organs.

General report research on treatment with cupping method (2001 AD) that is based on scientific methodology that is summed up by the great intellectual Arab, Muhammad Amin Syaikhu, Under consultant Dr. Muhammad Nabil Sharif result the amount of uric acid in the blood falls in 66.66% of cases, 83.68% of the cases, 50.7% of the cases and dropped in 80% of cases of the 300 cases studied.

Rahasia Nabi Memilih Obat Penurun Asam Urat Tinggi Dengan Cepat
Cupping methodsHijamah done on Kaahil point (nape), shoulders and back area of ​​the right kidney and left as high as it is meant to get rid of toxins and other metabolites results (uric acid, cholesterol, etc.) that have been damaged and become garbage that damage to the body. It also aims to improve kidney function so that it can metabolize and remove excess uric acid better.
Hijamah do in Point bruise gout in the hand, if pain is there. If uric acid is high, then there is the swelling or bulging. Air pressure letterhead should be considered because, when membekam in the back of the hand "usually" letterhead is often loose.
Hijamah do around the leg / foot so that blood flow more smoothly so that the perfusion of cells and tissues strived to be optimal while stimulating nerves to function properly.
Cupping point of uric acid in the legs is Zhohrul Qodam (located on the back foot / point cupping uric acid).
Cupping point of uric acid in the other leg is the point Iltiwa '(below the ankle inside). This point is rather sensitive, meaning that quite a pain if needles, cupping the matchmaking process should be quick, these tips so that patients do not feel pain for too long a time in the bruise.

Note: The area should not be a knee bruise!.Herbal Consumption Prompts Tibb Nabawi 

  • Habbatus Sauda '(black cumin) drunk and oil is applied on the legs paralyzed, because it is a cure for all diseases.
  • Olive oil, to reduce the excess bad fats that normally accompany the patient to "Gout".
  • Zam-zam water, if the disease is accompanied by damage to severe renal function.
  • Common herbs that can help:
  • Cucumber juice (Gamat) and Spirulina are pounded and boiled.
  • Soursop eaten alone or dijuice, eat / drink every day. 10 sheets leaves are boiled for drinking.
  • 7 pieces of leaves boiled in two cups of water, up to 1 cup, drink morning and evening.
  • Ready-made apple vinegar and honey mixed with one tablespoon of honey size plus 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar plus 50 cc of warm water and drink for 1 week, the morning after waking and at night before bed.
Prevention of Gout

Early prevention is very important, not least because the main cause of gout is from a poor lifestyle. The following point full:
Regular exercise / gymnastics leisurely 10 minutes per day
  • Plenty of clean drinking water and processed its own
  • Healthy diet
  • Do not put food like
  • Reduce foods high berpurin
  • Frequent drinking herbal ingredients from plants such as the leaves of the soursop
Read also: The Bitter Leaf Bitter Best Natural Gout Medication
Abstinence Uric Acid

No less important for gout sufferers is that knowing prohibition. Among the important restrictions that must be done, namely: Avoid fermented beverages / berkarbonase, soda, soft drinks and alcoholic such as beer, whiskey, wine, tape, and palm wine. Reduce consumption of foods containing purine compounds, such as spinach, beans, peanuts, kale, cauliflower, mushrooms, asparagus, melinjo / crackers, meats, sardines, corned beef, oncom, organ meats, seafood (crab, oysters, and shrimp) , fruits (durian, avocado and coconut ice).

Regarding Confidential Prophet Selecting High Uric Acid Lowering Drugs With this Quick Hopefully useful ...


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