Monday, September 18, 2017

Tips on How to Prevent High Uric Acid To Parents

Reviews are intended in this discussion is an effort to prevent the increase in uric acid beyond normal limits that have been recommended medically. Keep in mind, medically normal uric acid levels in men and women are different. Above-normal levels of uric acid is called hyperuricaemia.
  •      Normal uric acid levels in men ranged from 3.5 to 7 mg / dl
  •      In women from 2.6 to 6 mg / dl

Journey classic disease usually starts with an attack or someone has a history of high uric acid checks above 7 mg / dl, and higher and higher. If so, likely to be uric acid (gout) was bigger.

Generally, 25% of people who will be high uric acid gout. When high uric acid levels but no symptoms is called a joint attack early stage. At every person is different. There are many years is not showing symptoms, but nothing appears symptoms at age 20 years, 30 years, or 40 years

We reiterate that the purpose of this discussion is how we find ways to prevent uric acid to keep it normal. For those of you who have experienced symptoms of gout attacks immediately do step on effective treatment for the symptoms do not spread to the other symptoms attack.

As for those who have not experienced the symptoms of gout attacks it's good occasionally perform medical checks to determine the levels of uric acid in the blood and immediately take precautions so as not to continue to escalate and immediately do a diet and apply a healthy lifestyle.
Tips on How to Prevent High Uric Acid To Parents

How to prevent gout we will describe the cause of gout by itself. In the description of the cause of gout disease this time, we need to know that the cause of gout is divided into two, namely primary and secondary causes of the causes. The primary cause is strongly associated with the body and the condition of the patient. While the cause of the secondary is strongly associated with the intake of food and other outside factors.

Well, we try to describe items ways to prevent gout by the primary causes above.

Primary factor
The primary factor causing uric acid and its prevention:
1. Genetic Potential

Genetic potential for someone potentially exposed to the disease is to be a derivative of uric acid. There is someone who is in terms of the genes he has the potential to develop gout. To alter a genetic trait is very difficult even practically impossible and not here the discussion.

But do not worry, people who already have a uric acid transporter gene, God willing, be freed from the origin of uric acid factors other causes can be controlled either faftor of such an imbalance in hormones as well as external factors such as dietary intake. factor from the outside is what will be discussed at length, God willing.
2. The imbalance of hormones

First, what you need to know about hormones? Hormones are chemical messengers between cells or between groups of cells. Hormone circulates in the blood and fluid circulation cells to look for the target cells.

When the hormones found the target cells, hormones bind to specific receptor proteins on the cell surface and transmit signals. Receptor proteins will receive these signals and react either by affecting gene expression of cells or alter the activity of a cellular protein, including among them is the stimulation or inhibition of growth and apoptosis (programmed cell death), enabling or disabling the immune system, regulation of metabolism and preparation for new activities ( mating, caring for infants), or phase of life (eg, puberty and menopause).

In many cases, one hormone may regulate the production and release of other hormones. Hormones also regulate the reproductive cycle in almost all multicellular organisms. Imbalance of hormones in the body would mepengaruhi working system in the body walk is not as it should be. Both systems work other nodes as well as the body's metabolic system in general.

Hormonal imbalance can affect the process of purines in the body to be increased, which in turn byproduct of purine metabolism of substances which are substances will also increase uric acid. Basically, the body is able to produce up to 85% purine body's needs. As a result of an imbalance of hormones, production could be increased many purines.

The imbalance of hormones is influenced by several factors:
  •     Emotional imbalance and irregular lifestyle
  •     A buildup of toxins in the body
  •     free radicals

How to prevent uric acid due to unbalanced hormone:
  •     Menjanga always emotional and always think positf
  •     Make a good lifestyle by balancing the active period and rest
  •     Detoxification or cacun expenditure in the body

3. Process expenditure disturbed uric acid in the kidneys

Production of uric acid is formed as a result of side effects of metabolism in normal conditions will be removed from the body through the kidneys with urine. But in conditions or specific causes, uric acid can not be removed by the kidneys.

Among the causes is because the production of uric acid is so high that the kidneys can not cope to remove it. Uric acid can be produced only normal kidney conditions that do not fit alias sick.
How to prevent gout Third cause is:
  •     Always keep your kidney health.
Avoid consuming foods that contain purine, especially for those who again had problems with the kidneys. In normal kidney condition, God willing, not too trouble for mengkonsi foods high in purine because the kidney will be able to spend the metabolism of the body is not required.
Secondary factors
Secondary factors cause gout and its prevention

The cause of this is closely related to the intake of food or drugs (chemical drugs) that enter the body.
Consuming foods high in purines
Uric acid production increases because we consume a high nutrient levels purinnya. The high purines in the blood would increase the result of metabolic substances which are substances of uric acid. 
How to prevent and to treat gout because this cause is by avoiding or minimizing of foods that are high in purines and sebaikmya so the food is taboo for people with this disease.
Alcohol and Drugs Chemical
Alcohol also contains purines. In addition, alcohol will trigger a discharge that increase uric acid levels in the blood. Alcohol can also trigger certain enzymes in the liver that break down proteins and produce more uric acid.

Alcohol also causes uric acid through urine pembuagan tergannggu that uric acid in the blood persist. Likewise, chemical drugs. On the one hand, chemical drugs can help cure the disease but on the other hand he is very harmful to the vital organs in the body such as the kidney and liver and other organs. Using chemical drugs we use is like a double-edged knife.

How to prevent uric acid due to these causes:
  •         Avoid alcoholic beverages altogether from BYK krn more negative
  •         Avoid as much as possible from chemical drugs except for emergencies.
Usahan make herbal medicines as an alternative to the main and first before being forced to use chemical drugs.
  •     See also: Drug Tempuyung the Conqueror Gout Natural Withheld
Those are some ways to prevent gout which we can pass briefly. Hopefully this article can provide benefits and can help the problems to all readers.


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