Friday, September 29, 2017

The Benefits Of Hand Washing For Health

The Benefits Of Hand Washing For Health

Hand-washing may be a job that may be for some many people is a trivial job, and sometimes even so we often ignore it. We often remind family members to get used to wash hands especially to the "little one".

"Nak ... have you wash your hands before eating it?!", the question we often ask you to fruit our hearts, as they are usually forgotten when we don't remind.

Hand-washing activity is probably a mild job but know that had the effect of very large benefits because of a dangerous disease can be prevented through handwashing activities.


Why the hands need to be washed? Why not a member of any other body?? The question sometimes arises in our minds. The hand is part of our members who have "mobility". But even more to make the hand so special is because it has a high frequency in contact with objects or goods around the body.

The hand is one of the main conductor of the entry of disease-causing microbes/germs while mouth and nose bridge is the inclusion of objects, the bacteria virus & into the body, the bacteria/microbes that the influx may be through food and drink that clings to our hands, or even intentionally or unintentionally hands come into contact with the mouth and nose.

Of course the State of the hands is not always clean/sterile conditions because of its frequent touch or hold objects/goods, for example; hold the phone, be shaken, holding a pet, runs out of gardening, playing outside the House, cleaning gutters, close the sneeze/the flu by hand and still a lot of work done by a pair of our hands. That wretched, the little boy was very fond of holding various objects even put hands or any objects into the mouth of mungilnya because of her knowledge and her consciousness was still lacking.

After performing a wide variety of "activities" hand is a gathering place for a wide variety of baktei, a germ/disease-causing microbes. A wide range of diseases that can be caused by germs/microbes that stick in the hands among others; influenza viruses that cause influenza/flu, the H5N1 virus that causes bird flu, the H1N1 virus causes swine flu, bird flu and swine flu is the flu type a very dangerous and deadly!, besides meningitis, hepatitis viruses cause diseases hepatitis A, C (liver disorder), skin diseases, intestinal disturbances and diarrhoea. Diarrhea is a disease that often occurs because of an ugly hand-washing habit, especially in children who suffer from acute diarrhea often resulted in death.

You need to know that if human hands touch the stool, then it will be contaminated with more than 10 million viruses and one million bacteria that can cause a variety of diseases.

So, no compromise!, wash hands properly with SOAP, using very large benefits for the sake of maintaining healthy selves, families and even the lives of the little one.


Should we do wash your hands as often as possible!! Especially when you are exposed to the flu so that the transmission of influenza can be prevented and speed healing.

Any before and after doing a job, especially the roughly into a place of living/germ/microbial habitat, it is recommended to always wash hands with SOAP.

Once again, do not consider the paltry benefits powerful hand washing. Never be bored also reminds the child to do so, including giving examples on the little one. With just a few seconds to sacrifice time for hand-washing, we don't need to waste time (and money) because it should be lying in the hospital.


Before and after preparing food/cuisine. This can reduce the risk of getting or spreading bacteria that cause toxic food. Wash hands with SOAP before and after processing the cuisines of different types of poultry, raw eggs, meat, or seafood
Before and after eating
After urination/large
After replacing the diaper/menceboki the small
Before holding the little
After performing the activities; holding pets, looking for grass, cleaning gutters, holding items/objects that are dirty, etc.


Put your hands under the clean water flowing (recommended)
Rinse hands with water flowing the
Rub hands with SOAP to lather, clean part of the wrist, back of hands, between fingers, and nails
Rinse with water until clean
Pat dry with a clean cloth/wipe

thank you has visited, may be beneficial


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