Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Problems that occur in Children

Problems that occur in Children

For parents memepunyai important role in shaping the child's personality psychologically. Children tend to want to do things that are often done by parents because children like to imitate it has become his nature. Growth and development will be very visible when the child's age improves in the development of language, behavior, curiosity is higher, and physical development will be seen.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

White Water Also Donate Calcium for Body

White Water Also Donate Calcium for Body

Consuming Healthy Water
The body does require enough calcium to form and maintain bone and tooth density. Apart from dairy products, mineral water can also be a source of calcium for the body.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Consuming Healthy Water

Consuming Healthy Water

Decent Water Consumption
The suggestion to consume mineral water a day at least as much as two liters is indeed important. Suggestions made must have considered various things in terms of health, life aspect, and others. Mineral water can counteract all negative ions that make the body quickly feel tired and exposed to the disease. Water that does not taste, smell, and color like mineral water is important for the health of the body.