Saturday, October 21, 2017

How To Become A Beautiful Acne Free Face

he beautiful face is a face that is free from spotty and looks healthy and clean. Skin diseases such as pan, acne that adorn the face is a sign that you are not implementing a healthy life, can from the outside or from the inside. From the outside as less attention to skin hygiene, while from the inside is to consume food without regard to healthy eating patterns. Beautiful and healthy faces are the result of maintaining health outside and inside.

Acne free tips pretty face this time is emphasized on facial cleansing and do some tips and techniques on the face so that your face smooth and healthy and clean. For women who want to get a beautiful face naturally, it is appropriate to follow the steps that we mentioned below.

How To Become A Beautiful Acne Free Face
 Tips Beautiful Acne Free Face

1. Toning Faces

Facial toning is a facial cleansing effort from various impurities such as pollution and used makeup. Toning is very important especially for women who are fond of makeup and dress up with makeup.

Do not let your make or cosmetics remain on your face, especially when you are going to sleep at night. A dirty face will be the main cause of the outbreak of acne on your face. Avoid the cause so you are not hard in treat it.

2. Cleaning the Face

This is not atoning that uses a special technique, but instead, clean the face in the usual way that is by washing using face soap. The face although not using makeup should still be cleaned and sterilized, especially when going to bed at night.

The best way to clean the face is to wash it 2 times a day using face soap. More - more for those of you who .move outdoors that the air is often contaminated with carbon dioxide.

3. Use facial moisturizer

These are more beautiful face tips for those of you who bear. In using a moisturizer should pay attention to the type of facial skin too, if you have moist skin then just use an oil-free facial moisturizer (read: how to remove the oil on the face), while for dry skin you are advised to use extra cream moisturizer that can keep the skin moisture along day.

4. Eating fruits

This is how to beautify the face from the inside, meaning you are not in focus on the outer face, but on the inside by consuming fat-free healthy food.

As is known that facial acne is the result of fat in the body, then avoid fatty foods, replace your gem with healthy fruits such as apples, pears, oranges, and avocados as well as some other fruits.

5. Drink plenty of water

Water is an essential mineral for the body, consuming enough water is important for the smooth metabolism of the body. If the body's metabolism smoothly then all things related to health and beauty will be smooth, including a radiant face and skin that is fresh and fresh.

Medically we are advised to consume water as much 2 liters in a day or about 8 cups to meet the daily needs of water. Consuming enough water will also keep the skin's natural moisture.

6. Using Honey

Tips face the next beautiful is using herbs from honey. Honey is known as an excellent natural ingredient for skin beauty and eliminating acne and various other skin problems.

For the acne than just use pure honey on the skin of acne and automatically this skin disease will be deflated.

Here are some pretty free acne free tips that you need to apply in everyday life so you get a beautiful face and free from various spotty.

Look beautiful natural very valuable and impressed wah and fantastic, rather than beautiful under the face layered with thick makeup. So tips from us may be useful and good luck.


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