Saturday, October 14, 2017

signs of maternal pregnancy

signs of maternal pregnancy
Have you ever wondered if you are pregnant or not? You may feel some signs of pregnancy such as fatigue, nausea, frequent urination, and breast tenderness. Here are some signs of pregnancy:

1. fatigueFatigue is probably the most common sign of early pregnancy, "said Gil Gross, MD, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis."Do not consume excessive caffeine if there is a possibility you are pregnant." Instead, "Try to relax, calm down and rest," said Donnica Moore, MD, women's health expert in Far Hills, NJ

2. No appetite you suddenly had no appetite to your favorite foods, you can only get pregnant. Many women report that something like this was one of the first signs of early pregnancy. This can be caused by increased levels of the hormone beta - hCG.
3. Be More Sensitive To smell the aroma is not wearing (like smoke) and even smells that you normally prefer (such as a fragrant pair) can make you sick during the early stages of pregnancy. This may be a result of increased levels of the hormone. To smoke, of course, you can avoid it, do not you? Moreover, cigarette smoke is not good for the mother and fetus.

4. Nausea and vomiting nausea and vomiting can be some of the first indications that you are pregnant. Due to increased levels of hormones in early pregnancy. This can occur even up to several weeks of early pregnancy. However, this can be a good thing, because you know that you are pregnant.Do not let your stomach is too empty, often eat throughout the day can help relieve nausea. Lemon and peppermint can reduce nausea.If you are too frequent vomiting, can be discussed with your doctor about treatment options.

5. Breast swelling breast changes may be another early sign of pregnancy. The best thing to do if you feel pain in the breast is to use a better bra.

6. Frequent urination early pregnancy, the uterus grows and push the bladder, triggering the urge to urinate more frequently.There is no way to avoid this but go to the bathroom before bedtime can help you to get a few hours sleep a little more. You might wake up at least once in the night to go to the bathroom.

7. Shortness of BreathSome women feels a little breathless when they first become pregnant and sometimes during pregnancy. This is because you are in need of extra oxygen for embryonic development. However, consult your doctor if you experience any of the following things:• You have a tendency to sudden shortness of breath.• Feels pain when breathing.• When you lie shortness of breath was getting sick. This could be a sign of something more serious.

8. Physical changes discoloration of the vagina and cervix texture, an experienced doctor can usually identify this. Remember that this is just the early signs of pregnancy, Signs above can also be a symptom of another, including premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The earliest sign of the most reliable is the first missed period if you have a regular menstrual period


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