Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Tips Avoid The Child From The Risk Of Injury

How are you? may you always in good health ...

This time we will share information and Tips avoid the child from the risk of Injury to your heart's beloved fruit, especially on this article that will be reviewed is the injury to the foot of ranging from the sole of the foot up to the groin.

Maybe all parents would be happy if you see her heart fruit can play, run-run away and do other things in the pool. But there is no harm in parents anticipate bad possibilities that occur in children such as the risk of injury. According to the online encyclopedia wikipedia, the injury means a damage on the structure or function of the body due to coercion or physical pressure. Talk about a leg injury on the child will certainly be closely connected with the issue of bone health and children's shoes. Here we will present a few tips from the side of the bone health of the child and the child's shoe selection and proper care for the children, of course, to avoid the risk of an injury occurring while performing activities.
Tips Hindarkan Children From The Risk Of Injury:

# Of bone health

High berkalsium food consumption

One of the much needed nutrients to help maintain the health of bone properly is calcium. Foods that contain calcium can help maintain bone structure to keep it sturdy and strong, so it is not porous and easily damaged.

Here are some of the types of foods that are high in berkalsium, which can be an option for maintaining healthy bones:

· Milk

· Cheese

· Yogurt

· Vegetables

· Fruits

· Nuts

· Grain

· Fish products

· Know

· Tempe

· Soy milk

· Crackers (Malkist)

# From the selection and treatment of children's shoes
Shoes have many functions, one of the most important functions of the shoes is to protect the feet and one other important function is to show confidence. Confidence not only in the elderly but also in children. Even in children is usually more difficult because children quickly tired of it. Children also have many kinds of shoes, such as sports shoes, shoes, shoes, child's school play, and other shoes. Older people often confuse it with the care of children's shoes following these tips to take care of shoes.

· Clean shoes :Clean children's shoes a week twice avoiding of unpleasant odors in the  
   children's shoes.
· Shoe Polish
  When your child's shoe material from skin is not wrong when You Shine shoes your child, so that 
  the  color of the shoes your child does not change the dull.

· Dry your feet 
  Before your child wears shoes encourage your children to dry their feet first. This is so that  
  your child's leg spared from mushrooms.
· Keep shoes in place of comfortable 
  Convenient in-place dry and meant not exposed to the Sun directly in order to keep good shoes and 
  no bacteria or fungi that dating.

· Clear shoes
  Try to wash your shoes a month 2-3 times so that the cleanliness of the shoes stay awake  
   and tehindar  of germs germs.

The shoe is comfortable to wear surely makes your child increasingly happy to do activities, and of course comfort tersebuta will reduce the risk of injury to the feet of the child.


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