Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Traditional Herbal Medicine For High Uric Acid

Traditional Herbal Medicine For High Uric Acid, High uric acid formerly referred to by the term gout caused by deposition of uric acid in the joints. Gout is the result of metabolic flow through the circulation of the blood. If uric acid levels are too high or too little is disposed of through the urine then it will form crystals, and will settle on one of the joints and the occurrence of deformities of the joints, the muscles on the shank away so it feels stiff especially if that was attacked at the joints around the soles of the feet, ankles or thumb. The most straightforward treatment was 10 Bay leaves boiled with water until the remaining 200cc 400cc, water drunk while warm. Also feed on Solanum torvum or fruit regularly IE twice a day.

15 leaves laundry and 5 Rod led balung both boiled with water until three glass so one glass, drinking in a warm State. The personal experience of an acquaintance of mine, never got high uric acid, in severe condition had healed after drinking two times, if the attack is severe, it may take at least 3 days drink it morning and evening. Each drinking makes a new herb.

-Turmeric 1 ounce (if high blood tension, plus be ¼ kg as well as temulawak).
-Temulawak ¼ – ½ kg
-¼ Lempuyang (Zingiber zerumbet if low blood plus ½ kg)
-Cowekan/Reagan 1 – 2 handheld
-Bay leaf 5 sheets
  5 pieces of betel leaves (yellowish green)
-Connect the lives of 4 – 5 extinct

Here's how:

Mixed 3 large glasses of water, boiled with media gender (pot land, may not use aluminum pot) simmer until so 1 glass. Drink in the warm State. Former stew can still be worn for five days, by the way, add the water first, cook 1 glass and boiled again. If it does not stand the bitterness can be augmented with sugar/Palm.

Warning: a week until a month after the treatment of sufferers are not allowed to eat and drink things into abstinence.

So this article may be useful to you his tips, thank you have visited.


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