Wednesday, October 25, 2017

sore eyes

Speaking of eyebrow pain medication, there are actually a variety of natural remedies in the environment around us that can be utilized. Perhaps chemical drugs have been chosen for the most time since it may be considered more practical and quick to react. However, it can not be denied also that natural medicine is also quite effective for treating the eyes Belek. 
sore eyes
Moreover, natural medicines certainly more easily obtained rather than chemical drugs that must be purchased at the pharmacy or obtained from the doctor. We do not forbid you to use the common eye pain medications that are purchased at pharmacies.
But it's good if you also know the natural medicines that you can make your own. The goal is of course so you do not need to panic while in an emergency. Suppose you have an eyesore when you're in an area far from the pharmacy or away from the doctor. Then traditional medicine made from natural ingredients can be the first choice alternative to overcome your sore eyes. So what are the medications for the eyes and what are the factors causing the eye pain? Here's the full explanation.
Examples of Self-made Eye Pain Drugs
Eye disease is one of the diseases of the eye that must be very disturbing daily activities. How not, usually the eyes will feel sore, painful and lazy to open. Even you also have to wear glasses so that your eye pain is not transmitted to others. Can eye pain be contagious? What is the cause? Before discussing the problem, some of the following examples of eye diseases are also important for you to know.
Eye Pain from Leaf Betel
For the first natural remedy, you can use betel leaf as the main ingredient. The ingredients you need are several pieces of betel leaf. Previously do not forget you wash until clean. Boil until boiling betel leaves with a little salt. Then lift the betel leaves and wait until cool. Squeeze the betel leaves using a clean cloth. Juice of betel leaf is what can be used as a sore eye medicine.
For how to use traditional medicine is also quite easy. First, wash your face first, including in the eyes until clean. Then wipe the betel leaf juice around your eyes that are sore eyes. Do it three times a day. If your eye pain is not too severe, then if you treat it regularly surely your eye disease will soon heal.

Eye Pain from Garlic

During this time may be considered garlic can make eyes sore and watery. However, who would have thought that garlic is also quite effective to be a sore eye medicine. The ingredients you need are one clove of garlic. Before starting to treat your eyes, wash your face first with clean water. Keep the dirt in your eyes and your face is gone and clean. Then dry the face with a clean towel.

Next, you take one clove of garlic that you have provided. Do not forget to wash thoroughly until clean. Then cut the end of the piece. Apply the tip of the onion that you have cut it slowly parallel to the root of the eyelash (lower eyelid). You need to pay attention, do not dab her on the top eyelid. You should also be able to withstand the pain, itching or amusement that you may feel.

We recommend that you take this eyelash medicine from garlic before you sleep. What is important also to note is, you should not use onions. Perform this traditional treatment routine every night until your eyes cured.

Eye Medicine from Honey

Honey is indeed one of the natural ingredients that can be used to treat various diseases. No exception as a sore eye medicine. It has been proven that honey was quite effective to overcome the eye pain. The material you need is pure honey to taste. It does not need too much because the way you do is by dropping.

First, wash your eyes first using warm water cotton swabs. Make sure your face has also been cleaned from the dirt. Here you need to consider is a cotton you can only use for a single sweep only. Then drop a drop of pure honey on your eyes. Try using honey to treat your sore eye, three times a day until the condition of your eyes completely recovered.

Causes of Eye Pain Needs to Be Watchful

Then what exactly can cause eye tears? Is it due to viruses, bacteria, or anything else? In general, the eyes are conjunctivitis or pink eye. There are various things that can cause eye tears. For example because of allergies, exposed to dust or infection. And what you need to be aware of is, sore eyes can happen anytime and to anyone. Even a baby who is not even a year old can experience this disease.

A newborn baby can also get eye infections from his mother. Usually, the baby can be infected with Gonorrhea or Chlamydia bacteria from the mother. For adults, the use of contact lenses can also be one cause of eye pain. It is undeniable that contact lenses can be a hotbed for bacteria in the eye. Therefore for those of you who often use contact lenses, always try to keep the lens clean so that tikka cause infection or irritation.

Dust can also cause eye irritation and cause eye pain. But if all that happens is the allergy or mild irritation in the absence of infection, you do not need to use eye pain medicine. Because the eye problem like that usually will heal by itself. However, if an infection occurs, it should be treated immediately before the sore eyes worsen.

As for some symptoms of conjunctivitis or eye tears are like eyes flushed, tear production increases, there is dirt that sticks in the lashes especially when waking up. In addition, the eyes will also feel itchy, painful and sometimes hot. Your eyes will also be more sensitive to light and your vision becomes less obvious.

More or less like that explanation about the types of eyebrow sore medicine and what are the factors causing it. Hopefully, after you read and understand some of the tips we just mentioned, you can avoid the risk of sore eyes. So the article that we can convey this time, good luck and hopefully useful.


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