Friday, October 6, 2017

8 Ways to Ease Minus Eyes With Ease and Experience

8 Ways to Ease Minus Eyes With Ease and Experience

Minus or farsighted eyes are abnormalities in the eyes that are unable to see well with objects or objects with great distances. Maybe this time you are also experiencing it, and feel very uncomfortable and want to heal the minus eyes in a natural way. Why minus eye can happen?

Cause of Minus Eyes

Many studies have suggested that urban communities are more at risk for eye disorders such as minus eye than in rural communities. This happens because in general the urban people spend much time in places or activities with visibility that is not far away, such as reading a book in a narrow space and lighting less or surfing in the virtual world with a long duration. This will cause eye muscles that adjust the focus of the eye will gradually get used to such conditions. Well, when viewing a distant object, the eye does not get a good focus because it is used to see objects with a close distance.

Other things that can be said to be a minus eye-catcher are too much television watching at close range, rarely in the eye, excessive sugar consumption, and often work with computers with poor monitors.

Are minus eyes treatable? Many sources say that minus eyes can be cured, even without glasses even minus eyes can be cured. Then how to cure the eye minus naturally?

Heals Minus Eyes

There are actually many ways of curing minus eyes, such as with eye exercises or lasik surgery. Since many people do not have much time for eye gymnastics, or people who are afraid of surgery, here are some ways to reduce eye minus naturally:

Remove the glasses if deemed less necessary, like being in a narrow room. Do this if you can still see clearly even without glasses.

Train your eyes to see distant objects without wearing glasses. For example, you can go to the rice fields or beaches because these places have a far and wide viewing angle.

Train your eyes to see moving objects. For example, when you are on the highway, watch the motorcycle passing in front of you. Browse and watch each movement, keep the shadow formed is intact.

Treating eye minus with betel leaf therapy. Betel leaf can help heal minus eyes in a natural way. The trick is also easy, clean the betel leaves and stick on the eyelids while you sleep. Do this therapy regularl

If you work using a computer, make sure your monitor is working properly. In addition, every 30 minutes to see a computer monitor that lights up, you should see other objects such as keyboard, or look out the window.

Candle therapy. Candles also have benefits to help reduce your minus eye level. Simple way, turn on the candle and look at the candle without much blinking. Try not to blink too often until many tears come out. This candle therapy is simple, but powerful enough to reduce the eye minus if done regularly.

Clean eyes regularly, can use eye drops.
Wearing glasses while driving. It aims to keep your eyes in direct contact with dust.


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