Monday, October 2, 2017

Causes of nosebleeds, and deal with it

Causes of nosebleeds, and deal with it
A while ago I was on holiday with my friends outside of the city, I was surprised when my way home suddenly blood dripping on me, it turns out my friend experienced a nosebleed, he said that it is normal for him, maybe just was exhausted. Many people underestimate the nosebleed, but you need to know that the majority of the nosebleed stops by itself that is as much as 90 percent, while 10 percent require special measures. Not too late getting the handling of severe complications can be avoided, such as shock to unconscious, or children up to anemic or decrease blood pressure dramatically.
In general the nosebleeds occur due to a burst blood vessels in the nasal area, the name kieselbach plexus. These blood vessels is woven a network of very fine blood vessels and thin. In children these blood vessels bleed easily especially if there is an infection in the nose area. Due to infection of the thin blood vessels that will widen and if tersenggol just a little will to break easily.

Nosebleeds can also be terminated in the following ways,

the child in an upright position, and then seated on the nose pressure (push) and hope the blood vessels that burst can shrink (kontriksi) and aims in blood clotting in regions of the nose can be accelerated. In addition it can also shed on the nose are nosebleeds by using SAP betel leaves as a natural treatment. On the broken blood vessels coagulation will arise from the benefits of the SAP of the betel leaves.

or in other ways as follows:

> Close your nose and open mouth

> Sitting, twisting your head slightly forward, and cubitlah Software section

the nasal bone under the viaduct >. At the same time, open your mouth to breathe. Advance your head obstructing blood flow back to the back of the throat, which can cause you to cough, choke, or spewing blood. the slope just a little is enough, because too much will give a pressure too big on the head and nose. With such a position, you can also see how much blood is wasted. This is also the reason that the old opinion that says the best way is with a lie is not correct, because there is no blood comes out it means it's been stopped.

> If bleeding does not stop after 20 minutes, press about 20 minutes longer.

> If still not stop, go to a doctor.
    or, Refrigerate your nose

> If blood in your nose hard stop, ice could stop the blood flow faster.

> Can also use compresses of ice wrapped in a towel or cloth

> laps and placed between the brow and the bridge of the nose. Nuts carton

> wrapped frozen can also be as effective (frozen corn kernels in the
   plastic pouch > can also wrap in a thin towel on and used

> befitting the ice can also be used). Although the bleeding had stopped,

This cold compress > could help shrink the blood vessels.

The about this article, may be useful for visitors health blog, thank you.


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