Monday, October 23, 2017

Medicinal Plants For Treating Sipilis Disease

Sipilis is a disease caused by a bacterium called Treponema pallidum. The urinary tract bacteria can enter the body through wounds during vaginal sex, anal (through the anus - usually in the male homosexual group), orally (by mouth), or use the same sex toy with the person already infected with this disease. Pregnant women who have been infected with this disease can also transmit to the baby who is still in the womb. Infected fetuses of this disease may suffer from congenital abnormalities or defects or may also die at birth.
Medicinal Plants For Treating Sipilis Disease

Syphilis will not be transmitted through the use of clothing, toilets, nail clippers, or bathing with those who have been infected because the bacteria that cause syphilis disease cannot live long enough outside the human body. Transmission through blood transfusion is a very rare mode of transmission because almost all blood transfusions have passed a very rigorous examination. The cure of syphilis can be pursued in two ways: modern medicine and traditional medicine, by taking advantage of the properties contained in various herbs such as roots of Alang-Alang, cat whiskers, and leaves.

Syphilis healing by way of modern medicine generally uses a variety of modern medicine that mostly contains artificial Kima or synthetic substances that can lead to negative side effects on human organs such as kidneys and liver. Modern medicines are also most expensive and very expensive so that people with low-middle-class economic ability will find it difficult to obtain.

The way of healing syphilis is traditionally quite different from the modern way. Traditional ways of treatment usually use medicines obtained from a variety of natural herbs, and the best way is to plant medicinal plants that do not use synthetic fertilizers and pesticides so natural drugs will not cause harmful side effects on the body.

Natural traditional medicines certainly will not contaminate the organs of the body, on the contrary, the function and condition of organs will be better and healthier if eating herbal plants that efficacious. In addition, the traditional remedies formulated from natural herbal plants, the price is not expensive, therefore can be obtained easily by all levels of society.

As already mentioned above that to treat syphilis disease can exploit the efficacy of the cat's whiskers. Cat's whiskers plants are very nutritious is one type of plant that has a stem erect. This medicinal plant is known by various different names such as rhyme plant or 'whisker using' (Sundanese), son got koneng (Madura), the end (Central Java and East Java) and angry girl-girl (Sumatera). This plant is actually from Africa and spread to Asia and Australia.

The traditional medicine of syphilis can be formulated from the cat's whiskers plant, the leaf part. That's because the cat whiskers plant contains orthosiphonin glycoside substances that can dissolve the uric acid in the body, also oxalate and phosphate. Cats whiskers actually do not only serve as a cure for syphilis, because this plant is also very well known to have properties to treat and relieve various disorders and diseases such as constipation, diabetes, rheumatism, cough, colds, inflammation or inflammation of the kidney, back pain, bladder infections, kidney stones, and albuminuria.

Understanding syphilis disease

Syphilis is the most common sexually transmitted disease (PMS) is syphilis aka lion king. Syphilis is common in gay or bisexual men. What are the symptoms and signs of this venereal disease? Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema pallidum is chronic and chronic. These bacteria enter the human body through the mucous membranes (eg in the vagina or mouth) or through the skin. Syphilis develops in four stages, and the symptoms vary with each stage. But the stages may overlap, and the symptoms do not always occur in the same order.

Symptoms of Syphilis in Men

Symptoms of Syphilis Disease Syphilis typically affects men, but today women are also a few who get syphilis. Many people with syphilis, especially women, do not recognize symptoms so they realize it when syphilis disease has entered an advanced stage. Women are more susceptible to syphilis because it has more humid and wet genitals so that bacteria will more easily infect. To prevent syphilis from getting worse, we should know the early symptoms. Please note if syphilis is transmitted through sexual contact.

Syphilis Symptoms In Women

Symptoms of syphilis In women will appear about 3 weeks - 6 months after sexual intercourse with the patient, generally, syphilis disease is characterized by the following characteristics: Appearing lumps and sores around the genitals Wounds look like a hole in the skin with a higher edge. Usually does not hurt In a few weeks the wound will disappear, but instead, the bacteria will settle on the body and the disease can appear in the form of blisters on the whole body. Then these blisters will disappear as well, and the virus will attack other organs

Sometimes accompanied by dizziness and bone pain like symptoms of flu Appears reddish spots on the body about 6-12 weeks after syphilis sex in women can increase the potential for contracting HIV / AIDS diseases. The open sores from sexually transmitted diseases make the spread of the HIV virus very quickly through direct sexual contact. syphilis in a pregnant woman can also cause the child she is carrying to have a disability. If treated promptly, then in the long term syphilis can be Barrels: During the first 2-3 years of this disease shows no symptoms, after 5-10 years of this disease will
Medicinal Plants For Treating Sipilis Disease
Sipilis Medicinal Plants >> Who is not familiar with garlic, this tuber is a flavoring ingredient that is often included in every dish. Maybe the aroma of onion is sometimes not too good when kissed sting and make dizzy, but with this tuber, the taste of food will be better.

Onions are very nutritious or beneficial to the body and health. Substances that exist on the onion can be a material that can relieve serious or mild disease. And these are some of the benefits of garlic.

Garlic Able to Prevent the growth of bacteria and infections in the human body, for Dennis urinary tract infections in people with syphilis is strongly recommended to consume garlic, in addition to reducing the pain also prevent the development of bacteria, For treatment of syphilis should be used drugs, garlic is only prevented to cure syphilis.

You experience symptoms of symptoms as a characteristic of syphilis ....?

Our suggestion of syphilis should be treated immediately with syphilis, the right Sipilis Treatment can be cured completely and not relapse again.


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