Friday, December 29, 2017

13 types of sexual relationships that you might try.

13 types of sexual relationships that you might try.

Sexual experimentation is the key to maintaining a fresh, enjoyable, and satisfying long-term relationship. Delivering what your expectations and needs will make your relationship and your partner closer. "Experimenting each other requires a willingness to accept (the desire of the couple), which will increase intimacy,".
Sex is the most fun activity, but if done with "so-so" alone, over time will be the most boring activity.
Change this habit so that sex is not just a routine.Here are 13 types of sexual relationships that you might try.
Holiday Sex
A day's holiday, or a long weekend holiday, becomes a fitting moment to carry out your "obligations". Especially if in the previous days you diligently refused to make love from the husband with the excuse of fatigue. Do not make any appointments on this holiday, including to the mall with your husband. Take advantage of the empty time to relax at home, order good food, watch movies in the room, then end with sex.
Make-Up Sex
Many couples suddenly want to make love after a fight and make up. Why is that? Because quarrels release the hormone dopamine and increase adrenaline, thus making you and your partner more excited. So, you do not need to fret if you're fighting with him. Having sex after this disagreement would be a fun way to get better. "When you and your partner are upset about each other, you should be able to forget about it." Sex changes the momentum according to the argument, "Fertel explained.
Vacation Sex
Vacation can be a good opportunity for you to relax and relive your relationship with him. "One of the benefits of a vacation is that you can renew your sexual intimacy," Fertel said. If you usually plan all the travel details, make sure you also schedule a lovemaking event. For example, stay indoors until lunch time, or return to the room after dinner to spend time relaxing.
Animalistic Sex
Haste can also be seen in a positive way. The guy gets aggressive, and it's fun because you do not know what he'll do. For example, he no longer cares whether you have taken off the clothes or not, or whether the room around neat or messy, dark or light. All he wants is to walk naturally.
Comfort Sex
Sometimes, you also need something simple, comfortable, and satisfying. This kind of sex can be a moment to devote each other's affections, or you support him after a hard day at his office. You can apply a position that becomes your favorite both so as to be mutually satisfying.

Hope-We-Don't-Get-Caught Sex
Ever experienced when you got stuck in an event where none of your guests were familiar, or a boring family gathering? You can get rid of boredom by sneaking into hotel rooms, changing rooms, or any private space.
Meet him there. The possibility to catch other people makes the atmosphere to be thrilling but adds excitement to you.
Fulfill-Your-Fantasy Sex
Everyone must have sexual fantasies. Once in a while, you need to convey your sexual fantasies to your husband and see how he reacts. When he excited, try to ask what his sexual fantasies. Then, invite him to practice it. "We should try to do our fantasies, as far as it can be done," Fertel said.
Quickie Sex
Because it must be done quickly, you should ignore its foreplay event. Therefore, make sure you also want it. If you are reluctant, but willing to do just to please the husband, hm .... You make a mistake. Once you agree, you can do it anytime. From simply accepting the invite he made love just before the office, stealing time in the fitting room when you're trying on clothes, or sneaking out on the sidelines of a coffee break during the seminar.

Romantic, Sensual Sex

Setting aside time (not leaving time) to be able to enjoy sex without hurry, can be a "luxury" opportunity. Do it as if you were the first to do it with your husband: everything is well-prepared, slowly, with a romantic setting, soft music, with soothing aromatherapy. Thus you will enjoy every moment of togetherness that makes intercourse more and more felt.

All-Over-the-House Sex

Your "colony" area is new bed and living room only? Try doing it in other rooms in your house. The essence of this kind of sex is actually more on spontaneity in relationships. "Spontaneity is beautiful, fun, and thrilling," Fertel said. Often, he argues, people get stuck in a routine where they have sex at the same time, the same place, even the same position. This will cause sexual activity to become boring.

Outdoor Sex

Have the children play elsewhere, or wait till they fall asleep.

After that, it's your turn to "play around" in the yard, in the garage, or in the upstairs room overlooking the balcony. Leave the door open. Of course, you can not intercourse while on the terrace, on the beach, or in places where there will be many people. Simply by caressing each other sensitive parts of you and him.

Position of the Week Sex

Trying a new position provides an opportunity for you to recognize what is comfortable and fun for both you and your partner. Who knows you who have never reached orgasm can find a position that allows you to get it? This will make you happy and relieved because there is a way to get that pleasure, and what does not work for you. Do it as a distraction to keep intimate relations fresh, and prevent it from becoming routine.

Marathon Sex

Rain fell not so fast, but evenly in all places. Usually, this kind of rain will last a long time. No other activities are nice to do except spend all day in the room and curl up in his arms. Make love as if time will never pass. Calculate how many times you reach the top.
read too : Herbs overcome impotence 

When your sexual energy has been poured out completely, you will both feel so tired but satisfied


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