Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Reflection for mothers

For all parents

Reflection for mothers
Reflection Extraordinary dr Mas Agus Purwanto, DSc``. (ITS physics lecturer author of Ayatt Semesta and Nalar Ayatt Semesta, ... The initiator of Trensains → Sragen, → Jombang - Ireng- and Iruna → Yogja as well as its copyright owner)

For parents and lecturers / teachers who temporarily work as a substitute for parents at home. Happy living and practicing
  1. The logic sequence ... the child's naughty cycle with unwise parents is like this
  2. Because his son is naughty ... then his parents are angry.
  3. Because his parents are angry .. then Allah is also angry.
  4. Because God is angry ... then there is no mercy in the house.  
  5. Because there is no mercy in the house ... then the family will be a lot of trouble.  
  6. Because the family is a lot of trouble ... then the child ... does not feel happiness and uncomfortable  ... so will be more naughty.
  7. The core principle of the cycle is actually still in the elderly ... namely: 
  8. Ridla Allah ... is in the parent's ridlanya.
The wrath of God ... is in the mury of the parents.So the most efficient strategy to break the cycle of that cycle ... God willing, in the beginning ... that is preventing the elderly wrath ... If the parents soon face his son ... with affection and not with wrath ... then people old it ... shows to God ... that they both ridla to his son ... Of course not ridla against mischief .. but ridla to his son.

By ensuring ridla to the child .. then parents will be able to do these 3 stages:
  1. Immediately forgive his son ... did not scold him at all ... and immediately tried to understand what situation his son was facing.
  2. Immediately meet ... dialogue and discussed ... what the best solution should be taken by children ... parents or other parties ... while continuing to pray for it.
  3. Immediately forget all his son's mistakes ... and not bring it up again.
وَإِنْ تَعْفُوا وَتَصْفَحُوا وَتَغْفِرُوا فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ

If you forgive him ... see him and forget his mistake ... then know Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful. (QS 64:14).

With the conversion of wrath to ridla ... then now the cycle is like this One day the boy is naughty ... His parents ... immediately do the 3 stages ... with affection ... as a form of keridlaan them to his son
  1. Because the child's parents are ridla ... then Allah meridlainya.
  2. Because God has meridlainya ... then the house full of ridla it ... blessed God.
  3. Because the house is full of God's grace ... then the family is full of love ... so it becomes happier.
  4. Because the family is happy ... then the child will not have time again naughty ... because every problem of his life always get the solution immediately.
  5. So ... on every child's misbehavior (sorry) ... the location of improvement ... not in child ... but to the parents of the child ... 
read too :
  Tips Avoid The Child From The Risk Of Injury

May be useful..


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