Thursday, December 14, 2017

The relationship of disease that occurs in children with child growth

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Diseases that often occur in children is usually very difficult to guess the cause and consequences. Many children are stunted because of the pain in the suffering did not kunjunng recovered. Diseases that occur in children always occur regularly either every day, week or monthly.

1. The late child in speaking, this is caused because the child has a problem with his hearing, the maturity of the body's organs to talk and lack of stimulation from within him and his parent's genetic so that children cannot be productive in interacting in the community environment.

To overcome this:
  • then give the child a storybook that contains the images with the most interesting, because children will gradually recognize the image in front of him.
  • When communicating with children, use a simple language and always correct the speech to be heard by the child. Because the child will recall what we say both good and bad words.
  • Give a reward to the child if the communication and speech are very good.
2. children are stunted at walking ability at 8 months - 18 months. 
At this age children can still be anti anticipated and find ways to overcome it because the child is not unable to walk but his muscle cells are not ready. Many causes that make the child's condition is not healthy on his legs, one of which is the shape of the child's legs and body weight grow slowly, hereditary factors and less learning to walk on his small time. As for how to overcome them are:
  • cultivate a sense of patience as the child slowly grows, give high spirits to the child so that he does not down and give up.
  • Seek help such as a plastic chair or small table for help. this will make the child explore by itself.
  • Encourage continuously and give the child a very full joy.
3. The child has an attitude of Autism
Autism is a disturbing feature of very complex brain functions. Usually occurs in children aged three years. This is because children lack socialism and imagination that is not in use, there are a strong descent factor and children affected by dangerous abnormal diseases. In this abnormal time, the child is not interested in anything like the other child. The way to overcome them are:

  • Ask for help from professionals, to be given a special approach to master the character and skills that belong to it. 
  • Provide a facility, to support the child to learn harder, such as visual media, time to exercise or full time to play sambal learn.


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