Friday, December 22, 2017

Tips to cure cough disease

Tips to cure diseases Coughing - What is Cough? Who is not familiar with this disease? The diseases most often found wherever you are (both small and large environments) are among the most common diseases in adults or children. Many think that this cough is a disease, but it is wrong! Cough is a body defense mechanism in the respiratory tract and is a symptom of other diseases due to activity or irritation to dust, mucus, food, smoke (especially cigarette smoke), and others.  Coughing will occur due to certain receptors, such as smoke that attacks the respiratory tract that will cause the nose (respiratory tract) to be disturbed and eventually from the respiratory tract to signal to the brain and muscles will try to pull out the incoming dirt by throwing it through Cough .

Tips to cure diseases Coughing - What is Cough? Who is not familiar with this disease? The diseases most often found wherever you are (both small and large environments) are among the most common diseases in adults or children. Many think that this cough is a disease, but it is wrong! A cough is a body defense mechanism in the respiratory tract and is a symptom of other diseases due to activity or irritation to dust, mucus, food, smoke (especially cigarette smoke), and others.

Coughing will occur due to certain receptors, such as smoke that attacks the respiratory tract that will cause the nose (respiratory tract) to be disturbed and eventually from the respiratory tract to signal to the brain and muscles will try to pull out the incoming dirt by throwing it through Cough.
Based on the number of days, cough is divided into 2 ie
1. An acute Cough
 What is Acute Cough? An acute cough is a cough that occurs (lasts) for less than 14 days, as well as in periodically. If a cough has passed the limit of 14 days, means cannot be said Cough Acute, because it is past the normal limit of an acute cough.
2. Repeated Chronic Cough
Repeated Chronic Cough often attacks children with dangerous illnesses: Asthma, Tuberculosis (TBC), and pertussis (ie whooping cough or often called a 100-day cough). This pertussis is a type of disease whose cause is stricken by the germs of Bordetella Pertussis. This disease is very dangerous for the body. How to prevent this type of disease is by immunization DPT.FM JB

Based on the shape, cough is divided into:

1. Coughing Up SputumWhat is a cough with phlegm? A cough with phlegm is a cough accompanied by the sputum out of the body, whether it is white or yellow sputum. The cause of a cough with this phlegm is the presence of infection in the human respiratory tract. Sputum contained in this cough disease can clog breathing if not immediately addressed/dealt with quickly. This cough also makes the throat feel slimy and makes the feeling of being uneasy. This cough is least liked by many people. In addition to discharging disgusting fluids, he also interferes with the esophagus that causes difficulty inactivity. 
2. A dry CoughWhat is a Dry Cough? A dry cough is a cough that is not accompanied by the release of fluid or phlegm in a cough. This cough is clearly very disturbing because it causes the throat to itch and sneezing frequently. This type of a cough is also very dangerous for health if it is too severe to bleed a cough. This cough usually sounds very loud that can interfere with the work activities of others.

3. Special Cough
Tips to cure cough disease
What is a Special Cough? A special cough is a type of a cough that can occur because of the effects of a particular disease, such as asthma, weak heart disease, tuberculosis, sneezing, sore throat, and so forth. This cough is also harmful to the body because it can weaken the working system in the human body and bring other diseases easily to enter the body.Causes of Cough in humans
Many causes of coughing in humans are caused by things that might be considered trivial for most people. What are the causes of Cough in humans? Please see below
1. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (ISPA)This is a frequent symptom that results in Flu and coughing in the human body. Because the infection is very sensitive to things - things that he felt, such as smell the smoke, the smell of cigarette smoke, and other odors that can interfere with upper respiration
2. AllergiesAllergies we often hear in this environment, namely the incapability of a person against an obstacle for himself that can cause disease in the body, usually allergic to food, allergic to odors, and allergies to other goods.
3. ASMA or TB (Tuberculosis)ASMA also causes coughing. Because of the weakness in the breathing that can encourage a person's body to remove the virus through a cough. ASMA is very dangerous for the human body because the breathing becomes limited.

4. Foreign objects (foreign) that enter into the respiratory tract
Objects that are outside such as dust, viruses, etc. without us realize it we often inhale it. This happens without us knowing it. Although the nose has a barrier for foreign objects to enter, still this object can enter because it is mono (small). These small objects can easily enter the nose and disturb the respiratory tract causing coughs in humans.

5. Choking on eating or drinking something
Coughing can come from anywhere. Included from the following trivial. Choking when drinking or eating can cause coughing because the drink or food is in excess. So do not as a matter of course way of eating and drinking healthy.

6. Be near people who smoke and inhale the smoke
This is definitely the case. Wherever you are, you will meet people who smoke. If you inhale cigarette smoke from them, then you will cough. This is because the smoke entering the respiratory tract is not a good smoke, but a very bad smoke, which contains toxins inside.
Visit Also: So many of these articles I make, may we all avoid the cough-disease that is very disturbing our activities.

1 comment:

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    He listed to that he can as well cure the following diseases below.... Cerebral Amides. Lung Cancer, Alzheimer's disease,measles, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio and diphtheria Adrenocortical carcinoma. Alma, Uterine Cancer, Breast Cancer, Allergic diseases. Kidney cancer, Love Spell, Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
    Dementia.Colo rectal cancer, Lottery Spell, Bladder Cancer, Skin Cancer,Ovarian Cancer,Pancreatic Cancer, HIV /Aids, Herpes, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Inflammatory bowel disease, Copd, Diabetes, Hepatitis
