Friday, December 22, 2017

Various kinds of diseases in the ear

Causes of esophageal cancer
The ears are sensitive and susceptible to disease. However, you have to heal quickly, because the ear is very useful for our daily activities, just like other organs. Many conditions cause the disturbance in the human ear. However, not necessarily everyone knows about the kinds of ear diseases in humans. We will share some pretty solid information related to this, happy reading.Ear woundThere is an ear disorder caused by an injury to the outer part of the ear, where it is otitis or infected, and secretes pus. This disease is permanent if the infection is really severe. How to cure diseases caused by these ear lesions by doing this examination to the doctor, and given antibiotics.
Dirt that accumulatesRarely cleaning the ear can lead to ear diseases as well. This is because the dirt that accumulates, the dirt can block the sound vibration that should be up to the eardrum. Thus, your hearing becomes disturbed because of the pile of dirt. How to cure it is to remove the dirt from the ear, and should be done routinely, because the dirt will come back over time.

Meniere's diseaseThe next one is Meniere's disease. This disease occurs due to an increase in the amount of fluid in the labyrinth. And usually, Meniere's disease attacks middle-aged people. The way to heal is to consult a doctor that, you can not cure it by yourself.PerichondritisPerichondritis disease is a disease of the ear due to infection in cartilage or cartilage of the outer ear. 
 The cause of Perichondritis is due to:
  1. Insect Bites
  2. Injury
  3. Solve a deliberate blowing of the ear
Pus can gather in the cartilage area as well as the surrounding perichondrium (connective tissue) layer. This pine will cause the blood flow toward the cartilage to be closed, and cartilage damage can occur, the ultimate negative effect is the occurrence of ear deformities.How to cure disease Perichondritis can by removing pus, can be done by making an incision, and blood can flow back toward the cartilage. But for people who are not a too severe infection, just given antibiotics alone, another case with severe Perichondritis, should be given an injection.LabyrinthitisAnother ear disease that is Labirintitis, this disease attacks the inside of the ear. And the causative factor is the concussion, infection, and allergies. Symptoms of Labyrinthitis disease are vomiting, nausea, buzzing ears, diminished hearing and also vertigo.Media stability (ear inflammation)Bacteria and viruses can also cause disruption or diseases of the ear. One of the diseases caused by viruses and bacteria, which attacks small children is inflammation of the ears. Various kinds of ear diseases have symptoms of heat fever, reduced hearing quality and also the pain in the ear area. In addition, in some cases, the ears may release pus, if left unchecked, the disease may cause a ruptured eardrum that culminates in deafness. So, you should be wary of this disease.

CellulitisInfections that occur in the outer ear or external ear, one of which is Cellulitis disease. This outer ear infection can be repeated if not given the correct treatment.


Tips to cure cough disease
Causes of esophageal cancer
CholesteatomaIf your middle ear is a buildup of cellular debris or cellular debris will result in chronic ear infections. Cholesteatoma can cause damage to the inner ear structures in the middle.


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