Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Early childhood development

Characteristics are a prominent attitude in children. Characteristics of development are the characteristics that occur in the physical and skis children.

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A. The development that occurs in the physical child

Physical man is a system of very perfect and complex organs. Physical formation begins in the prenatal period that occurs when in the womb or mother's womb. According to psychologists there are several body organs that develop semupurna in humans are: the nervous system, muscles, endocrine glands, and body structure.

4 It supports the development of:
  1. Very influential on the intelligence that occurs in early childhood, especially the development of thinking power and creativity and can control emotions.
  2. Can improve the strength and ability of motoric rough and smooth child.
  3. There will be new and more specific characters and behaviors.
  4. In the body or physical development of the child will be seen in the growth of its height, weight, and proposition. Which can be compared with the daily pattern.
physical characteristics of children, especially age 0 to 5 years, namely:
  1. The child has started to perform basic movements such as walking, running, jumping, jumping, prancing, throwing and catching.
  2. Children can socialize with the environment well. Especially with her parents, children can adapt and communicate with other family members to improve their intelligence in understanding their own family and others.
  3. Children can use the objects around with various explorations of each. try the objects that are given to the child is very safe to play. And do not have a very small object, afraid to eat or harmful to other members of the body.
  4. At the age of 5 to 8 years, the time required in development and growth is relatively very long in comparison with childhood. At this age tend to get sick and tired easily.
  5. 5. At the age of 8 to 9 years, is a period of improvement in body coordination, increased physical resilience, has a strong physical so that for men happy to fight or wrestle with his friends, though ultimately still in pain. For orgam in a fairly stable but still there is a slow developing nervous system.
  6. 6. At the age of 10 to 11 years, the increase in blood pressure and metabolism of the body is quite sharp. For women usually have experienced sexual maturity with a sign of menstruation.
B. Skis development in Children

skis in children is usually marked with a more progressive and systematic changes in the emotional soul. The prominent characteristics are:
  1. the child begins to recognize his joy or passion, so it is difficult for some children to have a clever attitude to give to others, who have children busy with his own ego.
  2. Children are able to understand his talents, both in terms of music, writing, speaking, the art of drawing and the other.


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