Monday, December 11, 2017

Tips Recover from Chickenpox Invisible Wound

Tips Recover from Chickenpox Invisible WoundThe process of healing the chicken pox scar requires a high level of patience and a short time. If within a few days the complaint does not improve, you are encouraged to check with your dermatologist immediately for proper treatment.

Chicken pox (varicella) is a contagious disease. This condition is caused by varicella zoster virus and can attack anyone.

Tips Recover from Chickenpox Invisible Wound
Chickenpox begins with flu-like symptoms, muscle aches, and fever followed by a rash on the skin. This rash will eventually turn into very itchy and breakable nodules.
The use of drugs for chickenpox aims to treat accompanying symptoms. However, broken nodules often leave scars that are difficult to remove.

Well, for chicken pox does not leave a scar that interferes with appearance, here are some actions you can do;

1. Do not Scratch the BintilThe rash from chicken pox is very itchy and disturbing comfort. But you should not scratch this nodule, because if it breaks it can cause an injury.
In addition, you are also advised to use clothes that cover all layers of skin well. Do not forget to cut the nails.
Tips Recover from Chickenpox Invisible Wound

2. Bathe in warm waterDamp and unclean body condition can leave a greater risk of infection. The infected wound will leave scars that are harder to remove.With a bath using warm water (lukewarm), your body will awake moisture and cleanliness.
3. Use Natural Materials4. Consumption of balanced nutritious foods
Balanced nutritious foods make your immune system better. With this, cell regeneration in the skin becomes faster so that the healing process can be more effective.


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