Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Consequences of Smoking, Uric Acid,

One of the most important factors that we can from the consequences of smoking are suffering from heart disease. Estimates of expert researchers, 20% of the number of deaths resulting from heart disease directly related to smoking.

Arises the question that must be answered. Why is smoking so dangerous? Any other negative effects of smoking? And I'll give you the info and sekumplit accurate as possible. You please continue to read!
The first thing to note is to see the content contained on a 1 (ONE) cigarettes. More than 4000 chemicals contained in cigarettes' (WOW!). Hundreds of them are POISON substances and about 70 ingredients in it are CANCER. Hazardous materials in cigarettes include:tarWhen smoked, the tar content in cigarettes will also sucked. This substance will settle in your lungs and have a negative impact on the performance of tiny hairs that line the lungs. Though the hair on duty to clean germs and other things out of your lungs.

benzeneSubstances that are added to the fuel oil can damage the cells at the genetic level. This substance is also associated with various types of cancers such as kidney cancer and leukemia.gas oxidantsThis gas can react with oxygen. Its presence in the body increases the risk of stroke and heart attack due to blood clots.Carbon monoxideSubstances that are often found in car exhaust fumes can bind to the hemoglobin in the blood permanently so prevents the oxygen supply to the body. It makes you tired.In addition to the ingredients above, certainly still a lot of content of toxic cigarette such as arsenic (used in pesticides), toluene (found in paint thinners), formaldehyde (used to preserve dead bodies), hydrogen cyanide (used to make chemical weapons), and cadmium (used to make batteries).When you smoke, the result of long-term / dominant in short will have a heart attack. Smokers risk of 2-4 (two to four) times higher heart disease. The risk is higher if you are a smoker women who are taking birth control pills.When smoking, you will also incorporate harmful substances that can adversely affect the body, particularly the heart. For example, nicotine. When nicotine enters the body, substances that can reduce oxygen levels will go into the blood.Substances that are addictive it can also speed up the heart rate, raises blood pressure, damage blood vessels in the heart, and accelerate the blood clots that can trigger heart attacks. Likewise with the harmful consequences of the organs of the body.
Consequences of SmokingBased on many studies kesehatanyang effects caused by smoking. The following side effects due to smoking are rarely publicized, ranging from head to toe.Brain Damage Due to SmokingSmoking can increase the risk of stroke by 50 percent. It can cause brain damage and death. Smoking can also increase the risk of brain aneurysms. Brain aneurysm is a swelling of blood vessels caused by weakening of the vessel wall. At times can rupture and cause bleeding in the brain.Hair Loss Consequences of SmokingSmoking weakens the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to diseases such as lupus erythematosus causes hair loss, oral thrush, and eruption cutan (red spots) on the face, scalp and hands.Cataracts Consequences of SmokingSmoking is believed to worsen the condition of the eye. Cataracts, the graying of the eyepiece to prevent the entry of light which can lead to rates of blindness, 40% occur in smokers. cigarettecan cause cataracts by irritating the eyes with the release of chemicals in the lungs that blood flow is brought to kemata.Damaged Hearing Consequences of SmokingBecause the onset of deposition on dindingpembuluh tembakaumenyebabkan blood that hamper blood flow to the inner ear. Perokokdapat lost earlier than peopledo not smoke or easier kelihanganpendengaran for hearing infection.Mouth and Throat problematic Consequences of SmokingBad breath and stained teeth is an effect that will arise as a result of smoking. Gum disease and damage to the sense of taste can arise. A serious problem that will descend on the mouth and throat is the increased risk of cancer of the tongue, throat, mouth and vocal cords. Smoking can increase the risk of cervical and uterine kaker. This cancer can be caused by nicotine in the blood. Why? Because cigarette smoke that enters the body will soon spread throughout the body. Substance nicotine in cigarette smoke that will trigger the growth of abnormal cells which later became the source of the emergence of cervical cancer cells.Caries Consequences of SmokingSmoking affects the chemical balance in the mouth, forming plaque excessive, making the teeth become yellow, and going caries.Lung Cancer Due to SmokingOne of the most harmful effects caused by smoking is lung cancer. The chemicals in cigarettes could potentially damage cells in the lungs that can kill cancer cells. Other serious diseases you can experience are bronchitis, pneumonia, and emphysema.

Emphysema Consequences of Smoking

Emphysema yaitu pelebaran dan rusaknya kantung udara oada paru yang menurunkan kapasitas paru-paru untuk menghisap oksigen dan melepaskan CO2.
Stomach Acid Consequences of Smoking

Smoking can weaken the muscles that control the bottom of your esophagus. This allows acid from the stomach moves in the wrong direction, that is, into the esophagus. The condition is called gastric acid diseases. Some of the risk of disease that would be faced by a smoker is or peptic ulcers and gastric cancer.
Gastric Consequences of Smoking

Tobacco consumption lowered resistance to the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers, also minimizes the stomach's ability to neutralize stomach acid after a meal so that it will undermine the stomach wall. Gastric Ulcers in smokers is more difficult to cure.
Brittle bones (osteoporosis) Consequences of Smoking

Carbon monoxide, the toxic chemicals found in many car exhaust and cigarette smoke more easily bound in the blood of oxygen, so the air capability to carry oxygen down to 15% in smokers. Toxins in cigarettes can damage the bone by stopping the cells work construction. Therefore, smokers are more at risk of brittle bones or osteoporosis. Cigarette toxins can also disrupt the balance of hormones in charge keep bones strong, like the hormone estrogen.
Wrinkles Consequences of Smoking

Smokers will look older than nonsmokers because of a lack of oxygen to the skin. Premature aging will be felt, as the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. Cigarette toxins can also cause cellulite on the skin. And because of the destruction of proteins that are useful to maintain the elasticity of the skin, erosion of vitamin A, and the blockade to blood flow. Smokers skin becomes dry and wrinkled, especially the area of the lips and eyes.
Skin Cancer Consequences of Smoking

Smoking does not cause melonoma, but smoking can cause increase the likelihood of dying from the disease. Considered that the risk of smokers suffering from cutaneous squamus cell cancer, a type of cancer that leave spots on the skin. The development psosiasis / noncotageous inflammation on the skin, leaving red blotches and itchy watery 2-3 times more common in smokers.
Beurger diseases Consequences of Smoking

Disease is also known by throaboanginosis obliterans is the inflammation of the arteries veins and nerves that lead to inhibition of the major leg blood flow and if left untreated will lead to gangrene (death of body cells) so patients need to be amputated.
Heart Disease Consequences of Smoking

One in every three deaths in the world due to cardiovascular disease. Tobacco use is one of the biggest risk factors for the disease. Smoking causes heart beat faster, raise the risk of hypertension and clogged arteries and eventually lead to heart attack or stroke.
The fingers Disklori Consequences of Smoking

Tar contained in cigarette smoke accumulates in the fingers and nails were left in yellow and brown.
Consequences of Smoking Problems Reproductive Organs

Smoking may interfere with the reproductive system and fertility. In men, smoking can cause impotence, reduced sperm production and testicular cancer. While in women, smoking can reduce fertility. In addition, the risk of cervical cancer was higher by smoking reduces the body's natural ability to fight infection with the human papillomavirus or HPV.
Uric Acid joint pain Consequences of Smoking

The research of Dr. Shreyase Amin involving 159 men suffering from the disease osteothirtis with disease rates of different - different. 159 men were interviewed that researchers know how severe diseases such as gout and how they suffer joint pain that they feel.

With a value of 0-100, 159 men provide an assessment of the pain that they feel. Zero means no pain and one hundred means very sickest. Results were:

    Joint pain sufferers who do not smoke just give value to: 45
    Joint pain sufferers who smoked an average value: 60

In addition to physical illness, smokers also experience higher stress levels than those who do not smoke. During this time you may think smoking can make more relaxed. You assume the nicotine can calm your mind, but it was wrong.

Which makes smokers are restless and anxious to nicotine withdrawal symptoms. With smoking, addiction to nicotine will be fulfilled and feel like the cigarette smokers reduce stress.

Indeed, not all smokers will die from heart disease, lung cancer, or stroke, but the smoking habit can be very annoying and reduce the quality of your everyday life.

Smoking effects that you can feel everyday is coughing, shortness of breath, tired more easily, are more susceptible to infection, or sleep disorder characterized by difficult breathing at night and then feel tired in the morning.

Maybe you are used to hearing the dangers of smoking on the body, but you still did not stop the habit of smoking cigarettes because they feel at this time your health is still okay.

Keep in mind, just like saving smoke toxins in the body that can accumulate bit by bit if done continuously. By doing so, the risk of disease would be higher in old age. Not only you, the people nearby will feel the effects from inhaling cigarette smoke is toxic. Similarly, from my brief info about the consequences of smoking are very harmful to health. Hopefully useful and healthy Greetings!


  1. I smoked for 20 years, October 2014 i was diagnosed of Emphysema I may have had it for 6 months to 1 year prior to diagnosis. It started with a dry cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue. A chest x-ray confirmed it and I was placed on corticosteroids. my doctor told me there is no permanent cure for the disease, i was given bronchodilators to help me relax my bronchiolar muscles, I managed on with the disease till a friend told me about a herbal clinic from johannesburg who sell herbal medicines to cure all kind of lung related diseases including emphysema, I spoke to few people who used the treatment here in USA and they all gave positive responses I contacted this herbal clinic via there email and made purchase of the emphysema herbal medicine, i received the herbal medicine through DHL within 5 days, when i received the herbal medicine i applied it as prescribed and was totally cured of emphysema within 7 weeks of usage, the symptoms reduced till i even forgot i had emphysema, i went back to my doctor for diagnosis with spirometry and he confirmed i was free from the disease, contact this herbal clinic via there email or website on

    1. thank you for your experience story for me and the important we multiply exercise and leave smoking because smoking is very harmful to health, there is a proverbial health is expensive
