Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Revealed! This is a result of uric acid High Compulsory reply to watch

Revealed! This is a result of uric acid High Mandatory reply Alerted ~ gout is a disease that has been inflicted on the people of Indonesia, maybe you one of them, and sometimes in the event of attack uric acid, it will affect the whole of the activities you will do. certainly, to date continues to seek the best solutions for healing pain of uric acid. one thing you need to know is how the complications that can be caused by uric acid if your high uric acid levels.

The decomposition of protein-rich foods into purine will produce uric acid in the body. Under normal conditions, uric acid will be expelled from the body through the kidneys. But if the too much uric acid in the blood or the kidneys is not functioning properly, then the uric acid would accumulate in the blood and in the network so that interfere with body functions and cause all sorts of problems.

Due To High Uric Acid

Increased uric acid in the blood is known as conditions hyperuricemia. A wide range of problems can be caused hyperuricemia, such as metabolic acidosis, piraí, in fact, can lead to kidney failure. Here are some of the consequences if the levels of uric acid in the blood is high: 

Metabolic Acidosis

Metabolic acidosis is a condition in which the kidneys do difficult disposal of deposits of uric acid in the body so that finally the uric acid crystallizes and stick to the joints of the body.

This metabolic acidosis condition will increase the frequency of breath-taking, which would later make matters: your breath be wheezing feel dizzy limp loss of consciousness that will tipped on the death of metabolic acidosis can occur when the body has too high a purine intake and increasing the content of uric acid exceeds the standard, IE 7 mg/dl. 

Kidney Stones
An increase in uric acid can also lead to uric deposition in the kidneys and lead to kidney stones. If the size is small, kidney stones are able to not Symptomatic , but in a large size would definitely lead to various signs like problem urination, lower back pain or result in urinary tract infections.

If the Kidney stone is not resolved properly and appropriately, kidney stones are capable of resulting in the kidney is not functioning properly and if this happens you need care and treatment that is more serious and will need high costs as well. 

Piraí is a condition in which a person experiencing pain that is very disturbing and overwhelming in the small joints and the soles of the feet. This is the general impact that occurs when experience uric acid.

Of all the side effects of high blood levels of uric acid, piraí result directly from hyperuricemia the most common. This condition is characterized by a sharp pain in the joints as well as small parts of the sole of the foot.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a growing number of animal protein consumed someone, then the uric acid that is produced will be more and more. High protein intake will lead to an increase in the body of pain is then converted into uric acid.

If excess uric acid by the kidneys not disposed of, then the uric acid crystals will form and accumulate in the joints of the hands and feet, especially the hallux. Very sharp crystals that are formed and pressed tissues under the skin so that it raises the very sense of pain, inflammation, and swelling called piraí. Piraí commonly found in men but may also be found on the women and teens if many consume animal protein. 

Kidney Failure

High uric acid, forms crystals that can inhibit the work of the kidneys. In addition to an inability of the kidneys in the digest and excrete uric acid from the body would be fatal, that one of them is the emergence of symptoms of renal failure, which certainly will be very dangerous for those who suffer from gout. 

Coronary Artery Disease

High uric acid or Hyperuricemia has close links with different types of coronary heart disease. This disease has a syndrome that causes the presence of abnormalities in a part of insulin, which can increase levels of insulin in the blood, as well as cause hypertension and eventually led to the emergence of symptoms of heart disease, coroners.

With various repercussions caused, then you need to pay attention to diet and a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid the health problems that can result from high uric acid. 

Disruptive Activity

Excessive pain in the joints will be very disruptive in doing daily activities. Imagine when the body should move, but a remarkable feel pain at the joint, no doubt it will be difficult to move and in the end, the activity becomes dormant and stunted.

That's the result of life problems arising from a high uric acid disease we can say with the goal of keeping readers reorganize the pattern of life towards better so that spared from this disease. The healthy greeting may be useful!


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