Friday, September 15, 2017

How 10 Potion Ancestral Uric Acid Disease Herbal Medicine Super Fast

Normally uric acid is caused by the consumption of food containing purine substances in excess. The purine substances through the metabolic process is converted into uric acid. If the excessive consumption of purine substances there will be an increase in levels of uric acid in the body.
Excessive levels of acid in the body lead the kidneys are unable to remove uric acid, so that crystals of uric acid accumulates, usually a buildup in the joint. Buildup in these joints will cause symptoms of pain, heat, inflamed exceptional and usually also arise swollen.

Even sometimes people with gout who already have severe he could not walk because of the pain in the joints when moving. Further, gout or uric acid can have severe (acute) can cause brittle bones and calcification.

Gout is a disease that is often experienced by people over the age of 30 years. Medically, gout is a type of disease that is a purine metabolic waste substances which are substances contained in any foodstuff derived from the living body that cause is the rest of the food we eat. Purine substances are processed into uric acid.

10 Potion Ancestral Uric Acid Disease Herbal Medicine Super Fast

Gout can be treated with diet on a regular basis and by utilizing medicinal plants such as leaves meniran, noni celery, rosella flowers, crown god, leaves cat whiskers and soursop leaves. Here are some ways to mix potions references gout or uric acid:

potion I
  • noni
  • Clean water
  • ginger to taste 
  • turmeric to taste
  • kapulogo taste
  • cloves to taste
  • Betel leaf
  • Cinnamon
How to mix:

Wash thoroughly noni, ginger, turmeric, kapulogo. In order to extract the starch quickly kaluar, cut ginger, turmeric, kapulogo medium size. After that squeeze bauh noni ripe to take water. Add ginger, turmeric, kapulogo, cloves, betel leaf, and cinnamon. Boil water using a medium heat for 20 minutes. Potion ready to drink.

Drink every morning after waking up. After that do not eat anything until during ½ hours ahead.
potion II

  • 2 tablespoons celery see
  • 2 liters of clean water
How to mix:

Take 2 tbsp celery seeds, then wash thoroughly, boiled with clean water as much as 2 liters using a low heat for 3 hours.

Celery while warm herbal drink three times a day, each drink as much as 1 cup.
potion III

  • Celery seeds 2 gr 
  • Clean water 110 ml
How to mix:

Take celery seeds, then wash thoroughly, boiled with 110 ml of water and allow it to boil, or approximately 15 minutes, strain to make it more clear. Drink once a day.
potion IV

  • Herbal plants meniran 4-5
  • Cat's whiskers leaves 4-5 pieces
  • 2 cups water

How to mix:

Meniran and cat whiskers washed first. Then enter into the pot, add water, bring to a boil. After boiling let it in half.

Uric acid herbal drink several times a day.
potion V

  • Seeds of celery 25 gr
How to mix:

Take celery seeds, then wash thoroughly, add to dishes whenever cooking.

Eat dishes with celery seeds every day. This method is a natural treatment so as not undergoing therapy.
potion VI

  • 3-5 dried rosella flower petals
  • Hot water 200cc
  • Honey or sugar cubes to taste
How to mix:

Take rosella flowers, then rinse thoroughly. Brewed with hot water, add honey or sugar cubes. Rosella herbal ingredients ready to drink.

Drinking this herbal medicine every day on a regular basis for approximately one month.
VII potion

  • 2 tablespoons celery seed
  • 2 liters of clean water
How to mix:

2 tablespoons celery seed is washed, then boiled using low heat for approximately three hours.

Drinking herbal celery 3 x 1 day 1 cup. Drink when still warm.
potions VIII


  •     Meat Phaleria 5g
  •     10g dried bitter
  •     Sidaguri root 15g
  •     Clean water 5 cups

How to mix:

Washing previously used materials needed to clean and sterile. Then put all the ingredients into the pot, add 5 cups water, bring to a boil. After boiling allow it to stay 3 cups, cool, strain.

Drink three times a day before each meal, every drink 1 cup.
potion IX


  •     3-5 rosella flower petals dried fruit
  •     Honey or sugar cubes to taste
  •     Hot water 200cc

How to mix:

Rosella flower petals brewed with hot water. Add honey or sugar cubes to taste. Rosella herbal ingredients are ready for treatment.

Herb drink every day for one month.
potion X

Soursop leaf and a half old but still green sheet 6-10

How to mix:

Take soursop leaves, then wash thoroughly, then add 2 cups water, boil. After boiling allow water to 1 cup.

Drinking potions is 2x a day.
Cause Gout

For comprehensive information about gout, the following is the article about the causes of gout. Uric acid (English: uric acid, urate) is a purine derivative compound with the chemical formula C5H4N4O3 and plasma ratio of between 3.6 mg / dL (~ 214μmol / L) and 8.3 mg / dL (~ 494μmol / L) (1 mg / dL = 59.48 mol / L).

Excess (hyperuricemia, hyperuricemia) or shortage (hipourisemia, hypouricemia) levels of uric acid in blood plasma is often an indication of a disease or disorder in the human body.

In humans, uric acid is a product of purine nucleotide catabolism last track, because the absence of urikase enzyme that converts uric acid into allantoin. Excessive levels of uric acid can cause kidney stones and / or gout in the joints.

Gout is a result of excessive consumption of purine substances. Purines into uric acid is processed body, but if excess uric acid levels, so that the kidneys are unable to remove uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints. As a result, joint pain, swollen and inflamed.

Uric acid is a disease of purine metabolic waste substances that come from the rest of the food we eat. Purine itself is a substance contained in each food derived from living bodies. In other words, in the living body are purine substance, and then because we eat living creatures, then to proceed to the purine substance in our body.

A variety of vegetables and fruits also are purines. Purine also resulted from the destruction of body cells which occur normally or because of certain diseases. Usually gout attack in the elderly, because this accumulation of purines.

Essential reading: The Secret of the Prophet Choosing Loss Drug Fast High Uric Acid

Our last advice for people with high uric acid is multiply drinking water exceeds the usual dose, thus gout herbal remedies you are taking will work better by removing unneeded acid in the urine. The more often you urinate, the better. As well as for the already very high levels, are obliged to avoid anything that becomes prohibition. Thereby. May be useful!


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