Friday, September 29, 2017

Best Foods To Lose Weight Diet

Do you know the kinds of food diet to lose weight? If you are confused in overcoming the weight is increasingly growing, so here I have some interesting information about the types of foods to your diet to lose weight.

Diet is the amount of food consumed by a person every day, therefore, for a person who is in the process of wanting to lose weight should adjust his diet. Here is some food diet to lose weight.
Here Best Foods For Weight Loss Diet1. ApplesAllowing myself to consume apples as a food diet to lose weight, apples have a beneficial substance for your body. Apples can make you a better belly up can delay hunger. Apples can you eat every morning when you have breakfast or it could be during the day as a snack, a substance that is in your own apple can absorb fat faster.2. PaprikaVegetables like peppers and other green vegetables have benefits to speed up metabolism. where peppers are very rarely found in Indonesia, making it extremely rare vegetables consumed by the population. Try to look for it and get used to eating peppers as an adjunct to diet to lose weight your diet.

3. WheatWheat contains vit.B3, iron, vit.B1, vit.E, and fiber that can meet your nutritional needs. besides cereal wheat is also good for your diet food menu.
4. NutsThis food is very popular for some vegetarians. nuts contain phosphorus, vit.B, copper, manganese, iron, magnesium, zinc, as well as folate. nuts are foods for a healthy diet that is highly recommended because these foods can meet the energy requirements to perform the activity.
5. Avocados.Avocado contains natural fat, the fat can exchange your fat purposes in every day without necessarily eat rice and meat. In addition, avocados also can eliminate hunger even if you do not eat rice.
6. BroccoliBroccoli contains potassium, calcium, Vit.A and vit.D. Perhaps for some people not happy in consuming broccoli, but if the notice of the benefits of broccoli should you consider returning to the food menu of your healthy diet. As well you should not cook it too long so that the nutrients present in broccoli is not lost.
Nutrition Intake To Lose Weight DietExcess weight can be lowered also by measures restricting the intake of nutrients. Here is a multiplier for the general power received by some people is as follows: 1 gram of carbohydrates to produce 4 kcal, 1 g protein 4 kcal, and 1 gram of fat 9 kcal. by adding up the value bar with calories purposes, one can easily predict the outcome of his diet.
When calories in a greater than calories out, then the rest of the calories can be stored in the body.
When calories in less than calories out, then the savings in calories (fat) can be used to cover the deficit of power.
Ie calories in calories obtained from food, while calories out are the need for calories coupled with
activity, For example, a person weighing 70 kg, has a large range of power needed for the basal metabolism of 1450 kcal. in one day, he did the 
Road (normal) with a speed of 3 km / h with a total time of 3, 5 hours (480 kcal).He also swam (normal) with a speed of 23 m / min (alternating pools at normal speed) overall time of 1 hour (275 kcal).That day, he was the consumption of these foods (the number of calories that are listed in the menu that is approximate to the public, the real situation is highly dependent on the amount of food as well as the step of processing, for example, sandwich may have a lower calorie when the bread is replaced with whole wheat bread, or milk full cream was replaced with skimmed milk):
Breakfast, 7:00 (Total 650 kcal)

Sandwich meats, mayonnaise, cheese (500 kcal)
Full Cream Milk (150 kcal)Lunch, 12:00 (Total 550 kcal)

Rice (200 kcal)
Soto Betawi (200 kcal)
Orange juice without sugar (50 kcal)Dinner, 19:00 (Total 1 530 kcal)

Pizza (680 kcal)
French fries (800 kcal)Well, that's the end of this discussion about the best foods for weight loss diet this may be useful for those of you who want to lose weight. If you have questions regarding this matter, please feel free to ask in the comments below so that I can respond to you promptly.


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