Friday, September 22, 2017

How to Remove Blackheads? submit to the salt, so ko bother

Early this encounter I will give you a question that does not mean to offend. Is your face blackheads? I hope not ya. But you get into this blog is not without a reason, right? If yes, then now you need not worry anymore, not have a minder, PD wrote because soon will disappear. So ... he tau ni writers.

We know that these blackheads are small, and even a cursory invisible. But if we reflect carefully, or close Self-using the camera, then the blackheads is visible (as long as 8 Mega Pixel upwards. Hehe). We learned a little tending komedo yes. Cekidot ...!

Based on appearance, blackheads can be divided into two, nothing is black and white. The blackheads are very please perched on the nose, for whatever reason, obviously, it's a fact. But it is not impossible that he was out of the other's face.

Analysis and type Blackheads

Blackheads is a kind of mild acne that arise due to excess production of oil produced from oil glands in the skin and cause skin pores clogged.

Now we consider the very many people who flocked to know how to remove blackheads, especially women (biking .ing). The reason most likely to boost confidence. But my view the most important is the health of the face.

Actually so many ways that can be used to remove blackheads. Where in this way can we search the internet or other mediated? We have 
served by experts from the natural way to non-natural way though.

Facts on the field, most of them as victims of blackheads more interested in choosing non-natural medicine, the reason being branded drug could with lightning speed to eliminate nuisance perched on the face. There are going to pharmacies, some even willing to pay expenses to go to a specialist.

Now we have to realize that the effect of these drugs is very high, we call it one of them is the dependency. If we have the affair into a double dependency, yes blackheads is money, right? Not to mention if we see patients with skin cancer and sebagainnya.

I'm not one anti with these drugs, but merely suggested, limit its use! This applies not only to blackheads, whatever the type of illness, as long as there are natural remedies, why would we waste of money to overcome. Please take a second to answer this question:

    Want healthy fast safely?

    Alternatively, healthy fast but there are other effects?

I think everyone will choose the first, but of course, they had doubts about the speed. Sooner or later I pending blackheads depends on the patient earlier. If taken seriously, diligently and continue, I think his recovery process will not very much with the branded drug. I guarantee it.

How to Eliminate blackheads with Salt Kitchen

  • The first step you should do is set up the first 3 spoons of salt and warm water.
  • Then, mix warm water and salt. After stirring do not mix them, let alone the salt mixed with warm water. It aims to keep the remaining salt crystals to this solution, in which the crystals serve as a scrub.
  • After making the salt solution, first, wash your face with warm water with the aim to clean up the remnants of dirt and makeup on the face at the same time to open the pores of the face.
  • Next, wipe the salt water in the face of blackheads. Grain of salt that will serve as a scrub to remove blackheads from the pores of the skin. For optimal results, do it this way regularly at least 2 times a week.
Thus my efforts in presenting an article on how to remove blackheads using this salt. Very easy is not it? You have to remember, the key is "serious, painstaking and sustained" not the kind of medicine. Good luck and get well!


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