Tuesday, September 26, 2017

10 ways to Treat Gout in the feet Without difficulty

How to treat gout in the feet specifically you can find here with easy methods, efficacious and without having to feel relaxed enough to wear elaborate material that already exists in your home kitchen.
10 ways to Treat Gout in the feet Without Ribet
Gout is a disease that very much suffered by the 30 or 40 years old and above, but it does not mean the disease is not able to attack young people that nota bene is still a bit of a risk exposed to the diseases of uric acid.

Advice from health experts should this disease prevention measures should be encouraged, in order to always so patient/sufferers of gout is not growing. The precautions of course by applying the method of life with a healthy diet, especially avoid foods high berputin such as seafood and the like.

Here are some precautions that can halt the disease proved to be:

Always keep emotion and always thinking positf
Do patterns of life by balancing active period and breaks
Do Detox or spending toxins in the body
Always keep Your Kidney health.
Avoid eating foods that contain purin
Avoid alcoholic drinks
Avoid as much as possible of the chemical drugs unless conditions forced
Usahan makes herbal medicines as an alternative first before the main and forced to use chemical drugs.

10 ways to Treat Gout in the feet

Uric acid remedy below would be a surefire solution for anyone being confusion menghadinya. Because sometimes this disease is very annoying, especially for those of you who have a myriad of activities that are difficult to be abandoned.

In addition, the drugs I would recommend a very easy even without to spend too deep. The following indications are very we recommend that:

White Water

Recommended by World Health to consume as many as 8 glasses of water per day have an amazing facts for health. With mengonsumsinya, the performance of the kidney in removing the remaining substance purin will be more effective as compared with people who rarely white water consumption. Purin in conjunction with substance expenses urine issued, will certainly minimize the occurrence of pengkristalan in the joints especially uric acid part of the foot.


Anti-inflammatory properties present in ginger which is helpful in reducing pain and inflammation. There are many ways to use ginger in the treatment of gout in the feet. With recipes:

Combine the turmeric powder and dried ginger powder with the same amount. Take about one teaspoon of this mixture and dissolve with warm water. Drink twice a day.
You can add ginger in Your setiapmasakan. Dried ginger cake is also a great way to enjoy the ginger.
You can also add 1 ½ teaspoons ginger with one cup of boiling water and stir until blended. Drink this concoction at least once a day.
The choice of remedies uric acid and cholesterol than other Ginger is making a paste of ginger with a little water and applying it to the painful area. Rinse off after only half an hour. Do at least twice a week.

Young Papaya & Young Coconut

How to make a recipe: half a papaya fruit waste all the seeds, but do not discard the Peel. Cut into pieces and put into a container, pour 4 bowls of water (approximately 800 ml), Cook until boiling. Once boiling, reduce heat stove, Cook again for 3 minutes. Then turn off the heat stove.

Pepper 1 tablespoon of tea leaves (tea powder, tea, can anything). Allow approximately 30 minutes, then filter the water, mix it with 1 piece of fresh young coconut water. Drinking water, spend a day. Papaya tea young coconut water is never put into the refrigerator, should be spent in a day.


Honey has tremendous benefits to maintain the health of the body, including removing uric acid in the joints of the foot. Antioxidants in honey is very high, so it is used for the treatment of gout.


Cure gout is very easily found in traditional markets because the known as the vegetables. How to cultivate this gout remedy is not difficult. And quite memarut chayote and then filter it. Water can become a drug of uric acid especially in hallux that did the trick if drunk regularly.


The difference with other plants and herbs turmeric is anti-radangnya properties. Turmeric is very effective for treating diseases caused by inflammation, also capable of lowering high blood pressure, diabetes. Herb turmeric contain no cholesterol but rich anti oxidant substances also fiber that will help to control LDL in the blood. The content of Curcumin in turmeric is also useful as an anti-inflammatory or anti inflammation, making it very useful as a remedy for those suffering from the disease of arthritis that is caused by a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints of the foot.


Uric acid is a powerful drug then you made from natural ingredients of the fruit of mengkudu. Also provide other materials. Of them i.e. ginger, turmeric, cardamom, cloves, betel leaf and cinnamon. Provide the ingredients to taste only. Next wash all ingredients until clean. Boil all the ingredients using clean water with medium heat for approximately 20 minutes. After that, drink natural remedies uric acid in the joints of the foot that it routinely.


How to treat other diseases of uric acid that is made from natural ingredients of celery. The way is provide celery seed 2 grams. Next wash to clean. Rebuslah celery seed uses the water as much as 110 ml of Boiled water to boil. and lift. Strain and take the water away. The drinking water on a regular basis, every day, 1 time.


How to treat gout in the feet is next with lemon. The juice of the lime juice in addition to dispose of toxins in the body and also dissolve uric acid in the body. We can incorporate the juice of the lime juice in the menu food additives and can be drunk on a regular basis.



Delicious banana fruit consumed as dessert turned out to be useful also to be a cure gout. This is because bananas contain substances called potassium and sodium that is able to help lower the levels of uric acid. To that end, konsumsilah banana fruit every day so that levels of the substance in the body can purin neutralized.

10 the drugs other than good to treat, is also very effective in the framework of prevention of yesteryear. Hopefully with how to treat gout in the feet can help you in preventing and healing process.

1 comment:

  1. Three months ago I constantly had to go to the bathroom. I thought it was because I gave up soft drinks and was only drinking water. One day I had a stomachache. I was in bed for 4 days. The doctor's appointment was for a Wednesday. I got sick and went to emergency room on a Monday. I was told my blood sugar level was 810 and I have diabetes. Since then, I eat better, take better care of myself and went from 260 to 220 lbs.and was thirsty all the time. One day I got extremely sick, could not keep anything down, had blurry vision, a rapid heartbeat, and began hyperventilating. taking metformin 1000 mg twice daily. I am writing this to inform others that nothing was really working to help my condition.I went off the metformin (with the doctor’s knowledge) and started on Diabetes herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic, my symptoms totally declined over a 5 weeks use of the Diabetes natural herbal formula. i am now doing very well, Visit there website www. healthherbalclinic. net or email Info@ healthherbalclinic. net
