Thursday, September 21, 2017

Gout medicine at Best Generic Pharmacy & amp; According Patent Prescription

This article I'll explain a little insight on Drugs Uric Acid at Best Generic Pharmacy Prescription & Patents Under which of course is now much sought after information Telangana. Happy listening!

There is a demonstrated fact if gout is a disease that is not so strange because it has been around since time immemorial, but the naming of each area might that make the difference. This one was a disease, can be suffered by anyone, both young and old.

However, the percentage of people who suffer from gout tends to be more severe to those who are old. Gout disease is known since 2000 years ago to become one of several other diseases in the world's oldest health.

Uric acid is characterized by recurrent pain in the joint area. The pain occurs because precipitation appears monosodium urate crystals that result from high levels of uric acid in the blood.

Gout medicine at Best Generic Pharmacy & amp; According Patent Prescription

The views of our society are sometimes not appropriate for the states of patent medicines better efficacy than generic drugs because the price is more expensive. So many prefer to drug patents, with the hope that the disease recovers quickly.
In fact, what it implies and the same different is a patented drug is packaged in a style and form more attractive.

The definition of a generic drug is a drug that is comparable to the production of brand/reference listed drug product in dosage form, strength, quality and performance characteristics, and intended use.

It has also been defined as a term referring to a drug marketed under its chemical name without advertising or chemical composition of the drug than the advertised brand name in which the drug is sold.

Drug chemical patents, pharmaceutical patents or patent medicines are patents for inventions in the chemical industry or medicine.

Actually, in most jurisdictions, there is essentially no difference between the legal requirements to obtain patents for inventions in the field of chemistry or pharmacy, compared with obtaining patents in other fields, such as in the field of mechanics.

Therefore A patent chemical or pharmaceutical patents is not sui generis right, which is kind of a special patent law.

Generic drugs can be cheap and affordable for the patent period has expired so that the enterprise drug maker/pharmacy can produce with various brands and packaging without the need to pay royalties to the patent holder of the drug.

For uric acid and cholesterol drugs, the content contained in the drug is allopurinol. Usability, benefits, and efficacy of allopurinol are to treat excess uric acid in the blood and its complications, including chronic gout.

Below is uric acid and cholesterol medications in which there are substances Allopurinol with various brands, packaging, and price. For a price, of course, will vary depending on the place of sale.

Obat Asam at generic

PRITANOL TABLET produksi Molex Ayus Pharmaceutical.
KEMASAN Tablet 100 mg x 5 x 10's . Harga Rp. 16.000 s/d Rp. 20.000

Obat asam urat generik yang dibeli di apotik bisa berkhasiat mujarab apabila diberikan berdasarkan hasil diagnose dokter yang dilakukan secara akurat. 

Saran untuk menggunakan obat generik didasarkan pertimbangan bahwa harga obat generik lebih murah dibandingkan dengan obat paten atau obat bermerk yang harganya bisa 10 kali lipat,  sedangkan keduanya memiliki khasiat yang sama.
Gout medication generic & prices

TABLET PRITANOL Molex Ayus Pharmaceutical production.

PACKAGING Tablets 100 mg x 5 x 10's. Price Rp. 16.000 s / d Rp. 20,000

Uric acid generic drugs bought in pharmacies could be efficacious when given based on physician diagnosis performed accurately.

Suggestions for use of generic drugs based on the consideration that the price of generic drugs cheaper than patented drugs or branded drug that cost could be 10-fold, while both have the same efficacy.

Patent medicine gout and the price

TABLET BENOXURIC production Bernofarm

PACKAGING Tablets 300 mg x 100 seeds. Price Rp. 390,000 s / d Rp. 400,000

TABLET HISTORIC Interbat production.

PACKAGING 100 mg and 300 mg x 5 x 10's

Tablets 100 mg x 5 x 10's Price Rp. 110,000 s / d Rp. 120,000

Tablets 300 mg x 5 x 10's Price Rp. 180,000 s / d Rp. 190,000

LICORIC caplet production Berlico Majesty Farma.

PACKAGING 100 mg x 10 x 10'S Price Rp. 47,000 s / d Rp. 50,000

TABLET NILAPUR production of Nicholas Laboratories Indonesia.


Tablets 100 mg x 100. Price Rp. 49.000 s / d Rp. 52,000

Tablets 300 mg x 100 seeds. Price Rp. 103,000 s / d Rp. 125.000

Production TABLET CYCLONIC Metiska Farma.

PACKAGING Tablets 100 mg x 10 x 10's Rp. 170,000 s / d Rp. 180,000


Tablets 100 mg x 200's Price Rp. Rp. 420,000 s / d Rp. 430,000

Tablets 300 mg x 30's Price Rp. 160,000 s / d Rp. Rp. 170,000

So it is advisable if you are a good treatment to the hospital, the doctor is better asked of prescription drugs by using generic drugs so that the uric acid to obtain lower price with the same quality. because usually in taking medication that is written is a patented drug that is more expensive.


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