Friday, September 15, 2017

Cats whiskers Gout Natural Remedies That Effectual And Fast

In our previous article, we briefly discuss briefly about the efficacy of Cat's Whisker. But this time we Inshallah we will address them a little bit longer around the plant and usefulness for gout and various other diseases. And of course, may be useful for you & family.
Uric Acid health problems such as this will continue to haunt today's modern society. Those who suffer from gout are not only among the elderly but also of a variety of ages. Actually, the problem of gout can be treated with medicinal plants gout. What is meant here is the herbal treatment was done to address the disturbing disease.

As saklah a perfect solution, Cats Whisker is one of the plants that are useful as traditional medicine gout are well known in Indonesia and possibly in the world. Not only that, Cats whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus) is also believed to treat various diseases.

It's easy if you are not familiar with this plant, ie just look at the flowers, at first glance have described his nickname as the whiskers of a cat, even a little bit of lush and thick. We show partial picture:

Cats whiskers Drugs Uric Acid

Cat's whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus) is a plant that comes from the family Lamiaceae / Labiatae. Being one of the medicinal plants are easy to find in all regions in Indonesia, its function in addressing many of the disease has been assured.

In some places, this plant also got another term as kidney tea plants / java tea, remujung (Central Java and East Java), songot koneng (Madura) and giri-giri angry (Sumatra). Country of birth of this plant is expected from tropical regions of Africa and rapidly spread to Asia and Austrailia.

Cats whiskers leaves or lojong round, oblong, round or rhombic egg that starts from the base. The leaves roughly a length between 1 and 10 cm in width between, 75 to 1.5 Cm.Sebagai ingredients, leaves the selected usually after the third of the leaf buds until the seventh. Because of the sequence of all the substances necessary to have formed.

Cats whiskers plants can grow well in locations with a height of between 500 to 1,200 above sea level in temperatures moderate to hot. The cat's whiskers plant wet trunked upright. This plant is known by various local names, such as: Kidney Tea, Java Tea (English), Giri-giri angry (Sumatra), Cats Whisker (Sunda), Remujung (Java) and Se-salaseyan, Songkot Koceng (Madura).

There is a potassium salt contained in the leaves of Cats Whisker has a property of dissolving kidney stones, sinsetin content of his character as an antibacterial. These plants also contain compounds orthosiphonin glycosides. The diuretic properties of this plant is useful to help the body get rid of excess uric acid through urine.

For more details, you should listen to our description below:
Cats whiskers herb as a remedy Gout is working to lower uric acid levels in the blood

The following special potion to your gout patients is high, namely:

Prepare 10 grams of leaves Cats Whisker which has been dried or 20 grams of leaves that are still wet (freshly picked) were washed clean.

Prepare also 10 grams or 20 grams of dried Meniran wet, 10 grams of dried soil Sawi or 20 grams of wet, dry Red Ginger 15 gram or 30 gram wet, and 10 grams of dried cardamom.

Red Ginger crushed and mix with all the ingredients, boiled in one liter of water until the remaining half. Drinking in the morning, afternoon and evening with the size of three-quarters cup (150 ml) or drink twice a day each 200 ml.

Or to be more detailed and helpful, we will be has her recipe for gout and other diseases are also the following:

Uric Acid and Gout
  •     Pick 5 leaves cat whiskers and 5 plants meniran.
  •     Boil in 2 cups of water until remaining 1 cup.
  •     Drinking boiled water is the drug of gout and uric acid 3 times a day until healed.
Kidney stones
  • Pick leaves cat whiskers until the number reaches three hand.
  • Prepare also leaves nasty shard 5 for additional material.
  • Boil 2 cups of water into the last two ingredients to boiling and the remaining one cup of water.
  • Regular drinking this kidney stone medication 2 times a day until you reportedly cured by a doctor.
Urinary Stone
  • Pick 7 leaves cat whiskers and 7 plants meniran.
  • Boil two plants in a pan containing 2 cups of water, waiting for water to boil and the remaining 1 cup.
  • Take medications routinely bladder stones in a day 3 times.
  • Set up a handful of leaves and leaf cat whiskers beluntas.
  • Boil together 1 cup water to boiling and the remaining half.
  • When boiling, add kemukus 10 seeds and 1 teaspoon of cumin.
  • When boiling, remove from heat and cold wait.
  • Drinking herbal medicine routinely whitish 2 times a day.
  • Please leaves cat whiskers boiled sufficiently by using a glass of water.
  • Let the cooked until boiling and 1/2 cup water to live.
  • If so, let it cool.
  • Please drink boiled water until they run out.
Diabetes and Facilitate Urine
  • Prepare 2 cups of boiled water to boil.
  • Also provide 2 handfuls of leaves cat whiskers.
  • Pour water into the pan, put all the leaves cat whiskers.
  • Boil until boiling and the water behind one glass.
  • Drinking regularly this medicine 1 time a day to produce positive results.
Back pain
  • Take 8 leaves cat whiskers.
  • Add 2 slices root cat's whiskers.
  • Additional Boil 1 cup water to a boil this herb.
  • Natural Herbal Drink this 2 times a day.
High blood pressure drugs
  • Please Leaves Mustache Handful, Boiled with addition of water 2 cups
  • Boiling and cook until the remaining one cup.
  • Drink a glass a day before bed at night.
But you should remember that these recipes come from many sources online, if you are a little apprehensive to try try first ask your doctor or herbalists about the truth of the drug.

Foods For Gout Sufferers
To help lower the levels of uric acid in the body, we recommend to consume some food / drinks below:
  • Orange juice (vitamin C) - We can make efforts to reduce uric acid and dissolve in the blood with lots of vitamin C. Therefore, make sure to enter the vitamin C in the list of foods that we consume daily.
  • Cherry - fruit is known to have anti-affiliated extremists (anthcyanin) and very well taken to reduce uric acid in the body. In addition to great usefulness to reduce uric acid, I think it's also pretty good, so we'll enjoy when eating them.
  • Lemon - Freshly squeezed lime juice but can get rid of toxins in the body and also dissolve uric acid in the body. We can put lime juice in a food menu extra and can be taken regularly.
  • Celery Seed - It is a home remedy that is often used to reduce uric acid in our body. To get the maximum results again we could consume celery seed extract.
  • Drinking mineral water - water function in addition to treating our thirst, it can be a good alternative to get rid of toxins in our bodies, including gout. That's one reason why drinking plenty of mineral water will help solve the problem of uric acid.
  • Apple cider vinegar - Benefits of apple cider vinegar has been shown to reduce uric acid in our body. How to take it very easy, just add 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into mineral water and drink two to three times a day.
  • Potato & Corn - Both these vegetables very well be used to reduce uric acid in our body. Processing is also very easy, simply steamed and can be consumed directly.
  • Low-fat dairy products - Turns low-fat dairy products such as milk and yogurt can reduce uric acid in the body. Some people may not like the taste sour, but its efficacy ternukti very effective to maintain the health of our bodies.
  • Mandatory food shunned for Patients Asama Vein
  • Food innards like; intestines, liver, kidneys, brains, tripe, lungs.
  • Seafood (sea food) such as; oysters, clams, anchovies, sardines, squid, and shrimp. 
Some vegetables such as; beans, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, cassava leaves, papaya Daung, mushroom.
  • Some fruits such as; pineapple, durian.
  • Foods that contain a lot of fat and high protein.

1 comment:

  1. Old age people are suffering from gout pain problem. For that this natural remedies are helpful, but if we take Herbal Gout Supplements we get best result.
