Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Herbs For Brain Cancer

Efficacy of rodent tuber Leaves

Leaves Keladi mice

 Keladi mice (Typhonium Flagelliforme), otherwise known as Tuban or Laa Shu Xia Yu in Chinese categorized as a shrub. In Malaysia, taro mice as a cure for cancer disease suggested that consumer do berdampingn with medical treatment such as kemoterpi or radiotherapy.

Keladi Tikus has antineoplastic or anticancer as well be efficacious as antiviral, pharmacological ffects which is the main drug to cope with advanced cancer. Parts used for the treatment is the entirety of the plant. Starting from the root (tuber), stems, leaves to the flowers. Of course, the effect will improve when given together with other plants, such as bitter, grass and ginger and white pearls.

Here are some of the properties rat taro leaves for health:

• Breast cancer,

• Lung cancer,

• Cancer of the colon-rectum, l

• iver,

• prostate,

• kidney,

• Cancer of the cervix,

• Throat cancer,

• Bone cancer,

• Brain cancer,

• Cancer spleen,

• leukemia,

• bile,

• pancreas

• hepatitis

May the above information can be useful for you all, and thank you for listening to the information regarding the efficacy of taro leaves rats. (Various sources)


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