Thursday, September 14, 2017

Knowing Blood Diseases

Knowing Blood Diseases Ladies, there are many diseases that can penetrate into the human body. Not only the visible portion only, blood can also lo disease, commonly referred to as blood diseases. Basically, components in the blood that can be attacked by the disease are the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets

Reported by, handling blood disease depends on what diseases suffered. In this case, the types of blood diseases distinguished by komponenyang attacked. The first type is a disease that attacks the red blood cells. Here are some examples of diseases that attack the red blood cells.
  • Anemia: a condition where a person has red blood cell count is low is called anemia. In the usual conditions of anemia, the disease tends not show any symptoms. However, in acute anemia, the patient will be tired, pale, and claustrophobic.
  • Malaria: Malaria is caused by a mosquito bite. The bite of the mosquito would transfer the parasites into the blood. Over time, the red blood cells rupture resulting in high fever, chills, and even organ damage. This disease is commonly found in Africa.
  • Polycythemia Vera: sufferers produce too many blood cells. Normally, there would be little impact if the excess production is the red blood cells. However, for some people this condition can cause blood clots.

Three of the disease are a few examples of a blood disease that s. Always vigilant yes, Ladies.


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