Friday, September 22, 2017

Uric Acid Attack danger that body, Mandatory Know!

Uric acid is a disease that attacks the parts of the joints in the body. Uric acid may occur due to the consumption of a substance called purine excessive and failed to make the purine substances digested and released by the kidneys.When the substance is not able to digest purines and excreted by the kidneys, then the purine substance will crystallize and stick and accumulate in parts of the joints, thereby inhibiting the joint work and make out.
There are some people who think of uric acid is a mild disease that can be easily cured, this is caused by the initial gout diseases ymptoms characterized by pain that will go away by itself.Because the pain occurs only a short time, many consider that the disease is not treated. In fact, you should be wary of the dangers of this disease and know the actual uric acid.You should know that all diseases can be bad if not treated properly and quickly, including gout these can be very dangerous if you do not take medication as soon as possible.
Cause Gout

There are several factors that can cause a person suffering from high uric acid in the body, among other things:

Lifestyle Unhealthy lifestyles, such as eating foods that contain high levels of purine substances, will also affect the high risk of someone in disease gout.


Gout disease is also often associated with heredity, where one would be susceptible to gout when uric acid has its lineage in the family.


The man turned out to be at risk of gout is higher than women. Once you know the factors that can cause high uric acid, then you also need to know, what are the dangers of diseases of high uric acid.

Increased production of uric acid can also be due to diseases of the blood (bone marrow disease, polycythemia), drugs (alcohol, cancer drugs, health food B12). Other causes are obesity (overweight), skin diseases (psoriasis), high triglyceride levels.

In people with diabetes that is not well controlled usually contained levels of ketone bodies (a waste product of fat metabolism) are rising, objects elevated ketone will cause gout also rising. More reading the main factor causing uric acid in detail.

Here are some danger if the levels of uric acid in the blood:

Pain and Severe Pain in Joints

High uric acid, which failed in digestibility should be issued by the kidneys. Otherwise, it will precipitate and form crystals of uric acid that is tapered and attached to the joints. These crystals will cause pain and excessive pain when moving the body part that is attached the crystal.

Inhibiting Activity

Excessive pain in the joints would be very disruptive in performing daily activities. Imagine when the body should move, but felt a tremendous pain in the joints, will certainly be difficult to move around and eventually become the dormant activity and inhibited.

Metabolic acidosis

Metabolic acidosis is a condition where the kidneys are hard to dump the content of uric acid in the body, so that eventually the uric acid will crystallize and stick to the joints of the body. Conditions metabolic acidosis will increase the frequency of taking breath, which will make matters: your breathing becomes panting feel dizzy limp loss of consciousness that will on death Metabolic acidosis wil occur when the body has a purine intake is too high and increase the acid content veining exceed the standards, which is 7 mg/dl.

Kidney stones

Dangers of high uric acid and excess uric acid in the urine will cause kidney stones. It is caused by conditions that later crystallized uric acid and will ultimately be kidney stones, which will clog parts of the urinary tract of a person. This will result in you will feel the pain when it will boast a little water.

Kidney failure

High uric acid, will form crystals that can inhibit the action of the kidneys. Besides the inability of the kidney to digest and remove uric acid from the body would be fatal, is one of them is the emergence of symptoms of kidney failure, which would be very dangerous for those who suffer from high uric acid.


Gout is a condition where a person experiences pain that is very disturbing and extraordinary in the small joints and the soles of the feet. This is a general effect that occurs when experiencing gout. The more animal protein consumed, the body will produce uric acid that much anyway, helped trigger crystallization and the resulting pain was unbearable.

Coronary heart disease

High uric acid or Hyperuricemia have a close relationship at all with the type of coronary heart disease. This disease has a syndrome that causes abnormalities in the insulin, which can increase insulin levels in the blood, as well as cause hypertension and eventually led to the emergence of symptoms of coronary heart disease. With a variety of dangers posed, then you need to pay attention to diet and a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid health problems that can arise from this high uric acid.

Tips for Reducing Levels of Uric Acid BodyHere are some tips to reduce uric acid levels contained in your body:Reduce Pain Drug Uric AcidDrugs are produced to reduce the pain of gout has been stout on the market. You can consume these drugs by prescription, to relieve pain arising from high uric acid. If you want to know how to cure this disease with generic drugs and patents, read this article before now.Drink a lot of waterWater will greatly aid the body in digestion. Water is also very useful to facilitate the disposal of urine and can prevent symptoms of kidney stones. in addition, water is one of the natural cures gouts, please Klink link if you want to know the full.High Potassium Food ConsumptionFoods that contain high potassium can help reduce uric acid content which is found in the body. Eat bananas, yogurt potatoes to prevent gout.Ingredients To Avoid High Uric Acid Food triggers is a taboo that should not be violated if already feeling the symptoms of high levels of uric acid in the body. Here are some foods cause gout that must be avoided, if the already high levels of uric acid:
  •     Innards
  •     Chocolate
  •     Caffeine
  •     Melino
  •     emping
  •     Soy
  •     Seafood
Uric acid levels have its own standards in the human body. Abortion is obliged not to more than 7 mg/dl in the body. If the uric acid content exceeds these standards, it will pose a danger to the pain of uric acid in the joints.This, as a result of the buildup of uric acid in the joints of this. Hopefully, the article relating to the dangers of uric acid can assist you in finding accurate information. The article I quoted from trusted sites like dokter and others.


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