Monday, September 25, 2017

10 how to treat Gout with natural vegetable

Gout is a disease that attacks the joints that can be ascertained the cause of its excessive substance acid in blood aftermath of purin is too much. This disease is a type of arthritis that forms the pengkristalan very small scattered around the joints causing pain when relapse and appear freezing.

But that does not mean every disease of the joints that in sentencing uric acid disease, there are also similar with uric acid, such as liming etc. If we look at the calculation of health researchers, there are 2 out of 100 people have already contracted this disease symptoms.

The House of Adam's higher risk of uric acid disease affected 2 times more than women, and age is the age of 40 years > is most often the disease malignancy of this one. For more details I have explained in detail on the tag understanding uric acid.
How to treat Gout with natural vegetable

Either way let alone I praise the vegetables I would term below, because it is very terkadung benefits that once inside that not only can overcome the disease of gout. Following infa you waiting for:

1. Tomato

Believe it or not, vegetables that have been familiar with the US since before brojol it contains many nutrients, vitamins, minerals, potassium, iron, and others in powerful tomato for curing uric acid in the body. Rutinlah consume good tomatoes are eaten directly or made the juice so that you can get the benefits of tomatoes for uric acid and keep the body from other disease naturally.

2. Pumpkin

Not much different with tomatoes, pumpkin including types of vegetables are really good for people with gout because the mineral nutrient content such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, and fiber content in addition to higher phytonutrients may help lower uric acid levels normalize & you. In addition to cure gout, pumpkin can also treat kidney disease, inflammation, fever, diarrhea, earache, etc.

3. French string beans

These vegetables good for consumption by sufferers of gout. Usually long beans mixed with cooked simple way or according to taste, but this French string beans can be used as a healthy juice. Even French chickpea juice can be consumed for two times in a day.

4. Chicory

As does mustard greens, chicory is also beneficial to cope with uric acid that you naturally. Benefits of chicory, too much for your health, in addition to uric acid chicory also can treat influenza, bruises, ulcers, rheumatism, and others. You can consume vegetable made with chicory nodes or in stir-fry.

5. Green Mustard

Mustard greens contain vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, as well as the fiber has benefits not only to lower cholesterol levels in the blood but it can also launch a digestion, prevent cancer, as well as preventing constipation.

6. Carrot juice

Vegetables are usually cooked and given herbs can also be made into juice. One of the vegetables that can be Juiced is a carrot. Vegetable juices can also be combined with fruits so it has a lot of benefits.

7. Potato

To type and this corn can be processed by means of ditim or diuap to get rid of uric acid in the body.
8. Celery seed

Other vegetable foods that can be consumed by gout sufferers is celery seed extract. This celery seed extract is a kind of home-based treatment that can be consumed. Celery seed extract and this can lower the levels of uric acid in the body.

9. Lemongrass

In addition to as condiments, turns out to be useful also to cope with Lemongrass uric acid. This is because the content of essential oil, eugonol, kardinol that can lower the levels of uric acid in your body.

10. Beans Pinto

Other types of nuts that can be consumed is beans pinto. This bean has a content of the kayak will folic acid. So it can be used as foods that can lower the levels of uric acid naturally.

Gout Sufferers Abstinence Vegetables

the following vegetables are best avoided: gout sufferers

1. Spinach and asparagus

Spinach is a green leafy vegetables are high in iron, vitamin C, luteins, beta-carotene and flavonoids. Unfortunately for sufferers of gout, spinach is one of the vegetables that should be avoided because it contains purin.

According to the food table AcuMedico, there are 57 g purin to every 100 g of spinach.

Spinach and asparagus did indeed contain purin, but did not cause as much damage as purin from meat products since purin in vegetables can be removed from the body more readily than animal products. However, if you are suffering from gout, should avoid spinach and asparagus. Mengobati Asam Urat dengan Sayuran Alami

2. Cauliflower

In the list of vegetables that contain high amounts of purin, cauliflower also includes one of them. According to AcuMedico, purin to cauliflower is 51 g per 100 g of cauliflower.
3. Nuts

Nuts also entered the list of vegetable products is high and should be avoided purin sufferers of gout. The peas are in peringat top to the highest, i.e. the purin content of 5-100 mg purin 3.5 per ounce.
4. Fungi
Mushrooms also contain fairly high purin in each serving. This makes it a replacement for meat is bad for those trying to follow gout diet.

So my beremakan description how to treat gout with these vegetables, hopefully readers all helped in the healing process and with the goal of reducing the number of its victims.


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