Saturday, September 23, 2017

English Blackheads Are Black? This causes and 5 How to eliminate it

Blackheads Are Black. We are aware that in fact the type of blackhead in sight on a drive to split into two, one is white, and there are black. But both are not different, i.e. same make pain tuh here (stale).

Before you start to remove blackheads, consider first how clearly the types of blackhead and your skin type. There is also a distinguishing types of blackhead it into two as well i.e. open comedones or blackhead and whitehead or blackhead is closed. In fact it – it also. He
There are blackheads on your face particularly the nose of course will make you a little distracted and lose confidence (especially when selfie). But that may be only a minor risk of impact of blackheads.

Basically the most worrying is not the to-PD-ness of it, because it can be overcome with camera 360. He. But when has inflamed comedones, blackheads became an infection and give a vessel on the face that are usually difficult to be eliminated.

The suggestion I surely never you prying or scratch it with your hands/nails, because the resulting bacteria can expand/spread into the surrounding skin.

Causes Of Blackheads Black

Blackheads and pimples are actually two different types of skin diseases/face which is not much different, if acne is growing because of the closed pores of dirt, then the blackhead is caused from oily skin.

But medical experts a little disagreement of opinion, a clear second causes dirt and oils that lead to the onset of the disease on the part of the skin that is stricken by him.

For cause blackheads result from excess oil, has been discussed on this article before, namely: how to remove blackheads with salt. Therefore this time I will discuss the cause of the second possibility, namely: dirt.

There are some people who call this blackhead worms face, why so? In my opinion it is not too much, because we know that based on the shape of the blackheads will be issued if this is exactly the menyeruapi worm especially blackheads are black.

The appearance of blackheads are caused by dirt that clings to and attached to the face, health experts here convicting by reason of the pores are clogged. His arrival any variety, could be due to blowing dust when the drive, or it could be the effect of the cosmetics we use. My advice is that you always be careful in choosing cosmetic products, choose the matching is not new! Sometimes we get caught up in the trend. For more details, here is one of the factors triggering the rising risk of comedones (black).

  • Certainmedications, such assteroids,lithium,orbirth control pills.
  • Growingbacteriapropionibacterium acneson the surface ofthe skin.
  • Irritation ofthe hair folliclesthat causedead skin cellsnotfallregularly.
  • Experiencinghormonal changesthatcause increasedproduction of oil,especially at a timewhenteenagers andmenstruating.

For the symptoms I think everyone already knows it. Then, how the heck how to remove blackheads are the most appropriate black?
How to remove blackheads black

With you first recognize how this type of skin and blackheads you then you will be easy to determine what is appropriate cleanser for your skin. Because with the advent of the blackhead skin cleanliness first that must be considered.

In addition, you should also pay attention to what you use moisturizer for the face. And you need to hidari is a product that cause blackheads Foundation among others, Shampoo Conditioner, milk cleansers, sunscreen etc.

Actually to get rid of blackheads is not that we have to rely on products that are circulating on the market. Everything is nature presents us the antidote for all sorts of diseases, including blackheads. The following natural ingredients that I recommend easy we get at home:

Eliminate Blackheads with toothpaste

In addition to cleaning teeth, toothpaste also can remove stubborn blackheads on the face. How to remove blackheads with toothpaste is quite easy, do I like the following:

  • Prepare1 tspminttoothpasteand1 tsp salt
  • Combineboththeherband mixevenly
  • Usethemixtureto besmeared onhis nose andfacialberkomedo
  • Then letup to 6minutes
  • After that,the massageof the facealreadygreasedtoothpastegently
  • Thenwash yourfacetoclean
To cover the skin pore pore, use the cold spoon inserted into the fridge, then tap-tapping on face and nose

Using Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has efficacy as an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. In addition Aloe Vera is also able to remove the stubborn blackheads, not strange if many cosmetic products use Aloe Vera as the basic ingredients of their products. How to make it quite easy.

Prepare 1 stalk of Aloe Vera that is already cleaned
then, cut the Aloe Vera
Then apply the mucilage of Aloe Vera on the face or nose berkomedo
Let stand for 15 to 20 minutes
then flush the face using clean water
Before using this way we recommend that you wash your face first to clean with warm water

Egg white mask

In addition to tightening of facial skin, egg whites are also capable of removing blackheads on the face. How membuatya is very simple.

First wash your face clean with warm water
Then apply the egg whites using a clean, plastic hands or brush
Let the egg white masks for 10-20 minutes
then wash with warm water
Lastly, rinse again with cold water so that the pore pore skin covered

Eliminate Blackheads with honey

Benefits of honey for beauty is already no need to doubt. To address blackheads using honey is as follows.

Prepare 1 tbsp honey
Then the honey is heated first
After a warm, apply honey on the face area berkomedo
wait for a few minutes
Then rinse until clean

With Lemon

In addition beneficial for immune boosting and maintaining health. Lemon is also able to treat and eliminate comedones also acne scars. If you do it this way on a regular basis the blackheads will be lost permanently. want to try? Here's how:

Previously used to clean the face with warm water
Prepare 1 Lemon cut into pieces that are already
After that use the lemon slices rubbed on the face for at least 5 minutes
Then rinse the face using cold water

Finally, so that we can minimize the appearance of blackheads on the face or nose, always clean the face when we're done traveling. Another goal is not as a precaution and avoid menyarangnya the dirt into its main cause. Hopefully useful!


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