Saturday, March 10, 2018

White Water Also Donate Calcium for Body

White Water Also Donate Calcium for Body

Consuming Healthy Water
The body does require enough calcium to form and maintain bone and tooth density. Apart from dairy products, mineral water can also be a source of calcium for the body.
Men and women need 1,000-1,200 milligrams of calcium per day. Unfortunately, most adults do not meet these needs and to overcome that deficiency some people take calcium supplements.
But recently, the safety of taking calcium supplements was questioned after a study showed that taking calcium supplements could increase the risk of heart attack by 30 percent.
For this reason, health experts recommend it better to get calcium from natural sources, such as dairy products. And there is also a mention that drinking mineral water can also add more calcium.
Mineral water is water that contains natural minerals such as calcium and magnesium. It comes from mineral springs, and this mineral supplement can not be added to the final product.
Some drinking water companies usually sell directly to the community as regular mineral water or sparkling mineral water. This mineral water contains various minerals including magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron.
Reported from Healthmad, the amount of calcium in mineral water varies, depending on the source of the springs obtained. The levels of calcium in mineral water sold in stores ranged from a low of 50 milligrams to over 300 milligrams per serving.
Because adults need 1,200 milligrams of calcium a day, they should drink large amounts of mineral water to meet their daily calcium requirement through mineral water alone.

However, although mineral water can provide the body with calcium intake, milk remains the best source because it limits sodium intake. In addition, minerals from dairy products are also more easily absorbed by the body.


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