Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Problems that occur in Children

Problems that occur in Children

For parents memepunyai important role in shaping the child's personality psychologically. Children tend to want to do things that are often done by parents because children like to imitate it has become his nature. Growth and development will be very visible when the child's age improves in the development of language, behavior, curiosity is higher, and physical development will be seen.
8 problems with children that make parents worry:
  1. Obesity or overweight, this problem often occurs in children because the child consumes too many foods that are rich in fat, lack of activity, children are allowed to play lots of games, and often quiet while watching TV. Obesity occurs when the intake of calories that come out a little and calories that come in a lot.
  2. Environment, for parents are often worried when their children play outside the home there are some parents prefer their children stay at home because the environmental impact is very fast for children to respond and imitate
  3. Often play hands and do not want to be quiet, early child many things they want to try let alone things that make him dangerous children will not realize it.
  4. Children do not want to eat, many children who lack appetite and parents are always worried when his son will not eat.
  5. Fever, fatigue children like a little bit of pain and because of too much child activity serng fever.
  6. Abdominal pain, when children experienced diarrhea is in because there are germs in food, or when eating something his hands in a dirty state.
  7. Difficulty sleeping, when the child is difficult to sleep maybe the child is feeling pain or the child has not eaten so the child is difficult to sleep.
  8. Skinny child, for parents kecerian and children's health is the most important thing, when children lose weight mothers often feel worried.
Problems in children are various kinds do not be too mempermaslahkan if the problem in children is not too big. For the parents things to watch out for when children have problems that parents do not know, at an early age often happens things that are not expected because the activity of children if not in the observed or supervised will do things that endanger him. Children do not know what will endanger him.

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other problems such as the physical and mental changes in children often occur whether the peekembanganya inhibited or perkebangannya advanced rapidly, it depends on the pattern of upbringing or descent. For children who are stunted growth may be children lack of food intake and good nutrition therefore as parents should pay attention to the problem of healthy food intake and good for children.


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