Friday, September 15, 2017

The bitter leaf Sambiloto Best Natural Gout Medication

High uric acid and its treatment is now highly sought after, because for those patients with elevated uric acid disease, this info is very desirable to reduce the number of victims of the disease population. Is not deadly, but eventually the patient will feel embarrassed and extremely annoyed. Especially if they were bored and go to places of treatment, as good as hospitals, acupuncture, massage parlors and so forth.

Therefore, here we offer a solution that many people believed would obtain significant results, that is by eating the efficacy of bitter leaf.
The bitter leaf Sambiloto Best Natural Gout Medication

As a general rule, we know that "there must be a cure every disease" or there are a lot of people saying "maybe God was creating a problem without a solution". But sometimes people most often complain, not because of no confidence in the rule, the exact reason is usually because the cost berobatnya increasingly exorbitant. In fact, if viewed in terms of how severe the illness was not. But that is the reality in our State.

But we need not worry, as long pepetah said There was no cane root was so, hehe. This means that we do not run out of ideas for healthy living! Patience - ikhtiyar - Tawakal, it is key and all the solutions, "Nothing Acupuncture, Kitchen became" hehe.

Well, here's an idea of ​​the kitchen author of this article appears. How to offer the perfect solution in order to run off with the uric acid fast, economical and safe. Armed with an Internet network, the author tried to find information on this, and Alhamdulillah until now, had to learn to make some special articles that the author made about gout and the natural way in treatment. May be useful for myself and most importantly for readers and patients.

Regarding gout, put it this way, if you suddenly have felt pain very annoying at the joints, especially the big toe joint swelling is accompanied by redness? If ever you may suffer from gout or any other name is a gout disease or gout.

The cause of this disease is a type of arthritis caused by the crystallization of sodium urate in or around the joints if the swelling is most symptoms. Gout is just one of the two hundred more forms of arthritis are different. There I have discussed in as much detail as possible and to my knowledge.

Another name of a particular area for this bitter, among others:
  • Sambilata (Malay);
  • Ampadu land (West Sumatra);
  • Bitter, pait ki, bidara, andiloto (Central Java);
  • Ki oray (Sunda);
  • Pepaitan (Madura);
  • One foreign names Chuan xin lien (China).
Paniculata is a plant that is famous bitter, trustworthy medicinal herb and can be either vertical height can reach 90 centimeters. Suspected of Tropical Asian origin. Spread of India extends as far south as in Siam, to the east until the peninsular Malaysia, was later found in Java.

This plant grows well in low altitude of 700 meters above sea level. The bitter plant can thrive on rainfall 2000-3000 mm / year and the air temperature is 25-32 degrees Celsius. Moisture it needs, including moderate, ie 70-90% by irradiation rather old.

In general, bitter plant or andrographis paniculata have long been used, especially in Asian countries such as India, China, Indonesia, Thailand, and the other as a natural ingredient to enhance the immune and treat fever. And if we know this leaf nutrient content, there will be many types of diseases that can be treated by him especially Bitter Drugs Uric Acid.
The content Sambiloto

The following substances that are good contained in this plant:
  • diterpene lactones andrographolide,
  • andrografin (bitter substances),
  • panikolin,
  • alkane,
  •  ketones,
  • aldehydes,
  • minerals (calcium, potassium, sodium),
  • acid grit and resin
  • panikolida, as well as
  • antioxidant flavonoids.
  • Flavonoids are the most numerous of the root, namely: polimetoksiflavon, andrgrafin, panikulin, mono-0-metilwithin, and apigenin.
As a common feature plant grows freely on the roadside has a andrographolide content that does not exist in other plants. In addition Sambiloto also contain substances panicolin. Both of these contents are specifically serves to increase endurance.

A pharmaceutical company in the United States are already using bitter as one of the drugs for patients with HIV / Aids. There is also a pharmacological trial ever conducted in one of the main best US laboratories showed that the water decoction of bitter leaf 10% at a dose of 0.3 ml / kg body weight can provide a decrease in blood sugar levels that are comparable to the provision of glibenclamide suspension.

Bitter leaf is also believed to be used as a cure typhus by boiling the leaves to boiling 10-15, once cooled boiled water can be drunk as a medicine.

Flavanoid compounds, ketone, alkane, aldehyde, potassium and sodium that is the combat equipment of this plant for the treatment of gout that we seek. Here's how mixes:

How To Overcome Bitter herb dispensing Uric Acid

  • Take 10 grams of dried plant Sambiloto,
  • 10 grams of dried ginger rhizome,
  • 10 grams of dried leaves Komfrey and 1 gram of pepper,
  • Wash until completely clean, boiled with 5 cups of water,
  •  Bring to boil up into 3 cups and chill,
  • Once filtered, the cooking water taken 3 times a day each one glass.
  • Adapaun diseases that can be treated with this magical nan bitter turf are numerous, as briefly mentioned above. To be more clear, the author will list some only in the following description:
  • Memabantu Overcoming HIV Treatment
  • Compounds substance contained in one of them, namely Andrograpolida bitter leaf that can prevent transmission of the virus to another stream in the body can withstand perkembanagn or stop this disease by altering signals among cells.
  • Prevent cancer
  • Bitter leaf can treat diseases such as pregnant trophoblast wine (mola hidatisoda), and malignant trophoblastic disease (trophoblastic tumor) as well as lung tumor which was the forerunner of cancer.
  • Nurisi Anti-Inflammatory
  • Sambiloto contains dehidroandrografollida, neoandrografolida and andropolida that reduces the production of histamine, dimetiol benzene and adrenaline. Dehidroandrografolida can increase the synthesis and secretion of ACTH in pitutari gland. ACTH function issuing a signal to make cortisol, which is a natural anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Preventing Heart Disease
  • Bitter extract can memperlamabat time the formation of plaque that narrows blood vessels, helping the natural process of dissolving plaque and smooth the muscles of blood vessels.
Other Important Efficacy
Andrografolida bitter compounds show activity in particular substances that are effective for preventing liver disease / liver, improve the immune system, anti-diabetes, malaria prevention, endurance, and so forth.

Read also: Natural Treatment of Gout With Lemon Juice Fast But Yang Favors

Thus the article Bitter Drugs Uric Acid I created voluntarily and hopeful mainly to benefit a lot to all readers wherever you are and of course the authors collected from various references without any coercion from anyone. Because of my own motto is "Life is pleased to provide many benefits for others". So and Thank you, get well.

1 comment:

  1. Suffering from herpes virus is a terrible experience because i was told it has no cure,the good news am happily sharing now is the great power behind herbal medication i got diagnosed of herpes virus in the year  2016 and in 2018 i started having outbreaks and it became more terrible for me to bare,One blissful morning i came across a blog comment posted by a man call Thompson on how he was cured of herpes simplex virus type 2 with the herbal medication of Dr CHUKWU MADU Herbal Home) who is a specialist in curing all kinds of std virus and chronic disease with herbs,i immediately copied out his contact mail that was Or Via WhatsApp  +2347030936239 and i explain all my problems to him, he was very honest with me and also kept his promise to get me cured with his herbs if i follow the prescriptions he gives along with the medication which i did exactly as he prescribed, to God be the glory My herpes simplex virus i have been suffering from got cured in just 2 weeks after completing the dose of his herbal cure. once again thank you so much sir for restoring my health back and most especially my skin. Please for any who has health problem of any kind should mail him on the email provided above. Give him a chance and see what he can do. JANE lisaru from MALAYSIA.
