Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Prescription Drugs Herbal Remedy Uric Acid and Liming Powerful Custom

Prescription Drugs Herbal Remedy Uric Acid and Liming Powerful Homemade - Diseases caused by uric acid from purine substances consumed excessively. Purines into uric acid is processed body, but if uric acid levels exceed normal limits, so that the kidneys are unable to remove uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints. Its effects joint pain, swollen and inflamed.


This disease arises from purine metabolic waste substances that come from the rest of the food we eat. Purine itself a virus such, it is a substance contained in each food that comes from the body of living creatures and plants. In other words, in the living body are purine substance, and then because we eat living beings, then such purine substance moving and spread into our bodies.

A variety of vegetables and fruits also are purines. Purine also resulted from the destruction of body cells which occur normally or because of certain diseases. Usually gout attack in the elderly, because this accumulation of purines.

For liming disease, the cause of the depletion of cartilage in the joints calcification is not known with certainty and are considered as part of the aging process. Each person will experience calcification of joints with different levels.

In addition as part of the aging process, joint calcification seen as a result of certain risk factors as follows:
  •     overweight;
  •     suffered a thigh muscle weakness;
  •     women aged over 45 years;
  •     Excessive physical activity, such as the if-the athletes and blue-collar workers; or
  •     never had fractures around the joints do not get proper treatment.


Because as part of the aging process, calcification of joints and uric acid is actually difficult to prevent. What can be done is to reduce the risk of calcification of joints, by the way:
  1. weight loss for the overweight.
  2. not doing physical activity is too heavy.
  3. immediately see if you suffer from joint pain that calcification of joints mild stage can be prevented not worsen into severe stages.
Symptoms Gout & Liming Bone

Here are some of the symptoms of gout in general:

  • There is a swelling or inflammation in the joints, where the joints are sore looks rosy
  • Fatigue accompanying joint pain
  • Changes in bone shape. This is due to the network getting damaged cartilage, bones increasingly    began to change shape and become inflamed and cause pain that is so.
  • Joints feel stiff and sore when moved
  • Difficulty using joints
  • The sound at each joint

Herb Recipes Traditional Medicine Uric Acid and Liming Powerful


The number of drugs that have been scattered-centered health care spending centers makes it easy to deal with any illness. But even here, the use of chemical drugs have a lot of evidence of harmful side effects, there is indeed noticeably after the elderly, and not a few people who are still teenagers have experienced this disease. As a result, the traditional ingredients are the safest way to treat gout and bone calcification, all Kangan experts did agree.

Here we describe the most natural herbal remedies that have been believed dandibuktikan efficacy to overcome gout and bone calcification:
Savor Mahkota Dewa

Surely you often hear the crown of the gods. The fruit is rich in virtue one of them potent compounds used as gout medicine and bone calcification.

You do this by providing the fruit of the gods crown 5 grams, also provide the dried bitter 10 grams, 15 grams of water sidaguri. How to make the first wash of all ingredients thoroughly, the material boiled with 4 cups of water. After boiling and shrink as much as 1 cup of water, let stand and strain. You can drink this water before eating. Consumption of this herb regularly 2-3 times in the time before and after sleep.
Olive Oil Extract

Very many diseases that can diaasi with this oil. Not in spite of his role, olive oil is very useful for those who have diseases such as gout and bone calcification. He was able to prevent inflammation.

For people who suffer from both disorders, must often have inflammation in the joints that are not? Olive oil, which contains anti-inflammatory properties, the content will help to relieve the pain is in the joints. It also will help to further reduce the risk of clogging of the arteries. You can consume oil with despair and consistent.
Benefits of Noni Fruit

You will immediately imagine how bitter, cause nausea and pain of this herb. However, for the sake of a healthy body, it seems no problem. Immediately prepare ingredients such as turmeric, ginger, cloves, cardamom, betel leaf, and cinnamon.

Wash all ingredients until clean. Boil for 20 minutes. After boiling, remove from heat, strain and drink while still warm. To minimize the bitter taste, can add honey aau palm sugar. If we can already routine, illness such as uric acid and liming will be blurred.
Flowers At Eight

Plants flowers eight o'clock it is anti-inflammatory, which is used to treat the pain and facilitate urine. It can also be consumed for patients with gout and calcification. The first is pain relief but eventually gradually decreases uric acid levels and calcification of bone removed with urine.

How mixes: Take interest at eight 5-7 pieces and boiled with three glasses of water. Wait until boiling and take one glass only. Chill first and then strain. Drink three times a day each one glass. Do it regularly!

Alternative medicinal plants uric acid and liming is diverse. These materials are easily available and the course is available in the neighborhood. Besides easily accessible, you do not need a lot of money to get it, because these materials can be obtained free of charge. In addition, you should also make changes in consumption patterns by avoiding foods that abstinence can increase uric acid in the body.


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