Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Tips To Prevent Bad Breath When Fasting

Tips To Prevent Bad Breath When Fasting

When entering the month of Ramadan or fasting, bad breath adalahsalah one problemyang may need to be considered and addressed. It must be very delicious and fun if we can fast once free of unpleasant mouth odor. Here are some possible ways you can try to menghindardari problem of bad breath at the time of fasting, along with different causes and remedies.
Factors penyabab Bad Breath When Fasting
  • The first cause of bad breath that can occur due to come from within the body, such as that experienced by people with diabetes and ulcer.
  • In the human mouth organ has no fewer bacteria that can transform leftovers into sulfur gases that can lead to bad breath.
  • When we are fasting, then when it's mouth saliva will produce a substance, during the month of fasting, the production of saliva is reduced, it causes the bacteria can multiply rapidly, causing the emergence of less savory odors from the mouth.
Tips To Prevent Bad Breath while Fasting
  1. Avoid foods that have a less pleasant odor, such as durian and jengkol.
  2. As much as possible reduce smoking / no smoking at all during sahur and iftar. This will reduce bad breath during the day.
  3. Be diligent brush your teeth well and also cleaned by brushing the tongue, it can also reduce bad breath when fasting. The goal is to clean the mouth of the particles of the rest - the rest of the food was rotting.
  4. Try to use a mouthwash or gargle to get more clean and fresh.
  5. Wear Floss dental or dental floss, which is useful for cleaning between the teeth from rotting food scraps that can create bad breath.
  6. Drink water about 8-10 glasses of iftar and sahur, this will prevent bad breath during the daytime. The white water can increase the production of saliva or saliva, so that the mouth can be kept clean.
  7. Drink green tea less sugar or without sugar iftar and sahur will help prevent bad breath. Green tea polyphenols substances, which can clear the bacteria in the mouth and respiratory tract.
  8. Do not consume food such as sticky-textured chocolate, ice cream, and other wet cake. The sticky foods will be more difficult to clean, and will stick to the teeth in a long time so that it can cause bad breath.
Nahh it was a few tips that we can try, so that we can run fast with a comfortable and healthy always, may be useful for all of you.


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