Saturday, September 16, 2017

8 Natural Remedy Remedy High Uric Acid of Plant and Food 100% Effective this time we come back to natural medicine high uric acid. Uric acid is a disease that usually familiar to people who are aged 30 years that usually attacks the joints associated with the body's metabolism. In general, uric acid will grow due to the weakening of the kidneys in removing uric acid that builds up in the bloodstream.

Never you underestimate this disease, because if it had already been convicted of people with this disease, it can not imagine the pain suffered, so debilitating. Uric acid occurs due to the release of purines in the body excessively that arose was the buildup of acid.

Another option is better than buying a natural medicine products of high uric acid, you can also create your own traditional herbs to cure this disease. It takes patience and intentions that are not messing around so ill that you can suffer a speedy recovery. In addition, note the restrictions that should be avoided during the healing so that you create potent herb for lowering high uric acid.

A. Herbal Remedy High Uric Acid on Plant

So due to the cause earlier, you need to try some of uric acid medicinal herbs that are effective and easy to make yourself at home, the following clarification:
  •     Mahkota Dewa
A powerful drug for gout other handle is the fruit of the gods crown. In fact, a fruit commonly encountered diperdesaan is believed to ward off a lot of diseases. As for the way they are presented to provide the fruit of the gods crown 5 grams, also provide the dried bitter 10 grams, 15 grams of water sidaguri.

How to make the first wash of all ingredients thoroughly, the material boiled with 4 cups of water. After boiling and shrink as much as 1 cup of water, let stand and strain. We recommend that you do not hesitate and bored to melazimkan taking this natural remedy gout, because it is very safe although taken before meals.
  •     Red betel leaves
Flavonoids, alkoloid, tannins and saponins are part of a substance that is very useful in these leaves for the body. Its use has long been proven effective to relieve joint pain due to gout.

How to make a potion: provide fresh red betel leaves, wash with water and boiled some time until the remaining one cup. If you as a patient drink it regularly every day, then the disease will acidity back to normal soon.
  •     sidaguri
This plant has proved itself to be its potency to treat gout disease, namely by setting up sidaguri plants that have been dried and boiled with water until boiling. Strain and wait for it to cool, then drink twice a day. Remember when pregnant should avoid the consumption of plant sidaguri because it can weaken the uterus in pregnant women.
  •     Cardamom
Let you feel properties of cardamom are potent and safe for neutralizing acid in the body. Provide 5 grains of cardamom, then set up a variety of other ingredients such as cloves 5 eggs, 4 pieces of duck bill, nutmeg 5 grams, and 10 grams of ginger, cinnamon do not forget to add as much as 1 finger.

Manufacturing is very easy to boil all the ingredients with water of 600 cc. Boil the water so that excess water is only half of it stayed. In order to obtain maximum results, of course, by eating every morning and afternoon on an ongoing basis until cured.
  •     Bay leaf
For those of you who daily in the kitchen, this is not a foreign flavoring leaves encountered every day. In addition to cooking as a seasoning, bay leaves can also be used as a natural remedy high uric acid, due to the flavonoid and tanin.

You can make potions potent uric acid from leaves his own home, which just set a few bay leaves and stems sere. Boil both ingredients to boil and drink when cool. Drink this concoction regularly! especially before going to bed. God willing, your complaint can be resolved quickly.

Obat Alami Asam Urat Tinggi dari Tanaman dan Makanan

B. Herbal Remedy High Uric Acid from Food
  • Expand Drinking Water
As we realize that, most of our body's fluids. Therefore, especially for patients with gout, drink water at least 8-10 glasses per day. The goal is to dilute the urine so that it can hinder the process of formation of excess uric acid. Because if your body is less fluid, uric acid pergkristala be easily formed.In addition, drinking water can also improve renal function and facilitate the kidneys to expel waste impurities from substances produced by the uric acid purine substances that can lower uric acid. Get well soon!
  •     Mangosteen
Mangosteen is magic, as the experts call it. True indeed, because in addition you can make direct mangosteen fruit juice to prevent and reduce levels of uric acid, you can also treat the skin as a traditional herb that is a powerful and effective to treat the disease.How: Prepare the skin of the mangosteen fruit is still fresh, scrape the skin which are colored red and then cut into small pieces, put in a blender with a glass of water, process until completely smooth, pour into a container bottle or cup and add sugar-sweetened sugar or honey to taste bitter herb can be reduced, and deliciously fresh herbs ready to be consumed. We recommend not less than 1 time a day. Please try!
  •     Watermelon
The benefits of watermelon for gout sufferers is not just a figment. Recent research that watermelon juice to give effect to decrease uric acid levels in a number of elderly who have hyperuricemia (high uric acid levels).The way, without removing the peel sengaka green meat, cut into small pieces, living blended with notes instead of water because it has a water content of up to 93% and watermelon ready to eat. Suggested consumed an hour before meals morning and evening.Hopefully this article natural remedies high uric acid is beneficial to you and your family. Healthy Regards Always Hope Cured!


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