Monday, September 24, 2018

Tips on How to Take Care of Your Face Naturally and Easily

Beautiful faces have become a dream for every woman, especially a sleek and acne-free face, white and fresh. Moreover, the face is one of the most important symbols to improve one's appearance or fashion style.

The face is also a part of our body that is often noticed by other people, both men and women. If we have a face that is dull, dry and moreover a lot of pimples of course you will feel lousy or not confident in getting along.

Tips on How to Take Care of Your Face Naturally and Easily

Therefore, there are actually many ways you can do to treat your face to be clean and sleek and white and healthy. There are two parts that you can do, namely the natural way (does not cause danger in the future, but requires a long process and perseverance) or by using chemical products recommended by the doctor, and of course will cause a negative effect if it is not suitable to use the product .

Here are tips on how to take care of your face naturally:

1.   If you want to touch the face area, it is better to wash your hands first with clean water, so that the hands are free of bacteria and germs.

2.   Do not often replace the facial cleanser, and try if you use facial cleansers, try to find those that already have recommendations from the beauty doctor, and of course clean the face regularly 2 times a day, night and day.

3.   Familiarize your face with a mask even if only 2 times a week. Because this aims to remove dirt that is stuck on the face.

4.   Try to always make the skin moist, if it feels dry immediately flush our face.

5.   Also try to always use a moisturizer if you are doing outdoor activities, so that it aims to avoid the skin from UV rays (ultraviolet light) which can cause black spots on the face.

6.   Take time between two-three minutes of routine every night, although a little because to massage the facial skin when you sleep. This aims to avoid the face from fatigue and can also give the effect of the skin to glow.

7.   Increase the consumption of water every day, because it consumes water in the doctor's recommendation for 2 liters or 8 glasses of heart.

8.   Take time to exercise regularly, so that the skin quita looks tighter.

9.   To maintain the inner facial skin area, try to take vitamin E regularly every day.

You can also treat your face with help such as using lime, using olive oil, using salt water baths and many others.


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