Monday, September 24, 2018

How to get rid of foot odor

Foot odor is a scary thing for everyone, especially for workers who have to meet with clients every day or presentations in front of a crowd. So the problem is if the foot smells on someone who works as a restaurant waiter, and we can imagine the serious face of the buyer when the food or drink has arrived.

The cause of foot odor is also not small and there are also some factors that are difficult to guess, but in general some things that can cause foot odor to give off a bad or stinging smell are our unhealthy life habits.

For example, when we wear socks and shoes all day, do not wash our feet using soap, so that sweat is still attached to all areas of the feet covered by socks and shoes, so that the bacteria are mixed, from here we are unwittingly a source of foot odor problems.
In the following, I will share some ways of naturally eliminating foot odor which I have quoted from several health web sites;

1.Soak the feet in water mixed with baking soda

Did you know abking soda, you know. The function of baking soda is not to reduce the amount of sweat that comes out, but to minimize the number of bacteria that can cause odors produced in the legs or if at least washing feet use water and baking soda is also quite effective in reducing the smell that comes out. So baking soda can be used to absorb odors that are not liked by our sense of smell.

2.Use cotton-based socks

Maybe you have bought clothes made from cotton fabric, surely the price will be different from the usual fabric, cotton fabric will be more expensive than ordinary fabrics. What is clear is that other clothes are designed with basic ingredients of cotton absorbing sweat on the skin. Therefore if you wear shoes, make sure the socks you use are cotton-based. So you don't need to feel any more loss because of the money you spend to buy socks.
3. Use cornstarch to pass to the feet

Bad foot odor can be removed with cornstarch. Before channeling make sure that your feet are completely dry. If it is only then that you apply cornstarch to the entire surface of the foot. Don't forget to apply the same thing to your toes.
4. Replace shoes twice a week

For those of you who don't bother to eliminate foot odor like the previous way, you don't worry you only need to use shoes two. And used for twice a week.
5. Use anti-bacterial soap

Use anti-bacterial soap to cleanse your feet from the remaining dirt and germs that stick to your feet. You can also do it routinely if the situation is in need.

Now you don't need to worry anymore if your feet still smell, use the tips above. May be useful.


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