Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Food Restrictions High Uric Acid Pain that must be shunned

As if the disease is mild, and does not turn off. But most of us would at least feel irritated and annoyed when gout was a relapse, it feels very painful, for hours we roared with pain, and that's the risk of high uric acid for patients. Many doctors have we come as if without a trace and only waste energy and treasure it.

Well this time the author would like to suggest that we are not solely to blame what we do, or how much more doctors blame ya. Now we ask ourselves again! How big is our desire to be all right? How important is the healthy life? How often we are grateful for the blessings of the Lord when we are healthy?

Yes, the answer is certainly nil of what to do right? Well, it would not mind the problem of the past, from now on, let us change our lifestyle! ok? next.

Food Restrictions High Uric Acid Pain that must be shunned

The theme this time the author will explain what to dipantang by gout patients that are not sustainable and adds more severe, but appropriate and semampuh writer ya loh. May be useful!

Therefore the cause of gout is often caused by excessive purine-containing foods. Then there is the food groups ranging from the content of the low purinnya, to a high of course, is based on several sources that the author read from reliable.

Abstinence Group of Patients with Uric Acid Low

Foods that contain purines lighter (0-50 mg / 100 grams of food) is cheese, milk, eggs, vegetables, fruits. These foods can still be consumed by people with gout disease, even some vegetables and fruits there are plain useless to restore it as a lemon and the like.

Abstinence Group of Patients with Uric Acid Medium
Foods that contain purines medium (50-150 mg / 100 grams of food) is a fish that does not include the high group later below, beef, shellfish, dried beans, cauliflower, spinach, asparagus, green beans, mushrooms, leaves of cassava , papaya, kale.

Well, for this Medium Group still must be limited (to eat but do not frequency), especially for those who have symptoms of inflammation in the joints.
Abstinence Patients with Uric Acid High Group
  This is the main staple food that must be avoided either by the newly develop symptoms, especially for those who have severe. As a patient, should be to accelerate the recovery or the disease will come back, there are a variety of foods that should be shunned. Abstinence uric acid this should really be a particular concern for anyone who already dijangkit gout.The process of overcoming or treating gout would be futile if the restrictions to be avoided not implemented. Foods that contain high purine (150-800 mg / 100 grams of food) The following are the liver, kidneys, brain, heart, lungs, organ meats, shrimp, mussels, clams, sardines, herring, meat extracts (shredded, dried), yeast (tape ), alcohol and food in cans.Focusing on a diet had to be imposed as soon as possible when the levels of uric acid for women of more than 6 mg / dl for men and been more than 7 mg / dl by not consuming foods high group and limit themselves to mengonsmsi groceries group being.The purpose of setting a diet low in purines, among others, in order to lower uric acid levels in the blood by minimizing the source or call it 'raw materials' gout, besides that it is also expected to facilitate the disbursement of uric acid from the disposal, also limit ourselves to consume dishes high in fat are like fried and advised to drink plenty of water.If with diet there are symptoms elevation of blood uric acid, then we suggest to consult to the nearest hospital.

Normal Uric Acid Levels According to WHO

It's good we even really need to know the level of uric acid which is healthy, according to experts of the world, they asserted specs are at least 3 of the following groups:
  1.  In the adult male normal levels of uric acid is approximately 2 to 7.5 mg / dL, while the female adult is 2 to 6.5 mg / dL.
  2. In laiki men with age above 40 years of normal levels of uric acid from 2 to 8.5 mg / dL in women 2-8 mg / dL
  3. Children aged 10-18 years uric acid levels from 3.6 to 5.5 mg / dL, while the girl is from 3.6 to 4 mg / dL.
In general, I have to give a little explanation above about the food that can be consumed. Here are foods that are not included abstinence uric acid-free even consumed:
  1. Protein sources: egg, low-fat milk Vegetables carrots, squash, eggplant, melon, squash, cucumber, watercress, tomatoes, radishes and various kinds of fruits.
  2. Sources of carbohydrates: rice, porridge, rice vermicelli, Bread, Wheat, macaroni, pasta, corn, potato, yam, taro, cassava, oatmeal.
the recommended in setting a balanced nutritious diet to process food by boiling, steaming, mengungkep, sauteing and semisalnya. Drink 2-3 liters / day. Then, multiply the consumption of fruits that contain water in order to expedite spending and prevent the deposition of uric acid in the kidney. In addition to avoiding foods taboo gout such as the above, do also tips in the treatment of gout, the goal that we managed to expel the disease completely.

Tips Food Good For Gout Sufferers

  1. Water, preferably every day, drink 2-3 liters of water, so its function of excess uric acid and other beneficial to remove toxins that exist within the body.
  2. Fruit Cherries, anti-inflammatory agent by the name of anthocyanin is the content contained in this fruit that will certainly make your body healthy as it can to reduce the amount of uric acid in the body and also prevent crystallization of uric acid in the joints. The trick is to eat cherries as much as 200 grams per day in order to get good results and good.
  3. Apples, apples have a content of maleic acid to neutralize the excess purines can cause gout. Merutinkan consumption of this fruit every day after or before your meal (preferably before) is a right way and a favor to withstand increased uric acid.
  4. Lime, which are in the citric acid lime is useful for acid solvent were very good and very fast in the leaching process and certainly a natural medicine. Please set up a time to increase your body's resistance to melazimkan drinking fruit is readily available, the condition not only of the loot. hehe.
  5. Celery Seed Extract, try to ask your wife (if you already have) if he recognized these crops? Yes, it is very easy for the womenfolk to find the celery plant (it also if your wife is diligent cooking). Well take celery seeds to taste, quite sown on the cup is hot water, cover da let stand until the water cools, strain and drink. Routine yah! so cepet down uric acid levels.
  6. Carrot Juice, Cucumber and Beet, three very common types of vegetables that have turned out to be very good for you as gout patients, the way is up to you, if delish juiced, please! Or eat them raw also does not matter, the important thing is not the same mixed soap only, later the smell and bitter. yes yes atuh. heigh
  7. Fruits & Vegetables Containing Vitamin C High, please find yourself digoogle, my cape ngetiknya, hehe.
  8. Salmon, Potato, Corn, Brown Black, Broccoli, Black Pulm, black tea, and bananas is a vegetable that protein and carbohydrates that have a sufficient condition to eradicate the disease you are suffering from uric acid.
Ah already first well Abstinence uric acid food articles, mostly, it is also more than adequate. The most important thing to be kept healthy lifestyle and diligent exercise. So and Terimakasih.Eh do not forget the criticism and suggestion yes.


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