Sunday, September 24, 2017

27 how to remove Blackheads Naturally and permanently

As we know that blackheads are derived from the production of excess oil on the face without balanced with painstaking care. It arises in unison with his appearance a little taste of minder at the friend or loved one, because the blackheads generally strikes young skin.

Nobody will look like pimples, blackheads often appear anywhere, good diwajah to the extent that it extends to the back. Most people think that blackheads arising dihidung only, but due to this small comedones and barely visible, then it will appear on the skin of the most taut, such as the nose.

The conclusion does not mean that other skin safe from attack the blackheads. Precisely because less sometimes can get attention, on the other there is the skin more. Thus, when to treat it, lulurlah all your skin with a drug that you believe.

Well, times writers will present ramua-natural herb that you can use as an alternative medicine to get rid of blackheads completely without side effects and dependence as there is of drug market.

How To Remove Blackheads Naturally

Below I gather very much natural medicine as an answer of how to eliminate blackheads, I quoted from a variety of sites that can be accountable their validity, following his practising and listen: congratulations!

1. Hot steam

Hot steam can help build open pores of the face. When it is open, then the comedones and shit in it would be very easy to disappear. In addition to eliminate blackheads, steam is also proven to address wrinkles sign of premature aging.

Here's how:
  • Boilclean waterto taste,trytopull outthe froth-froth.
  • Pourtheboiling waterintoa bowlorother container.
  • Properfacehoverabovethe hot wateruntilthe steamis exposed.
  • Whilecloser, rubthe areagentlyfaceterutamnose.
  • Rinsewithcold wateruntil completelyclean.
2. Star fruit Wuluh

Star fruit wuluh fruit which is entered in the type of star fruit with high levels of acid flavor. Substances that make star fruit wuluh can eliminate blackheads, as it contains antiradang are not lost by Curcumin on temulawak. Star fruit wuluh contains flavonoid is also one type of natural antiradang.

Here's how:
  • Star fruitwuluhpureewithcrushedorshredded.
  • Mix andsqueeze-squeezecollisionbelimbingwuluhwith salt waterand DABonblackheads.
  • Dothis ritualat leastthree times a dayto getmaximum results.

A refreshing taste sensations and a little celekit-celikit will make you addicted to treat blackheads use star fruit wuluh.

3. Betel leaf

The betel leaf is already famous foliage has antiseptic properties. That's why the betel leaf is also very useful for removing blackheads.

Here's how:
  • Simplymashingthe betel leavesuntilsmooth
  • Pasteon the surface ofthe affected skinblackheads.
  • After 10 minutes,rinse withlukewarmwater.
  • It would be betterif you did thisevery morningand everygoing tosleep.

After Your blackheads gone, continues to do the ritual so that your skin is kept awake and prevent the blackheads come back. Good luck!

4. Guava

Guava is one of tropical plants that can easily we encounter in areas throughout the country. Guavas contain vitamins and minerals. One of the benefits of guava is a vitamin and vast gardens are good for skin health. Diligently consumes guava, then skin can look fresher, younger and healthier. But instead of guava are beneficial, but the leaves of guava also have many benefits for health. One of them is to get rid of blackheads and pimples are stubborn.

Guava has flesh-colored red and yellow on the skin if it's been cooked. Guava contain antioxidants that can treat skin for preventing premature aging. So also with the guava leaf, is great for skin care berkomedo.

Here's how:
  • YoungguavaleavesBlenderusingless water. 
  • After that, usethisguavaleafscrubto remove 
  • blackheadson the noseorin other partson your face.
Don't forget to do this treatment is routinely and regularly to get a face free of stubborn blackheads. By doing this routinely natural treatments, blackhead will disappear from the nose and other areas on your face. You can also consume a guava fruit to get the skin more healthy and beautiful.

5. Ice cubes

Lho kok ice cubes anyway? Emang want to create ice huh? Hmm, don't get me wrong ice cube is not only useful for making fresh ice only, it has a cold that can sum up the pore, thus being able to minimize the discharge of excess oil in the parts of the face.

Here's how:
  • Preparehoney,steepinggreen tea,andlemonjuiceto taste.
  • Mix theaboveingredientsinto one,then add a littlewater.
  • Inputintothe refrigeratoruntilit formshardice cubes.
Take it and rubbing it evenly to the blackheads. If necessary, perform until the ice cubes out.

6. Leaves Binahong

Binahong leaf is the leaf of the plant binahong. To my friend who doesn't yet know the foliage can be seen in the picture above.

Here's how:

Take a few strands of leaf binahong and lumatlah with a spoon until the mucus on the leaves out.
Oleskanlah mucus leaves binahong on the area of the affected nasal blackhead.
Wait to dry when dry rinse with clean water.

My suggestion on buddy do will sleep or wake up. This proven ways based on personal experience and my mother also prove it, even more surprising skin face become more clean and smooth.

7. Morning Dew

Dew is water vapor into water at the time of the morning that we can find in the leaves surrounding the Park. I often find him in the grass-shaped putiran helaiyan water on the leaves.

Here's how:

Take the dew on the leaves can with how water and paste helaiannya picking on blackheads.
Do regularly in the bebapa days in order for the result to become visible.

8. Turnip
Vegetables radish was a kind of carrot, and quite powerful to eliminate blackheads, of course by making a radish as a facial mask, which this Care can be done 3 to 4 times a week and then see how his reaction.

9. Toothpaste

Each person must have had toothpaste in his home. But who would have thought, it turns out that toothpaste is very potent to address blackheads. Eliminate blackheads with toothpaste may sound weird and senseless, but to know the efficacy usually just outside deh try it yourself at home.

His way:
  • Prepare yourtoothpasteto taste,tryherbs andmint.
  • Rinsefacewith warm waterso thatthe poreopening
  • Thenapply thetoothpasteevenlyto theblackheads.
  • Let standuntil thetoothpastelasthard anddry out.
  • Afterwardsrinse withcleancold water untiluse.

    10. Jicama

    With the nutrition content of vitamin B1 and vitamin C that exist in it can eliminate blackheads diwajah way with the memarut bengkoang then of course after a long dimaskerkan water can be the time from 10 to 20 minutes then rinse it see what happens after the rinse.

    Tomatoes are very good to be able to Eliminate blackheads, oily face and the face is dry and dull, one of the uses that you can can of plum tomatoes is able to clean the stubborn blackheads diwajah and is useful for reducing excessive oil production diwajah you. And that is no less important, the tomato can also help the skin more clean and toned.

    Here's how:

    • Preparesuchingredients:tomatoeshaveredto taste,
    • Preparefreshliquidmilkare alsomore or less250 mland littleclean water.
    • Thenthe RedTomatoescut intovarious stages offruitpuree,fresh tomatoin ablenderkind ofpolishingmachines.
    • Whensmoothaddhalf thefruitclean waterjust a littleto them.
    • Then after the tomatofruitsmooth,strain anddivide thembetweenthe Leesand waterhistomatojuice.
    • Afterthe waterthe tomatojuiceis separated from theamapasnyaandis ready tobe mixedwithfreshliquidmilk, andstir to blend welluntilmixedperfectly.
    • Inputmixingredientsinto therefrigeratorvariousminutes untilcool.

    11. Lemon

    Lemon is still one family with citrus fruits, the taste that he has only further sour from citrus in General. However, it turns out that lemon contains vitamin C and acidic substances that can help lift the blackheads. The fruit of this one is particularly suitable for mennghilangkan black stubborn blackheads.

    Here's how:
    • Preparefresh lemonfruit1alone,dividingit in twoparts.
    • Rinsefacewith warm waterso that theporeopen andrelaxed.
    • Rubbinglemonpieceslastthroughout allareas of the face, especially thatthere arekomedonya.
    • Let stand for5-10 minutes, thoughit felta bitstung.
    • After thesoak,rinsewith cold wateruntilclean.

    12. Potato

    Use the potato as a mask on the face. The trick is to memarut or mengirisnya potatoes thinly, then applied all over the face. Do it twice in one day to get the best results.

    13. Aloe Vera

    Everyone certainly already know the amazing benefits of Aloe Vera for hair. Starting from fertilize up to discolor the hair naturally.

    But more than that, Aloe Vera also has powerful properties to remove blackheads on the face. Good black white or blackheads, everything can be destroyed by natural ingredients on this one.

    Here's how:
    • ProvideAloe Verafreshto taste,tryfresh-picked.
    • Cut theminto sections, and thentakethe gelinside.
    • Clean thefaceyou witha specialSOAPso thatdirtis nothindered.
    • After that,applyAloe Veraevenly,thenlet standuntil dry.
    • Rinse withwarmwateruntilcleanand see the result.

    14. Honey

    Benefits of honey for health, which has long been famous. Since thousands of years ago, health experts have been using honey to help cure wounds because honey can act as an antiseptic and prevents the growth of bacteria in the wound.

    Honey can also give the effect of a bitter taste that reduce redness on the skin and keeps the skin from dryness, unlike some synthetic drugs of the blackhead is thus cause the skin to lose kelembabannya even to exfoliate.
    If you are interested to try the honey mask benefits then you should use pure honey formulated glass bottles. Honey that has been processed thus will make the skin teritasi and aggravating Your blackheads.

    Honey will work effectively when skin pores are not clogged by bacteria, so you need to clean your face with warm water and a gentle SOAP to open the pores of the face skin and lift the dirt first.
    • Avoidrubbingthe facewith ascrubora towelto preventskin irritation.
    • Applypure honeyon the facebeforethe facedries up.
    • Whilethe hands and facestill wet,gentlymassagethe facewith honeyand let itstick topausefor 2-3minutes.
    • Make surethat you are notallergic tobeesorhoneybefore tryingthis treatment.
    Benefits of honey as an antibiotic to kill the bacteria causes blackheads and reduce inflammation. Honey is the best option for sensitive skin, because it does not cause irritation. Enough with using honey mask every night before bed. The next day, rinse the face to clean. Do every day. Besides being able to eliminate blackheads, honey is also good for keeping skin moist face.

    15. Papaya

    I used to never discuss about the benefits of papaya. In addition to health, it turns out that this fiber-rich fruit is also good for taking care of the skin, including one removing blackheads on the nose, forehead, and other areas of the face. Even with regular use, papaya contains high vitamin E yan

    . Egg whites
    Eliminate blackheads with an egg white mask is extremely potent. As we know, the egg is one of the best protein sources, well this is a nutritious protein content for blackheads. Interestingly again, egg white mask is also useful for natural skin tightening.

    Here's how:
    • Whisk theeggs,as they requireptihbetteruseeggchickenorduckto be morehealthy.
    • Aftermembusa, combinea little bit ofjuice oflemonso thatamisnyadoes notsting.
    • Usea Paintbrush toapplythroughout all theface parts.Righton the part ofthe blackhead, givea massagegentlyfor 10 secondsin order to belifted.
    • After a ratherstifffelton the face,rinse offthe maskof yesteryearwith warm water.In order for theamisnyasmellis gone,youcan alsoclean upwithfacialfoam.

    20. Peppermint

    Peppermint is an herb that can help to get rid of blackheads quickly. The effects of menthol in the peppermint calms, helps reduce irritation and redness caused by blackheads. Peppermint has antibacterial and antiviral properties also helps eliminate bacteria causes the onset of blackheads. How to remove blackheads using peppermint quite easily. That is to destroy some peppermint leaves and then paste on your blackheads. Leave on for 10 minutes. Then, rinse off using cool water.

    21. Soybean

    Almost the same as egg whites, soy beans also contain high protein. The difference, the protein in soy bean plant in nature whereas animal egg white.

    In addition to protein, soy beans are also rich in fiber can help lift the dissolved dirt in pores, black flecks, bacteria, and even stubborn blackheads.

    Here's how:
    • Soy beanpureeas needed.To make it easierto usea blender.
    • Furtherpolishingthepeanuthalusantoblackheads.
    • Let standfor 10minutessticking, then rinsewarm water.

    22. The cucumber

    Cucumbers are rich in potassium and vitamins, particularly vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E have a soothing and cooling effect on the skin. Make a cucumber as a facial mask will help cleanse the bacteria and dirt out of your pores which certainly it can eliminate blackheads and make the face look more fresh.

    23. Salt

    Salt is one of the compulsory ingredients while cooking. I am sure, all

    people are certainly already know salt. Yup, this seafood ingredients turned out to have a high content of iodine that can help lift the blackheads. However, in order for the skin not experiencing irritation, we recommend that you stop discharging after blackheads gone Yes.

    Here's how:
    • Providesalt to tasteonly, thenpureewithmashing.
    • Add a littlelemon juiceuntilsaltdissolves.
    • Rubbingslowlyinto thekomedoanareafor 10 seconds.
    • Let sitfor a momentmore or less30minutes, then rinsewarm water.

    24. Garlic

    Garlic benefits such as antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and antioxidant which may help in the treatment of blackheads quickly. Sulphur content in garlic can speed healing of blackheads and acne. It's easy. I.e. with cut clove of garlic into two parts, then rub it on the blackhead and leave for five minutes. After that, rinse the face with warm water. Do regularly 2-3 times a day until the blackhead are gone. If your skin is sensitive, try to crush the garlic and then mencampurinya with water.

    25. Orange peel

    Who says orange peel is not helpful? From now on you can use orange peel to remove blackheads naturally. Here there are two methods that can be tried with orange peel, more check it out here.

    Here's how:
    • Youcan directlyattach thefirstpart in theorange peelto theblackheads.Guaranteeda few moments laterthe blackheadswill beraised.
    • The second way, youcould make a scrub.Do Ipureeorange peelthenmix withgranulated sugar.Then useto rubparts ofblackheads.
    • If I'm(personally)prefer towearscrubs, since it ismore potent.
    26. Nutmegs

    Use nutmeg to treat skin may still sound foreign to most of the population in Indonesia. But in other Asian countries, has been used as a nutmeg mask leather interiors.

    In addition to smooth skin, mix the nutmeg and milk also proved to be good enough to remove stubborn blackheads on the face. Therefore, please do not hesitate to mention using traditional materials.

    Here's how:
    • Combinethe nutmegand milkpowdertoform thepasta dough.
    • Nextclean theareas of the facewith warm waterfirst.It aimsin order toopen up theporesso thatblackheadsare more easilylifted.
    • Nowapply themixtureevenly,particularlyon the part ofthe blackheadgivea massagegentlyfor 10 seconds.
    • To workoptimally,let sitapprox20minutes.Then rinseusing thecold water untilclean.

    27. Palm sugar

    Brown sugar is the most natural mud

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