Thursday, September 28, 2017

Methods of Therapy of uric acid and plant a nice Cure

Diseases of uric acid is the complaint on joints and surrounding areas due to the content of uric acid in your body is very high. Uric acid would be a powder and crystal that can interfere with the function of Your joints and bones. In severe circumstances, uric acid can cause paralysis due to all the joints feel stiff and very sore if it is driven.
Uric acid naturally present in the human body, animals and plants. Uric acid is a substance the rest of (junk) from the process of the formation of energy (metabolism) of your body. In certain doses (600-800 mg/24 hours) the kidneys are able to dispose of uric acid out of the body through sweat, urine and feces/shit/piss. But in excess, kidney conditions not being able to throw it to the maximum. Uric acid would be a threat to your health.

There is a special relationship between food consumption, lifestyle, kidney damage and disease gout. the third thing is to be the main cause of the onset of gout. From now on should you do prevention before stricken with gout. You can do the therapy of uric acid to prevent the onset of gout. You need to remember that in addition to being able to heal gout therapy, you can also take advantage of for the prevention of gout.
Causes Of Gout

Due to live unhealthy lifestyles such as drinking alcohol, often consume food and drinks that are too sweet and too salty, not exercising properly then can increase uric acid in the body. a lot of uric acid compounds will be increasingly difficult to dispose of and in sports well inside the body, and at the end of its mixing with the blood to enter the joints. To get rid of his usual joint pains will be looking for chemical drugs can relieve pain and the pain quickly. whereas the chemical drug used for pain relief would cause the uric acid is getting worse.
Symptoms Of Gout

The sign of high uric acid is the emergence of pain in parts of the body especially in the feet and the fingers of the hand. If very high uric acid (Hyperuricemia) then the appearance of lumps on the thumb, hand and foot joints other areas as the symptoms of gout. Normal uric acid levels in men ranged from 3.5-7 mg/dl in women and 2.6-6 mg/dl.
Therapy of uric acid and plant Medicine

Many once believed that therapy can cure a variety of ailments including gout and most of the therapy-therapy of course involve traditional ingredients that taste less bitter even so tasty. Now there's a fun therapy to cure gout. Following his review:
Bekam therapy with uric acid

Uric acid belongs to chronic diseases. Any chronic illness will be hard to recover when it is too long. Please note that chronic diseases will not be contracted in the body during liver and kidney organs is still good. So to treat gout, two organs this is corrected. The trick is to dibekam.

Bekam consists of 2 types: dry and wet also bekam. Tools used in bekam consisting of needles, small knife to remove the blood and glass makers of the dirty blood. The small needle ditusukan on location related to pain, a place that will bleed then stabbed sucked up by glass bekam.

The blood is believed to be issued is the dirty blood that causes various diseases. Bekam is also believed to be issued containing blood uric acid.
Therapy of Gout with Reflection

Reflesi defined as reflection. The reflection method is generally applicable on the soles of the feet, it is due on the soles of the feet there are dots nerves connected directly with a variety of important organs of the body such as the kidney. For sufferers of gout, reflection is done with merefleksi point of the sole of the foot nerves connected to the kidneys.

The reflection method generally use either a wood or other blunt objects. But there's also the technique of the reflection of that you can do yourself at home, walking on small rocks barefoot. Small stones will directly pressing certain points on the soles of the feet, which of course can not only treat the disease of gout but also other diseases.
Uric acid therapy with Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a form of therapy that uses Acupuncture needles. Acupuncture method has even been made into a special area of expertise in the world of medicine. If acupuncture Acupuncture needles only.

Now the way has been perfected and in combine it with modern medical techniques like acupuncture with needle shines infrared or modification of acupuncture that was given a magnet or other modern medical tool.

Methods of acupuncture works by targeting specific body points by way of menusukan Acupuncture needles. Acupuncture has been known to the public can cure various ailments including gout.
Trapi with medicinal plants of uric acid
1. Avocado Plant Remedy Gout

Natural and traditional treatment that is safe and has no harmful side effects can be a wise choice in preventing, treating and curing diseases of Rheumatic gout plus, one of the natural remedies that are safe is to consume the fruit of avocado. Avocado fruit has kamdungan nutrition, vitamins and minerals are good for sufferers of rheumatism or gout.

The content contained on the avocado fruit, among other things:

Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin E

There are numerous mineral content in fruits avocados are useful to stimulate growth on the body. Avocado fruit is also very good for the digestive system because many channels contain fiber and iron and copper content which helps the process of regeneration of red blood cells in order to prevent and avoid the deficiency of blood or anemia. The content of vitamin B and E can also prevent the occurrence of constipation, prevents anemia, prevent malnutrition, sources of unsaturated fats and help the regeneration of red blood cells.

Bahanya: 1 medium-size avocado fruit ivory
fresh milk to taste or boiled water to taste

How to create a clean: wash the avocado, cut into small sections, then the blender while adding the milk. If you don't like milk can be substituted with boiled water. After becoming a smooth juice, quickly consumption.

As a healing therapy for gout and rheumatism, good avocado juice drink one glass every day. Wait let alone?
2. Medicinal Plant Soursop Fruit uric acid

Soursop fruit contain nutrients and proven in overcoming health issues, especially for treating diseases of uric acid that's currently an awful lot of people mengeluhkannya because of difficulty once cured. The following substance:

Vitamin C
Phosphorus and calcium


300 grams of fruit soursop, seeded
200 grams pumpkin water
250 grams of Green Apple
1 tbsp. lemon juice

How to make:

Clean wash apples. Pumpkin Peel water and soursop.
Small pieces, and then enter all the ingredients into a blender.
Process until it becomes soft juice.
Stir in lemon juice, water, blend again briefly in order to be well blended, drink right away while still fresh.
Apple Juice soursop can be launched and the disposal of uric acid via the urine.
This healer juice gout should drink every morning and evening to speed up the healing process.

You definitely can't wait to give it a try, please prove it yourself.
3. Fruit star fruit Plant Remedy Gout

Star fruit is one of the exotic fruits that are rich in benefits. Approximately 100 grams of fruit star fruit, provides 31 calories that are much lower than for other popular tropical fruits. In addition, a number of essential nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins contain a number of benefits for the health of star fruit, particularly sufferers of gout.


1 piece sweet ripe star fruit. Select fresh
boiled water to taste.

How to make:

Wash clean sweet star fruit.
Dispose of the edge and the edges.
Cut small, then insert it into the blender while adding water little by little.
Process until it becomes soft juice.
Drink immediately while still fresh.
As juice therapy for healing of gout and rheumatism, starfruit juice of this sweet drink one glass every day on day or night after eating.

Interesting info: due to High uric acid Compulsory reply to watch

The advantages of fruit juice therapy compared to consume the fruit directly is the process of absorption of nutrients and minerals in the body. When fruits and vegetables are consumed directly, the process of separation of fiber from nutrition carried out by body will take quite a long time. So often just enough to meet the energy needs of the digestion of the body only. But if it is consumed in the form of juice then the substance of minerals and nutrients in it will can be absorbed directly by the body. Fruit and vegetables juice therapy should be done continuously to get maximum results. About 40 to 50 days of the day, or a little over 2 months or 3 months. But for you beginners, you can try it out for 2 to 3 days in advance.


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