Monday, September 18, 2017

High Uric Acid Cured With Pineapple Recipes & amp; Radish VS Papaya & amp; Young coconut

This article we will try to parse an explanation of high uric acid cured with prescription pineapple and radishes vs papaya and coconut, please listen. But it's good we first discuss some relevant issues.

Uric acid is a disease that is almost the same as the calcification that occurs in the joints, especially joints toes, fingers, ankles, knees, elbows, and wrists. Pain or pain in the joints caused by uric acid was superb and made a part that was attacked was swollen and inflamed.

Cause Gout

Gout is a disease caused by excessive consumption of purine substances. Purines into uric acid is processed body, the body of all there must be a purine substance, but there are normal and there is also excessive. But if levels of uric acid in our body of excess, kidney consequently will not be able to issue these substances, so that the uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints. As a result, joint pain, swollen and inflamed.

Symptoms of Uric Acid

The onset of pain / pain in the joints, or ache, even looked swollen and inflamed (reddish). Usually the pain will occur in two times that night and in the morning, when you wake up. The pain occurs repeatedly and attack parts of the body such as joints toes, fingers, ankles, knees, elbows and wrists.

Following formula is the most potent prescription for gout, which is usually often pain around the joints. How to cook it easy as well as materials that are easily obtainable. It's just that the conditions should not use tools made of aluminum, because it feared the chemical element contained in the aluminum can be toxic because of herbal / natural soil of aluminum metal. Anything can be used as long as it is not aluminum. As I quoted from

Pineapple Cooking & White Radish

Recipes and do the following:
  •     Pineapple mateng one (1)
  •     White radish approximately 250 grams
  •     Kemiri 3
  •     In the juice all ingredients
  •     In the drink once
  •     Repeated 3 months

Young & Young Coconut Papaya
Natural materials needed include:
  •     1/2 young papaya fruit
  •     Tea powder (brand independent)
  •     1 young coconut fruit (mainly red)
How to create a recipe:

Half the young papaya fruit remove all the seeds, but do not remove the skin. Cut into pieces and put into a container, pour 4 bowls of water (about 800 ml), and cook until boiling. Once boiling, reduce the heat the stove, cook for 3 minutes. Then turn off the stove.

Bubuhi 1 tablespoon of tea leaves (tea powder can, tea whatever). Allow approximately 30 minutes, then strain the water, mix with 1 piece of fresh young coconut water.

Drinking water, spend in a day. Young papaya tea coconut water is not put into the refrigerator, should be spent in a day.

Please save and share so useful to have friends and family who also suffer from gout can take advantage of high uric acid article is cured.


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