Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body

The function of vitamins for the body

There are many types of vitamins that are very good for the body. Various kinds of vitamins and functions for our bodies are of course diverse. Each vitamin has different functions in our body. These vitamins are one of the health factors in the body. Vitamins themselves are very important nutrients for the body. Unfortunately, vitamins are not the same as minerals that are not easily damaged. Vitamins, although important for the body, but including substances that are quickly damaged when confronted with acid.
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body

Each vitamin has its own function in the body. The function also has a different role and certainly useful for the body. What are some of these vitamins? And what are its functions for the body?

The following are some of the various vitamins and their functions for the body
Vitamin A
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body

Vitamin A or commonly also referred to as retinol is a vitamin that has a very much function for the body. Some of the functions of vitamin A include; anti-aging, anti-malaria, increase endurance. Vitamin A is also very useful for pregnant women because it is able to optimize the development of the fetus. Vitamin A itself can be found in fish oil, liver, milk, meat, vegetables, and orange fruits. As a result, if a person lacks intake of vitamin A are cataracts, night blindness, unhealthy skin, and decreased immune system.

Vitamin B1
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body

Common vitamin B1 is also called thiamine. Vitamin B1 is very useful for the body. Some functions of vitamin B1 for the body in between: help the oxidation process in the body the goal is to get energy. Vitamin B1 can be found in bread, meat, large skin, vegetables, and green beans. While the effect if you lack vitamin B1 is your skin becomes dry and scaly.

Vitamin B2
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body

Vitamin B2 is also known as Riboflavin. Vitamin B2 serves to maintain the integrity of the neural network system and accelerate the movement of excitatory rays into the eye nerve. Vitamin B2 can be found in liver, milk, eggs, and yeast. Vitamin B2 deficiency can lead to decreased endurance and cause various diseases, such as chapped lips, canker sores.

Vitamin B3
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body
Vitamin B3 is also known as niacin. Its function for the body is to decompose energy from food as well as fatty acid synthesis. If vitamin B3 deficiency, it will result in easy body lax, insomnia, muscle easily seizures, disturbed digestive system, and easy nausea.

Vitamin B5
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body

Vitamin B5 is also known as pantothenic acid. The function of this vitamin for the body is to help facilitate metabolism in the body. In addition, vitamin B5 can also accelerate carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in the body. If a person is deficient in vitamin B5, it will lead to insomnia, emotional distress, cramps.
Vitamin B5 can be obtained by consuming green vegetable milk, meat, liver, kidney, and green beans.
Vitamin B6
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body
Vitamin B6 has another name that is prazosin. This vitamin has a function of the body, among which can help the process of protein digestion and cellular reception. If a person lacks intake of vitamin B6 can result in muscle cramps, chapped skin, insomnia. This vitamin can be obtained by eating cabbage, potatoes, eggs, and meat.
Vitamin B7
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body

Vitamin B7 is also known as biotin. This vitamin works to facilitate the system of energy metabolism in the body, lose weight, help treat hair and nails and keep blood sugar levels. Vitamin B7 can be obtained by consuming lots of nuts, wheat, eggs, milk, carrots, cheese, and salmon. Lack of intake of Vitamin B7 can lead to Hyperesthesia, Dermatitis, Paresthesia, Anemia, disruption of heart function, and much more.

Vitamin B9
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body
Vitamin B9 is known as folic acid. This vitamin works for the formation of red blood cells, infant development, DNA repair, optimize brain function, tissue formation, and hair growth. Vitamin deficiency one is able to result in disruption of brain function, sprue, diarrhea, spinal growth. This vitamin intake can be obtained by eating sunflower seeds, lettuce, asparagus, nuts, watermelon, cantaloupe, spinach, liver, and egg yolks.

Vitamin B12
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body
Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin. Very useful in helping the formation of red blood cells, cell division, and acid synthesis. A person who is deficient in Vitamin B12 will result in anemia and fatigue. Vitamin B12 itself can be obtained by eating foods such as milk, meat, yeast, eggs, and liver, or fermented foods.

Vitamin C
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body
The next vitamin from various kinds of vitamins and their functions for our body is vitamin C. Vitamin C is also called Asam Ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is very useful for lowering cholesterol, preventing cancer, preventing heart disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and able to keep the immune system to avoid toxic infection. Vitamin C can be obtained by eating fruits of orange and/or tomato shoe, as well as various types of vegetables.

Vitamin D
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body

Vitamin D is also called Calciferol. This vitamin has a function that leads to bones and teeth. The function of vitamin D is to help increase the absorption of calcium and phosphorus for bones and teeth.

Vitamin E
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body

Vitamin E or commonly also referred to as tocopherol has a very important role in the process of reproduction and prevent lung cancer.

Vitamin K
Various Vitamins and Functions for Our Body
Vitamin K or commonly also called Coagulation is a vitamin that has a function as a blood clotting. In addition, vitamin K also serves to prevent miscarriage.

Benefits of Food Sources Rich in Potassium for body health 

Well, that's the assorted vitamins and functions for our bodies. Each vitamin has a different function. Each function has a very important role in the body. That is why vitamin is indispensable for the body.


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