Friday, November 17, 2017

Dangers of Prevention of Urinating

Dangers of Prevention of Urinating

Dangers of Prevention of Urinating

In the midst of busyness, we often resist not to urinate on the grounds of 'responsibility' or holding back because the toilet is dirty. Should not get used to hold urine because it can cause infection.
According to dr. Sudung O.Pardede, Sp.A (K), while holding back urine, the water that should be out will be accommodated in the bladder. In the bladder are muscles that hold water. So when he is filled with water, he will give the sensation of wanting to urinate when it is full."

Dangers of Prevention of Urinating
Once held twice is still normal. However, if continuously detained water is supposed to come out and water from above always enters, then the water contained in the bladder will rise upwards back towards the kidneys. This is dangerous because the urine contains bacteria, "he said in the event of educational media Hydration Healthy Child in Jakarta 8/10/14 ago.

Bacteria that enter the kidneys can cause infection, even kidney failure.

A healthy bladder is able to maintain urinary tract by secreting urine regularly and bacteria-free. Sometimes, if we hold urination for too long when the urine is expelled so little in number, even accompanied by pain and pain. The layman calls the condition with a little biting out and it hurts.

Once held twice is still normal. But, if continuous detention of water that should be out and water from the top Pain can be caused by two things, because of dehydration and also because of urinary tract infections. If anyang-anyangan lost after drinking, then it does not matter. But it could also be caused by bacteria, "he said.Bacteria that cause urinary tract infections are bacteria that come from the rectum or anus that freely move to the urethra. Women are more susceptible to this infection because the anatomical urethra of women is shorter.Therefore women should be extra to maintain the cleanliness of female organs. If not, it will be a fertile ground for germs and bacteria. G always enter, then the water contained in the bladder will rise upwards back towards the kidneys. This is dangerous because the urine contains bacteria, "he said in the event of educational media Hydration Healthy Child in Jakarta 8/10/14 ago.
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Bacteria that enter the kidneys can cause infection, even kidney failure.

Bladder stones cause kidney stones and symptoms A healthy bladder is able to maintain urinary tract by secreting urine regularly and bacteria-free. Sometimes, if we hold urination for too long when the urine is expelled so little in number, even accompanied by pain and pain. The layman calls the condition with a little biting out and it hurts.



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